You couldn't be more right over the target. All the "DD" work that these people have done is incredible. It's even better than the professionals you pay for financial advice for. And there's not motive except for raw data. And to reveal the under handed ways the hedgies manipulate the markets and numbers to bankrupt companies and then they "DON'T" have to pay taxes on that money... You get the point... The curtain is being pulled back and the young investors are finding out that the "Hedgies" are the Libtards that they thought were on their side... The Great Awaking continues...
This is a great post... Should be "Sticky'd" IMO. Name me ONE other President that has a STAR. I'm not including any past Presidents that severed in the military. Maybe President Trump should get 5 Star for Stopping all the wars and bringing our girls and boys home not to be killed for the monetary gain of a few. Yet our President (Trump) allows people to be FREE. People walk all over him... And our President (Trump) keeps fighting. Does Biden, no. What does the LEFT do??? Rollover... Give money to foreign countries that has nothing to do with the FLU... Oh, I mean covid... WAFJ!!! (what a fucking joke) Oh, And we said that if our President Trump had ever cured ANY disease the left would NEVER acknowledge it... Maybe Our President did... There is NO reporting of any FLU cases anymore by the states. I find that very curious... Don't you?
How many hospitals have been closed due to Covid? NONE! Are they closed due to NOT ENOUGH business???? MOST! How much were the hospitals able to charge for "Covid" per day? $13,000.00 And if on a ventilator $39,000.00/day... The point is... It's all about the money paying for their political pay-off and squeezing people to believe what's NOT real. Perhaps... I should invent a "Smelling Salt" type face mask... I wonder if that would work??? Just saying...
Please let me be the first to respond... FUCK YOU!