Idiot, read what I wrote there is no comparison being made.
If you happen to do actual Q research ( which obviously you don't) you would have picked up the term 'Rommel Option' in the Drops
Daughter said "you cant kill him again". She was also extremely mad at trump during the funeral, which was extremely odd if john had indeed died of natural causes... her being mad because he was executed for treason makes way more sense why she had such vitriol and anger towards trump.
Remember at the time her husband had a weird tweet that he deleted after. It was something like 'happy now? They finally did it. Monsters all of you'. Something along those lines and of course it fueled the speculation that he had indeed been offed. He deleted it shortly after.
I never bought the brain tumor. Nobody lasts that long with what he supposedly had, let alone remain mentally functioning. He should have been a drooling vegetable long before he died.
I wish we could do photos here but McCain is a traitor. The no-name thing started with Q. Don't speak their(traitors) names don't give them notoriety. That was my take anyways.
Started the fire on USS Forrestal; treason in Viet Nam and against
POWs; RINO who was the only last minute dissenting vote on Otardcare repeal; colluding/aiding ISIS...
No name Crashed 3 planes, the last incident started the horrific fire on the Forrestal,
sold out his country by meeting with ISIS along with Lindsey Graham (Q posted the photos),
abandoned and divorced his first wife who waited patiently for his return from Vietnam and then she was severely injured in an accident, then divorced here and married Cindy, the daughter of a gangster,
started a foundation which didn't help anyone but could launder money.
He did not deserve a state funeral!
He did not deserve a flag on his coffin!
POTUS called him out to draw attention and cause people to dig.
He did not have a brain tumor.
I can't wait until everyone knows what a traitor he was!
well, both. Q "drops" are nothing more than messages on the chans. We just call them drops.
Are you new? If so, Q's method of communication was 4Chan -> 8Chan -> 8kun. 4Chan was compromised forcing Q's move to 8Chan. Once 8Chan was compromised, Q moved to 8kun. While completely anonymous, there is a method of password-protecting to ensure that when you post, posts are attributed to the same person, called a "tripcode". Q signs his posts using a password known only to Q, which the board software converts cryptographically into a unique, unforgeable character string. When you see a post claiming to be from Q, if it contains the same tripcode, then you know it's him.
This is how we knew Q's posts were actually made by Q and not someone pretending to be him.
Yeah I'm relatively new, only a month or so into Q. I knew about Q posting with the tripcodes but wasn't sure how often that occurred compared to his regular drops. and those other sites are just archived compilations of the original posts. He always uses tripcodes or otherwise we don’t trust it as an official q post. is just an aggregator. He had his own board on 8ch which only contained his posts which were crossposted to the qresearch board and the aggregators pick them up.
Ohh ok. I didn't realize that it was just an aggregator, I thought that was the main source and that his 8kun posts were his origin and something he would still do on occasion. Shows how we can form basic theories in our minds and accept them without questioning...
I think a lot of people think that so don't worry about it. :)
If you hover over the Post No (blue link after the Post ID #) you will see that it leads to the post on the 8kun thread. Occasionally it will only lead to his own board although since the move to 8kun his board barely has any posts on so dunno whether there is a prob with it or he is mainly just posting on the main research board.
There was a post on the board the other day that at first glance looked like Q drop - same tripcode, however it was more or less ignored as I think they can tell when someone does a spoof tripcode.
Normally you don't fill in your name or any details when you post, just leave them blank. Some people try to pretend to be Q by filling in the name with Q's tripcode but it doesn't look the same as the real tripcode (the real one is darker green) so they can tell what is real Q and what pretends to be Q.
Thanks to a post on here I have abandoned which is one of the oldest and most basic.
I used to use before it was taken down after the owner was doxxed, and this looks to be a replica of it
Ahh ok. It's funny, because Q I remember there being an "FBI Anon" that seemed to have inside info on pizzagate. I have no idea if that turned out to be a larp or not because I didn't read everything they posted. Do you recall that at all?
i think FBIAnon was a larp. I wasn't around for that.
People who have dismissed Q as a larp resort to stuttering when asked "If it's a larp, explain the Q proofs." such as predicting McCain's death the the exact time of day, 1 month earlier. Or asking Q to verify his legitimacy by telling him to have the President include a specific phrase in his next tweet, and then the President sending out a tweet 10 minutes later with the exact phrase.
as far as I know, FBIAnon (and I think there was another "anon"...maybe DoDAnon or something) never did anything to validate their legitimacy.
Yeah you're probably right that they were larp's. I just remember them being around and I read like 1 or 2 posts, and then right around that time pizzagate dropped so in my mind at the time I was like "Holy shit, was that legit?" But I didn't follow internet forums too much at the time so I probably just missed that the information was already out on wikileaks or something and the Anons were just parroting.
Both my father and stepfather were buried with military honors. The flags looked like they were just ironed and the white gloves were blindingly white. Not a sloppy move to be found.
Years ago I was going through airport security, I got pulled aside for the random bag check. TSA manager happened to be an ex-marine, and he started laughing when he saw what a mess my bag was. He pretty much re-folded EVERYTHING and repacked my bag for me, in what couldn’t have been more than 10-12 seconds
Thank you. They were very good men, and good fathers. I'm happy to have known them and learn what they had to say. I don't think either of them ever threw anything away. They could fix nearly anything.
Q also said 'every Dog has its day.' No name died the day before National dog day.
Actually, it was 31 days. The month of July has 31 days.
We don't say his name btw ;)
John McStain is what I prefer when talking about him to people who may not know who "no name" is.
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
Given the volume of data generated by world events/MSM, quite a lot actually.
Anyone have any speculations as to what the implications of this are?
No Name was put to death, and Q's people knew when it would happen.
He took the Rommel option
How dare you compare that conniving scum to a brilliant military tactician and patriot.
Rommel doesn’t deserve that.
I see what you did there.......noice mate!
Idiot, read what I wrote there is no comparison being made. If you happen to do actual Q research ( which obviously you don't) you would have picked up the term 'Rommel Option' in the Drops
It's a reminder, because a lot of people don't know
I didn't know.
What about RBG, did you see her proof?
The GENIUS precision of the Wizards & Warnock of the Q Team is my favorite Q proof!
Both his daughter and ex-Governor of Ohio John Kasich said publicly that no-name was put to death.
The daughter said something to that effect too, if I remember correctly
Daughter said "you cant kill him again". She was also extremely mad at trump during the funeral, which was extremely odd if john had indeed died of natural causes... her being mad because he was executed for treason makes way more sense why she had such vitriol and anger towards trump.
Remember at the time her husband had a weird tweet that he deleted after. It was something like 'happy now? They finally did it. Monsters all of you'. Something along those lines and of course it fueled the speculation that he had indeed been offed. He deleted it shortly after.
I never bought the brain tumor. Nobody lasts that long with what he supposedly had, let alone remain mentally functioning. He should have been a drooling vegetable long before he died.
Why is he known as ‘no-name’ around here? Why do you hate McCain so much?
I wish we could do photos here but McCain is a traitor. The no-name thing started with Q. Don't speak their(traitors) names don't give them notoriety. That was my take anyways.
Started the fire on USS Forrestal; treason in Viet Nam and against POWs; RINO who was the only last minute dissenting vote on Otardcare repeal; colluding/aiding ISIS...
No name Crashed 3 planes, the last incident started the horrific fire on the Forrestal, sold out his country by meeting with ISIS along with Lindsey Graham (Q posted the photos), abandoned and divorced his first wife who waited patiently for his return from Vietnam and then she was severely injured in an accident, then divorced here and married Cindy, the daughter of a gangster,
started a foundation which didn't help anyone but could launder money. He did not deserve a state funeral! He did not deserve a flag on his coffin! POTUS called him out to draw attention and cause people to dig. He did not have a brain tumor. I can't wait until everyone knows what a traitor he was!
Time travel. There, someone had to say it
Is this in a specific Q drop or is it something posted on 8kun?
well, both. Q "drops" are nothing more than messages on the chans. We just call them drops.
Are you new? If so, Q's method of communication was 4Chan -> 8Chan -> 8kun. 4Chan was compromised forcing Q's move to 8Chan. Once 8Chan was compromised, Q moved to 8kun. While completely anonymous, there is a method of password-protecting to ensure that when you post, posts are attributed to the same person, called a "tripcode". Q signs his posts using a password known only to Q, which the board software converts cryptographically into a unique, unforgeable character string. When you see a post claiming to be from Q, if it contains the same tripcode, then you know it's him.
This is how we knew Q's posts were actually made by Q and not someone pretending to be him.
Yeah I'm relatively new, only a month or so into Q. I knew about Q posting with the tripcodes but wasn't sure how often that occurred compared to his regular drops. and those other sites are just archived compilations of the original posts. He always uses tripcodes or otherwise we don’t trust it as an official q post. I miss you and your advanced search functions.......!
Try this one,
it looks very similar to is just an aggregator. He had his own board on 8ch which only contained his posts which were crossposted to the qresearch board and the aggregators pick them up.
Ohh ok. I didn't realize that it was just an aggregator, I thought that was the main source and that his 8kun posts were his origin and something he would still do on occasion. Shows how we can form basic theories in our minds and accept them without questioning...
I think a lot of people think that so don't worry about it. :)
If you hover over the Post No (blue link after the Post ID #) you will see that it leads to the post on the 8kun thread. Occasionally it will only lead to his own board although since the move to 8kun his board barely has any posts on so dunno whether there is a prob with it or he is mainly just posting on the main research board.
There was a post on the board the other day that at first glance looked like Q drop - same tripcode, however it was more or less ignored as I think they can tell when someone does a spoof tripcode.
Normally you don't fill in your name or any details when you post, just leave them blank. Some people try to pretend to be Q by filling in the name with Q's tripcode but it doesn't look the same as the real tripcode (the real one is darker green) so they can tell what is real Q and what pretends to be Q.
Thanks to a post on here I have abandoned which is one of the oldest and most basic.
I used to use before it was taken down after the owner was doxxed, and this looks to be a replica of it
Lots of helpful input for noobs in the sidebar and much nicer to navigate.
Every post he made was verified by using a tripcode. is just a site made to make it easy to search Q posts. It's just a repository.
Q only every posted on the chans. They're just posts. We call them drops.
Ahh ok. It's funny, because Q I remember there being an "FBI Anon" that seemed to have inside info on pizzagate. I have no idea if that turned out to be a larp or not because I didn't read everything they posted. Do you recall that at all?
i think FBIAnon was a larp. I wasn't around for that.
People who have dismissed Q as a larp resort to stuttering when asked "If it's a larp, explain the Q proofs." such as predicting McCain's death the the exact time of day, 1 month earlier. Or asking Q to verify his legitimacy by telling him to have the President include a specific phrase in his next tweet, and then the President sending out a tweet 10 minutes later with the exact phrase.
as far as I know, FBIAnon (and I think there was another "anon"...maybe DoDAnon or something) never did anything to validate their legitimacy.
Yeah you're probably right that they were larp's. I just remember them being around and I read like 1 or 2 posts, and then right around that time pizzagate dropped so in my mind at the time I was like "Holy shit, was that legit?" But I didn't follow internet forums too much at the time so I probably just missed that the information was already out on wikileaks or something and the Anons were just parroting.
i'm not saying pizzagate isn't real. i'm not too well versed on it but I've watched Mouthy Buddha's videos and they're pretty damn convincing.
i;m just saying the FBIAnon was a larp
Q only posts on 8kun with tripcode and password. and other sites like it are only aggregators of Q posts.
That was when I was sure of Q being real.
This + the RGB death prediction.... How is this not time-traveling? There is too much precision on the predictions.
Well, executions usually are scheduled.
I find the specificity of time from his office interesting.
Wouldn't the statement be more like "Saturday afternoon this traitorous son of a bitch was finally pulled into hell"?
This is my favorite “go-to” for Q deniers...
They don’t want anyone asking questions.
Same reason no one is ever sued for defamation regarding pedophile claims.
Probably because they executed him and the blood is on their hands? Unless I am misunderstanding
Yup. Sure do.
McCain death + John Kasich and Meghan Mccain comments = proof that we are "watching a movie"
What did Kasich say?
Kasich said on live tv that Mc Cain was "put to death".
Kasich said McCain was put to death
No name's daughter said "They can't kill him twice".
Yep. I screen recorded it.
wrinkled flag = traitor and execution
Perfectly logical if you consider the way soldiers make beds.
Both my father and stepfather were buried with military honors. The flags looked like they were just ironed and the white gloves were blindingly white. Not a sloppy move to be found.
Years ago I was going through airport security, I got pulled aside for the random bag check. TSA manager happened to be an ex-marine, and he started laughing when he saw what a mess my bag was. He pretty much re-folded EVERYTHING and repacked my bag for me, in what couldn’t have been more than 10-12 seconds
God bless him! Sounds a little like my grandfather ?
Thank you. They were very good men, and good fathers. I'm happy to have known them and learn what they had to say. I don't think either of them ever threw anything away. They could fix nearly anything.
Ronald Reagan’s flag looks pretty wrinkled. There are pictures of Nancy hugging and kissing his coffin and there’s a big crease down the middle.
Yes! Same thing with the flag at Poppy's funeral...WRINKLED!
Started fire on USS Forrestal; treason in Viet Nam and against POWs; collusion with ISIS;only last minute dissenting vote on Obamacare repeal...