Trump and others probably had contingency plans no matter which way Pence went at the EC certification. I'd be surprised if Pence is in on anything other than just trying to get through these next 8 days alive. I saw somewhere that he already said he was getting out of politics after this.
Because you have two outcomes, the first being if Pence did not certify the fraud, then we move onto Trump's second term with a cabal controlled house and senate, possibly another impeachment or investigation, legislative deadlock, etc.
The second outcome, Pence certifies the fraud, sealing the treason. Will likely get pardoned. DNI report releases right after. Gotcha. Space Force designated an intelligence agency by DNI Ratcliffe. Segregated intel from other alphabet agencies. Pompeo countdown, resignations = surrender. Blackouts in Pakistan, Iran, next probably Israel. The plan unfolds, Cabal are cornered, arrested, military tribunals, executions. Nothing can stop the storm. Cabal finally erased from history or setback immeasurably. Read up on the mass executions in Saudi Arabia, they cleaned house.
Military openly walking around with "Q" and Punisher Logo. Q is 17th letter, 17 represents "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory" in the bible. What is Punisher known for? One of the only heroes that KILLS the bad guys. Most superheroes are a form of brainwashing to spare baddies, no, you must kill them completely. Old tales like Beowulf, slays enemies. Batman? Spares them, prison. Repeat crimes and evil, cycle continues. Cabal rebuilds. None of that. Batman sucks. Delete them.
There are many of us who are hoping Pence is just playing a deep game with Trump on all this, despite rumors and links shown of questionable stuff and his unwillingness to play the "Pence card". Time will tell.
This is NOT Mike Pence, the Real one was removed for his treason & replaced by this look a like. This Pence is just playing out his part by allowing the Swamp to commit Open Treason. Whether he has Any future role is unknown to us.
There was a @LLinWood post on Parler showing an email chain from 2016 between Pence, Paul Ryan, and a half dozen people mostly web page creators and political advisors. They were discussing setting up so that they could throw their hat in the ring for POTUS and VP in the 2016 race. Only a week later Trump got big numbers in some poll or the early primaries. I didn't study that part. All that mattered is that spooked them so they halted their plans.
The accusation was that the RNC later forced Trump as part of some deal to take Pence on as his VP. If Trump didn't they were going to sabotage his campaign and prevent him from winning the RNC nomination. Something about a rules change. Basically they threatened to do to Trump what HRC did to Bernie as leverage to install Pence. Many believe that Trump's first pick for VP was Flynn.
Cut to months later who is it that accused Flynn of lying to him that resulted in Flynn leaving??? Pence. Most of it seemed to check out. Pence is not a Democrat. He's not even really a RINO. Pence is a power mad lunatic that believes he should be in charge and he has been cooperating with the Democrats to sabotage Trump, but only when it REALLY counts.
The problem is in order to get rid of Trump to clear his path to power or money or whatever he has to give the Democrats power. He has betrayed the people in spirit certainly and maybe even legally. I'm 99% sure the reason he won't sign off on the 25th amendment is he knows that it would in fact be LEGAL treason. Like he could be shot for it.
What he did on the 6th could be excused as simply doing his duty. If he signs off on the 25th amendment to remove Trump falsely it will be a literally coup d'état. He will be proactively participating in it using his official powers.
All this letter means is that Pence was willing to betray We The People by selling us to China through inaction, but he is unwilling to actually pick up a knife and stab Trump in the back. He's just going to stand there and watch everyone else stab Trump. He's closing his eyes and turning his back on everyone including us, THE PEOPLE.
In other words Pence is a spinless coward in it for himself. He saw no upside in riding Trump's coattails and being his second. If not that then Pence was ordered to do what he did for some reason, but until Trump himself explicitly says that Pence did what Trump wanted done ... I consider Pence to be a traitor and so should you.
I still cannot stop thinking back to Trump's comments during his speech on Jan. 6.
I am paraphrasing; "It takes more courage to not do the right thing", which he stated a few times and is a statement that I cannot recall hearing before.
Also, he kept commenting about how if Pence sends the votes back we win. It could not be that easy and he mentioned it at different times during his speech.
My gut tells me that he knew what Pence would do and now combined with this letter I still hold out hope.
Absolutely. Pence had to be in on it with Trump. There is no way this immaculate plan would lie in the hands of one man who Trump could not trust to follow through with the plan.
Very, very interesting words. Nice.
I found the last 2 lines extremely well worded haha pence is definately on our side im sure of it
I think he is too. He had to refuse to send the votes back in order to let the entire movie play out.
How is pence on our side? Just because he wont do the 25th amendment?
The way Trump set him up on the sixth, 'it would be braver to do nothing'
Bravery is a positive trait.
Didn't I read someplace that there was a conspiracy but someone very high up turned songbird.
Trump and others probably had contingency plans no matter which way Pence went at the EC certification. I'd be surprised if Pence is in on anything other than just trying to get through these next 8 days alive. I saw somewhere that he already said he was getting out of politics after this.
Because you have two outcomes, the first being if Pence did not certify the fraud, then we move onto Trump's second term with a cabal controlled house and senate, possibly another impeachment or investigation, legislative deadlock, etc.
The second outcome, Pence certifies the fraud, sealing the treason. Will likely get pardoned. DNI report releases right after. Gotcha. Space Force designated an intelligence agency by DNI Ratcliffe. Segregated intel from other alphabet agencies. Pompeo countdown, resignations = surrender. Blackouts in Pakistan, Iran, next probably Israel. The plan unfolds, Cabal are cornered, arrested, military tribunals, executions. Nothing can stop the storm. Cabal finally erased from history or setback immeasurably. Read up on the mass executions in Saudi Arabia, they cleaned house.
Military openly walking around with "Q" and Punisher Logo. Q is 17th letter, 17 represents "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory" in the bible. What is Punisher known for? One of the only heroes that KILLS the bad guys. Most superheroes are a form of brainwashing to spare baddies, no, you must kill them completely. Old tales like Beowulf, slays enemies. Batman? Spares them, prison. Repeat crimes and evil, cycle continues. Cabal rebuilds. None of that. Batman sucks. Delete them.
"Remember, it had to be this way"
There are many of us who are hoping Pence is just playing a deep game with Trump on all this, despite rumors and links shown of questionable stuff and his unwillingness to play the "Pence card". Time will tell.
If POTUS must remain neutral for optics, then surely VPOTUS must remain neutral as well. You are right, only time will tell.
This is NOT Mike Pence, the Real one was removed for his treason & replaced by this look a like. This Pence is just playing out his part by allowing the Swamp to commit Open Treason. Whether he has Any future role is unknown to us.
I’ll wait to make my final judgement on pence, but right now it ain’t looking too good.
He is neutral. Whether he's in with them or not, whether he's a pedo or not, neutral is something good to be.
He's not neutral in his stance however, his explanation of his reasoning is sound. That's important. He's neutral in his delivery of his stance.
There was a @LLinWood post on Parler showing an email chain from 2016 between Pence, Paul Ryan, and a half dozen people mostly web page creators and political advisors. They were discussing setting up so that they could throw their hat in the ring for POTUS and VP in the 2016 race. Only a week later Trump got big numbers in some poll or the early primaries. I didn't study that part. All that mattered is that spooked them so they halted their plans.
The accusation was that the RNC later forced Trump as part of some deal to take Pence on as his VP. If Trump didn't they were going to sabotage his campaign and prevent him from winning the RNC nomination. Something about a rules change. Basically they threatened to do to Trump what HRC did to Bernie as leverage to install Pence. Many believe that Trump's first pick for VP was Flynn.
Cut to months later who is it that accused Flynn of lying to him that resulted in Flynn leaving??? Pence. Most of it seemed to check out. Pence is not a Democrat. He's not even really a RINO. Pence is a power mad lunatic that believes he should be in charge and he has been cooperating with the Democrats to sabotage Trump, but only when it REALLY counts.
The problem is in order to get rid of Trump to clear his path to power or money or whatever he has to give the Democrats power. He has betrayed the people in spirit certainly and maybe even legally. I'm 99% sure the reason he won't sign off on the 25th amendment is he knows that it would in fact be LEGAL treason. Like he could be shot for it.
What he did on the 6th could be excused as simply doing his duty. If he signs off on the 25th amendment to remove Trump falsely it will be a literally coup d'état. He will be proactively participating in it using his official powers.
All this letter means is that Pence was willing to betray We The People by selling us to China through inaction, but he is unwilling to actually pick up a knife and stab Trump in the back. He's just going to stand there and watch everyone else stab Trump. He's closing his eyes and turning his back on everyone including us, THE PEOPLE.
In other words Pence is a spinless coward in it for himself. He saw no upside in riding Trump's coattails and being his second. If not that then Pence was ordered to do what he did for some reason, but until Trump himself explicitly says that Pence did what Trump wanted done ... I consider Pence to be a traitor and so should you.
And then afterwards it was proven that letter was a fake, it was made in 2017 made to look like it was made in 2016.
Lin wood might be spreading half truths
Hes seeding a narrative .
Is he even spreading anything right now?
Where the fuck is he? On which platform?
Didnt lin wood post that he was doing it to encourage discussion or put pressure where it was needed? Or was that ron?
I think he may have been in it at one time, found the evil, repented, and now is working for the good guys.
prob mad that pence was gonna vote to certify
I still cannot stop thinking back to Trump's comments during his speech on Jan. 6. I am paraphrasing; "It takes more courage to not do the right thing", which he stated a few times and is a statement that I cannot recall hearing before.
Also, he kept commenting about how if Pence sends the votes back we win. It could not be that easy and he mentioned it at different times during his speech.
My gut tells me that he knew what Pence would do and now combined with this letter I still hold out hope.
Absolutely. Pence had to be in on it with Trump. There is no way this immaculate plan would lie in the hands of one man who Trump could not trust to follow through with the plan.
Same I’ve been pondering that one since he said it as well
How so?
To be convicted of a crime you need to commit the crime. Pence ensured that a crime was committed and prosecution can begin.
His flow.
Terms like "Political games". "Usurpation and punishment". Direct. Good, logical, simplistic counter.
It's neutral. It's an interesting mix of chaotic neutral with good hearted basis. It's simplistic.
I like it for some reason.