In the Pizza Gate declassified dump from today there is this...
Under Comet Ping Pong Pong thread#7: Follow the white rabbit
Isn’t that a Q’ism? Does it have some relevance? I’m new to all of this but I noticed that and thought I’d ask.
In the Pizza Gate declassified dump from today there is this...
Under Comet Ping Pong Pong thread#7: Follow the white rabbit
Isn’t that a Q’ism? Does it have some relevance? I’m new to all of this but I noticed that and thought I’d ask.
Follow the white rabbit is from Alice in Wonderland and changed in the Red Pill speech in the Matrix as go down the rabbit hole which is what you are about to do if you get interested in pizzagate. It's fucking disgusting and real
I was searching a wikileaks email that was used in a fall cabal video related to pgate:
But it looks this email does not exist.
Makes me wonder what more infos to pgate was just fabricated? Fall cabal videos are just bad? Is there a more serious approach to pgate?
Don’t want to bog down this site by creating a whole new thread but I was wondering if some of you guys could just help me come to grips with something (my questions following the All Caps below)
I’ve known the CIA is corrupt for years, and that they are massive control freaks (to say the least). And the FBI — don’t even get me started.
Since 2017, I’ve come to the conclusion Trump was at war with these agencies much like JFK was. The deep state.
For a long time I’ve believed Neocons and warmongers are dragging this world down. BUT WHAT IVE BEEN HAVING SO MUCH TROUBLE GETTING MY HEAD AROUND WITH Q:
The pedophilia, the cannibalism, the satanism.
I’m really starting to believe that this Q stuff is the real deal but:
When I first heard people talking about pedophiles and the Cabal. I thought maybe Q people just meant like casting couch type stuff, or like dirty politician not checking a teenage girls ID at a bar that he goes to bed with. Those things are still messed up, but I learned these past few years this movement means the full on abuse, rape and torture of children, often very young. Eating children. Locking women in cages for years. I can’t even believe what I’m reading sometimes.
Sorry to ramble. Main point: why do so many in Politics have these predilections? Is it all some sort of initiation? Why would they put themselves in these compromising situations? I’m sorry if this sounds trite. I’ve never been able to get my head around this whole element of it. Beyond me.
Evidence suggests that it is this way because there is a group of people who worship Lucifer (the illuminati) that have been corrupting and controlling our world for centuries (or longer).
Its a little rough to wrap your head around the idea that this world has been subject to THE original Satanists for some (or all) of human history, but there it is.
To understand the apparent scope, there are very few (or no) institutions (governments, corporations, technologies, media, schools, etc., etc., etc.) that have been around a while that are untouched by them to varying degrees.
I’m new to all of this too but I’d recommend you watch The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebard. I couldn’t reconcile the benefit of destroying your planet if you had to live in it too but the history really explained a LOT for me (with regard to the occult and child sacrifice especially).
This documentary will give you a fair idea. It goes much deeper however.
I don't think it's necessarily that "Politicians have these predilection."
I believe that the Cabal helped to elect these sorts of people as a "you scratch my back, I scratch yours," kind of thing.
Another reason we might be saying "Bye @Jack"?
From: Fred Burton [] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:39 PM To: 'Don Kuykendall' Cc: 'Aaric Eisenstein'; 'Darryl O'Connor'; 'Copeland Susan' Subject: RE: Get ready for "Chicago Hot Dog Friday" I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?
they were fucking kids in the WH~!
White rabbit = Adrenochrome iirc
I looked up adrenochrome and it does look like a rabbit! It also goes on to use “dis”order over and over...what is wrong with the “experts”? There is NO such thing as normal, only average! I don’t want to be average I know that! The experts can keep their damn normal. Jeez
Almost all the evil in this world can be traced to crimes against children. Everything else flows from there.
If you want to watch something good, search for a video called "Feathered Cocaine", and then after that lookup "Obama, Seal Team 6, Extortion 17, Anna Khait".
I will! Thanks!
I finally made the words...
Whoa what?? There was a pizza gate dump??
From the declassified dump today. I don’t know what any of it means exactly but it looks like evidence!
Yes hurting the children is what all the dems and rinos do and all the hollywood and singers do and many world leaders. They are everywhere. Hillary was a customer of Pizza gate as was bill and huma and hanks and many many of them where they raped and tortured children to death that is what pizza gate and ping pong is about.
I just found Janet Ossebard (sp?) and what I saw makes me want to hurl. Those poor children, every single one, deserve justice.
Fema = can trail without indictment, they only need evidence
Thank! God! For Q! He’s like the tech-Superman for karma!
The molecular structure of adrenochrome looks like a rabbit. It also looks like it has a red pill in one paw and a blue in the other.
No fuckin' way
In a common O-chem representation of molecules where Oxygen is colored red, Nitrogen is colored blue, Hydrogen is implicit and Carbon is shown by its bonds in 2-D only, this is kinda true.
I will admit its a little spooky, but there are many other common ways of showing molecules where this is not true..
Bye @Jack, DORSEY connected to Clintons and Haiti. Madelaine McCANN - PODESTA brothers stayed at same complex in Portugal night she disappeared. POPE involved in raping and killing children. All roads lead to Alefantis, Clintons, Epstein, and Podestas.
Whats the source for dump?
@kagbabe linktree (I’m seriously not tech-savvy. Is that enough info?)
Got it. Thanks!