posted ago by reachingfortherandom ago by reachingfortherandom +40 / -0

Not really sure if I should post this. I can't help but notice something strange about the Q messages. Call me crazy but maybe some others here have picked up on it? I only started looking into the Q movement a few days ago and I was convinced it's not bullshit within the first 30 minutes - it gives me hope.

The way synchronicity is used and all the really strange timed truths seem very improbable (impossible?) for any human to come up with. Even for someone that may be the most autistic of us all. I'm not saying they are not written by a person that has access to the president but how can someone predict the future with accuracy? The longer deltas? They say synchronicity (which include coincidences) is the language of angels and maybe higher powers are at play here. Even if someone had a solid a plan as humanly possible, you can't control or predict time and space (events) with such accuracy. The cryptic way they are written along with the confidence also makes me question my sanity. Maybe I'm starting to lose it. Thoughts?