Look at the fencing and fortification around the Capitol Building, including the razor wire.
It does not look like it is to keep people from getting in, although it would certainly be effective in that role. It looks like it is a detention center.
Imagine trying to prosecute several hundred criminals. If you do it one by one, it would take decades. Logical thinking.
All the criminals will be rounded up and detained in the detention center. They will all be seated in the House of Representatives (the "People's House"), which is the scene of many of their crimes.
They will all be prosecuted by military tribunal at the same time, broadcast around the world, live from the People's House.
Evidence will be presented. Witnesses will be called. Any defendants who want to testify will be allowed to do so, and they can present any evidence or witnesses they would like.
It will be an education on American government that the whole world will see, and that the American people must. It will be an education on things that were kept secret from the people of the world for so many years.
The Great Awakening.
Just like the Nuremberg trials
Im on a Trump Train 100%, have no doubt hes gonna still be president somehow, but i dont see this happening tho, dun think it will be public trials.
It HAS to be public so the people can understand what has been happening.
I want to see that awful junior witch, AOC, charged with the rest of the squad for terrorism, treason, sedition.
That beast has gone too far.
Everyone that participated and organized those blm riots needs to be charged with treason. Donkey bitch AOC was definitely one of them
I’d take a couple days off to watch if they did tho ;)
Couple days??? I want a line up so know which days to watch.
If it's everyone at once, then I'll dvr it and watch the .win for the highlight
We absolutely deserve and need transparency - no more fucking secrets!
I like it. After the power outage, all the major networks only air the "cspan" feed all day?
razor wire
Is the razor wire on the Capitol side or on the civilian side? https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/usa/california-prison-percent-court-596/officer-yard-prison-corrections.si.jpg
That looks like it's on the prison yard side to me. In other words, is the razor wire for us or them?
Deeply desire your analysis to be exactly what's coming!
This makes perfect sense. I was wondering why so many troops but now I see. Epic!
I hope this is how it happens. It really does look like a prison at the capitol right now!
With beheadings on the front lawn?
Don't be stupid. Rule of law only.
so, firing squads.
The President said the death penalty has been approved.
I wonder if those inside those DC barriers feel "the walls closing in." lololol
If they were actually inside, it would be funny if the military moved the fences a little closer in each night.
Sticky please mods.
Hell take it down. Institute a new system. Oversee a new vote. And. Abstain from running again. Only way to avoid the dictator and tyrant label. No less than what Washington did for this country, #RushmoreBaby #GOAT
Here's a hint on whether it's a detention center or to keep people out:
Which way is the concertina wire facing? Is it on the INSIDE, or the OUTSIDE?
Inside, like at a prison, or outside, like around a police stations motor pool?
I heard today that Sidney Powell it the only person in America who can prosecute Treason charges. Interesting. Also, wouldn't it be nice to see the trials take place in the halls of Congress? The Speaker of the House chair becomes the bench which the Military Tribunal Judges sit. The JAG officers leading in the Congressmen and Senators to have their trials and Sidney there also laying out the case for each defendant. It would be great television and folks would be glued to the screens. Plus, if they are found guilty just walk them down to the Washington Monument and hang them off the top. Great optics.
Fake news.
Any lawyer in America can be chosen as prosecutor in military tribunals.
The poster of the video has been terminated by YouTube.
Incidentally, the last four characters of the URL are "Phuk." Wow.
Video terminated. Another link?
While I would like to see this, I don't think all will be executed, only the really big fish.
After their tribunals they will be escorted to a helicopter and whisked away to sunny Gitmo for an all inclusive stay at the "spa" . . . indefintely.
I would love to see it.
BUT why did they expand GITMO? Why are there prison ships reportedly anchored off the coast?
I almost want to say fuck 'em. They've done nothing but laugh at me when I tell them Hillary eats babies and Michelle is really a man. Yeah, I go at them hard. I'll end up not with an I-told-you-so attitude, more like a HA-HA! and I'll do a prospector dance as well.
I know about Big Mike, but I thought Hillary eating babies was a meme. Elaborate? I'm not shocked in the least, but curious.
I say eating babies as a way to get my foot in the door, but I don't think the reality is far from it. There is allegedly a video called frazzledrip that a few people have seen (most of those who have seen it are dead) and described Hillary and Huma dancing around in the woods like witches. There's a little girl tied to a tree. They cut her face off and put it over their own faces and dance around the tree where the girl is tied up.
Got it. I heard about that a couple weeks ago. Sounds fucked if real. Wouldn't surprise me. Fuck that woman.
There's also a photo, which I've seen, showing Hillary in regular clothes getting a transfusion from a boy. It doesn't look like a clinical setting either.
Here's an article about what she was probably doing:
Fuck, I've heard about that shit. Like how John Podesta tortures kids in the Pizzagate basement to get that chemical their brains produce.
It's not about being a better person but if we can convince a bunch of folks to see our ways and change them from their Liberal and Democrat views into ours, it will benefit not just us but the whole country in general. That will help rebuild this country and makes us even stronger than ever before. Believe me, I want to tell them off as much as you do, but if I were to choose to gloat or to convince others, I'll take the second option instead. It feels good for a short time to gloat but helping others last a long time.
You're right, I just have fantasies of being a prospector striking it rich.
I constantly find myself wanting to shake the ever lovin' crap out of some folks when they STILL can't even admit there was election fraud, let alone the rest of it. But that just puts me in a state of being really pissed off. Which stresses me out and isn't good for my health.
Yes, I will have a wild celebratory party with my friends when this movie fades to black at last. And I will likely laugh and hug every stranger I see wearing MAGA gear for the next YEAR.
But this is an opportunity for us to show those who have been deceived and manipulated into lives of pettiness, immorality and hateful spite what true unity and tolerance really look like. (Keep in mind that those who were actually perpetrating EVIL will be dealth with. We will be left to deal with those who were simply too blind or ignorant to see the truth.) If we can rise above resentment and pettiness to forgive those who attacked us out of ignorance and fear, that is so much more powerful, and makes us righteous and just, without having to ACT all righteous about it.
Those who committed evil and/or actual crimes will be dealt with. NO MERCY for pedos or traitors. That's what matters.
After that, it's more about how we want to spend our time and energy. Wallowing in spite? Or reveling in joy and excitement and looking forward to all the exciting things we shall soon discover -- new technologies, etc.?
I don't want to waste another minute being angry. I'd rather go check out the what the Guardians will be flying!!
You're right. I'm still doing my prospector dance in the privacy of my bedroom.
Oh, me too!! I will celebrate BIGLY with my two friends who are on same page as me. And I just reconnected with a long lost cousin in HI and he is on same page too. Yeehaw!
Some of the younger ones in better health could climb it. Schiff and Schumer might be able to. I'm certain AOC could, but I don't know how deep she is in the DS.
She's been aiding and abetting terrorists.
That beast must go.