Pence may have been following orders yesterday. We know this election was a sting operation and I'm guessing the goal was to get these traitors to knowingly sign the fraudulent election certification, checkmate.
As I sit on my back porch smoking weed with my wife, I think to myse "Yep..sounds about right" We are literally in the matrixbtrying to ooen the eyes of the average American but they can only SEE if they choose to SEE
Send some of that weed over to TD. They need some revelations for their own sakes.
Oh, and send some my way. For umm, research purposes. ;)
Mystery Science Theatre 3000 to be exact.
Watch out for snakes!!
I love TD but they’re like spongebobs brain when he forgot his name. People falling for shill attacks and set ups to get them riled up
They were convinced Jan. 6th was the start of a revolution. How did that turn out, btw? Bashing Qtards and Qfags the whole time...
I no longer bother going over there any more.
I suspect the Qtard thing is largely shills. Most normies don't care enough to have a lexicon for Q but shills are obsessive and passionate about it. It never worked, but shills are not very creative. They do it at TD keep the normies from investigating, not so much to insult the Q community.
The weak ones will fall off. Just gotta give it a little time. Happens every couple weeks. Lol
TD had the feeling of a sinking ship with everyone grabbing whomever they could instead of swimming.
Hell yeah man. Yesterday I was dooming for a second but I prayed got my head straight, cracked open a beer, lit a j and relaxed.
Today I feel great. Only been here for a month but I love this site. I have faith. God will win.
My awakening started 10 years ago in high school. It’s been a hell of a journey and I’m strapped in for the last bit of the ride.
If the pedo dam breaks there is no way people can’t wake up. That is what it will take. We are up against the synagogue of Satan. We know the truth we must pray and we must stand tall.
Amen and Awoman! God bless you for saying so. I was spinning for about an hour yesterday, checking this site, and listening to Salty Cracker. Last night someone here posted Phillipians 4: 6-9 and I slept like a baby! God bless .win, or I'd be screwed right now.
Salty was going innnnn lol
Smoking on Ice Cream Cake and Garlic Cookies, myself.
Garlic cookies?! Sounds delicious
Yes indeed. Ohio med. 35% THC and loaded with Myrcine
I am now firmly convinced that the Matrix movies were a description of the Age of Pisces that we are leaving, rather than the Age of Aquarius that we are entering into.
Sure, Aquarius is huge on technology, but not quite so on fantasy (neither Uranus nor Saturn delight in illusions).
Pisces, on the other hand, whether it is the ruler of Jupiter (exaggerations and personal fantasies) or Neptune (dreams and fantasies - rarely ever based in reality), is a much better sign when talking about a virtual reality that is a deception for potentially nefarious purposes.