They either show up to go through with it and never come out, or they declare their guilt by staying away and facing arrest elsewhere. The guilty know themselves to be guilty.
what if, those underground tunnels coming out of the capitol and going all around DC, are completely contaminated with some alien species.
They locked the bird cage, got 20 000 troops surrounding it. And they are soon going to start smoking up the tunnels, forcing the creatures to come out on the surface, that when the planet will see this being livestreamed, it will be revealed that an alien race was living underground, and it was in control of the planet and the USA.
They don't know what it's for. They are instructed to do a job, they do it. Questioning it won't change it. The imbeciles that this is intended for are far too stupid to have put it all together.
I've laid out a LOT of concertina wire when I was a Joe. I have never seen wire laid on the "inside" of fence like that... never seen it like that in any SOP either... I have no clue about the bolts though but the wire layout is definitely strange
Well if you don't know that they do, perhaps go and become familiar with the US constitution and the duty of the military to the POTUS. If you think they are going to leak for clout, you have no idea who you're dealing with... these aren't your buddies at college or whatever.
I understand. But you are still talking about humans.. and very young stupid ones, in some cases, unless they don't all know the real reason. maybe just higher commanding officers
Constantino wire is typically installed neutrally or middle of fence line. Pictures I have seen also show this. So its not directed towards the "inside" either way structurally it has no impact. Deterrence factor is the same regardless of positioning which is the purpose of the wire.
Looks like its installed on the inside there. Oddly I am having a hard time finding any decent pics of the fence with wire installed and have been looking. Saw a fb video showing they installed on outside as well. Without seeing it in person cant say one way or the other. My point was its a interesting observation, fence is to keep individuals "in" but for me it looks like temporary fencing and standard security. But I also think its possibly being used as a "prison" lol
They either show up to go through with it and never come out, or they declare their guilt by staying away and facing arrest elsewhere. The guilty know themselves to be guilty.
Yep pretty telling when you go all out to cheat the election and then have to be dragged to the inauguration ceremony.
what if, those underground tunnels coming out of the capitol and going all around DC, are completely contaminated with some alien species.
They locked the bird cage, got 20 000 troops surrounding it. And they are soon going to start smoking up the tunnels, forcing the creatures to come out on the surface, that when the planet will see this being livestreamed, it will be revealed that an alien race was living underground, and it was in control of the planet and the USA.
No, I'll be right there beside you fren.
With all due respect, you are fools. Worse, you are guilty of spreading information without verifying it.
OP has posted a cropped photo meant to trick you into believing something that isn't true.
Here is the uncropped photo. The bolts are clearly on the INSIDE of the perimeter.
This is also not the Capitol building in the background.. It is the Longworth House. The perimeter is around the Capitol, not the Longworth House.
If you guys are falling for this and not doing your due diligence, what else are you falling for?
Do better, don't be sheep. Verify.
[EDIT] This photo is circulating everywhere. Feel free to just use my post as a copypasta to stop this bullshit from spreading.
Good eye. I was also wondering what side the razor wire was being put on
On the inside. There's a post somewhere with pictures here.
Okay thats.. Weird. Bolts outside, wire inside.....
But wouldnt the teams of guys and gals outting these up be asking why like so
They don't know what it's for. They are instructed to do a job, they do it. Questioning it won't change it. The imbeciles that this is intended for are far too stupid to have put it all together.
I've laid out a LOT of concertina wire when I was a Joe. I have never seen wire laid on the "inside" of fence like that... never seen it like that in any SOP either... I have no clue about the bolts though but the wire layout is definitely strange
Why would they? They're National Guard. They listen to POTUS only. They KNOW why.
Idk that they do. Or that the 18-20 year olds could keep from leaking things on their snapchats and all other media for the clout
Well if you don't know that they do, perhaps go and become familiar with the US constitution and the duty of the military to the POTUS. If you think they are going to leak for clout, you have no idea who you're dealing with... these aren't your buddies at college or whatever.
I understand. But you are still talking about humans.. and very young stupid ones, in some cases, unless they don't all know the real reason. maybe just higher commanding officers
Perhaps so... either way, nothing can stop what's coming, even some young bucks chasing clout.
Razor is on outside, but that could change
It’s hard to tell. I saw one picture where it looks like the wire is on the inside but several where it looks like the wire is on the outside.
"Walls Work." President Donald J. Trump.
h/t u/BDSMarxist:
With all due respect, you are fools. Worse, you are guilty of spreading information without verifying it.
OP has posted a cropped photo meant to trick you into believing something that isn't true.
Here is the uncropped photo. The bolts are clearly on the INSIDE of the perimeter:
This is also not the Capitol building in the background.. It is the Longworth House. The perimeter is around the Capitol, not the Longworth House:,-77.0078754,3a,90y,250.12h,98.34t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sw8o_gxgIFkRdyO_vCKgjIQ!2e0!5s20180801T000000!7i13312!8i6656
If you guys are falling for this and not doing your due diligence, what else are you falling for?
Do better, don't be sheep. Verify.
"THIS DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING" - my doomer relatives. A bunch of energy sucking whiners.
"YOU NEED TO LOOK AT REAL FACTS" (proceeds to rely on Hannity as a trustworthy source)
Honestly looks like the photo is facing the longworth house office building ngl....
It is. See my reply below.
structurally the bolted brackets on the outside provide better strength if forced is applied from the side they are installed.
It is pretty hard to sit there and undo bolts while being maced and pepper sprayed and CS gassed.
Does it also help when the razor wire is on the inside? Because it is...
Constantino wire is typically installed neutrally or middle of fence line. Pictures I have seen also show this. So its not directed towards the "inside" either way structurally it has no impact. Deterrence factor is the same regardless of positioning which is the purpose of the wire.
What's this then?
Looks like its installed on the inside there. Oddly I am having a hard time finding any decent pics of the fence with wire installed and have been looking. Saw a fb video showing they installed on outside as well. Without seeing it in person cant say one way or the other. My point was its a interesting observation, fence is to keep individuals "in" but for me it looks like temporary fencing and standard security. But I also think its possibly being used as a "prison" lol
It's definitely not a standard installation, surely... I honestly think it's done this way on purpose, to force the dems to do one of a few things:
They're now between a rock and a hard place?
Literally! I understand that's the name of the fence company!
That would explain the need for the comms blackout too. And all the prison guards.
Only a good builder knows these little details... Need to check the "Spec" ops...
Now who do you think they might want to corral in there ? Probably not the Patriots.....
I thought I seen a post earlier that showed pictures of barbed wire on the OUTSIDE.....