I've been kinda half bummed thinking that the PLAN might include Trump temporarily bowing out because Q very heavily emphasized that POTUS must appear to be neutral and I cannot think how he can be president and look neutral as we destroy the Cabal, the Deep State, and every last one of its minions. Anyways, I still hope that ain't part of the plan cuz I'd hate it even for a minute. Having said that, I like how tidy this Plan is looking....not a detail missed!
I would miss Trump too but think of it this way when the Military is cleaning up the cabal, Trump can have some time with his family and get some rest, he has been fighting like a lion for 4 years, but he will be back and he will be seen as one of the greatest president we have ever had.
Yes. Right now it's because we're trying to stop idiots from hurting themselves and others during this process. DEFINITELY a double standard. Hell, Hillary could have another world leader brutally sodomized and murdered and laugh about it on camera - and no one paid attention.
I don't think she has much power anymore either, though I'm sure she could drum up a local hit or two. But yeah, her BIG protectors dumped her ages ago. The only question now is will she develop "a disease" along with her asshat erstwhile rapist pedo husband? Or will she actually allow herself to be tried and hanged in public? I'm thinking....disease.
Agreed. Q already mentioned something about watching for a decline in both of their health.
Post 2725
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 46cb93 No.5182398
Feb 14 2019 23:46:33 (EST)
Chatter - Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate.
I think that this time between the election and now, Trump and his team had to show in no uncertain terms that this whole election thing wasn't going to resolve itself by conventional means, Until that was done, I'll suspect that the military wasn't completely on board with IA and getting involved. But once the scytl server got into 'good guys' hands (that tells me that Trump and Sidney/Rudy/jenna already knew how this would impact the military's view) the fate was sealed. All of this stuff past the Scytl server part ( the Georgia mess, the Texas court case, AZ, Nv, etc.) was icing on the cake. With the fraud so evident and obvious, and Trump not even getting his day in court, something had to be done.
Keep in mind that those obnoxious coastal liberals (I WISH it were just millennials) are going to be redpilled by force now. Remember that meme about how if you refuse the redpill it will then be adminstered as a suppository? XD
The Democrat party will cease to be, those who are currently left wing lunatics will become likeminded with US, and this division will cease to be. We will have unity in this country.
They are under a spell. Media mind control. I remind myself of this. They are NOT in their right minds and their heads are filled with deception. But that's about to end. THANK GOD.
Seriously? Its a CHOICE. Of a weak mind, unable to properly process FACTS and incapable of discerning right from wrong. But its still a choice. Same as being gay, or trans, or whatever else shape shifting form it is they WANT to be. CHOICE. WANT.
You can brainwash them to a red pill, but its just a temporary condition until someone reverses that AGAIN. And some cannot be brought back, AT ALL. I know a number of those who left Soviet Union and are still brain washed today, decades later, railing against conservatives and Trump now, having FREEDOM in front of their faces for all this time and still refusing to see it and learn from it. Not many, but still.
Yes, it was US soil but it was somehow decided that it would be best if it were not under any state control....so it passed completely out of our hand in a way....and into the hands of the Cabal at some point.
I would be fine with relocating it all. Enough with the occult symbols. We have all had ENOUGH.
Knock it down and make a huge solid steel statue of Trump with a Gold titanium nitride coating in the Guise of the one of Superman in Justice league :)
There are videos on YT on the subject....fascinating! I mean AWFUL, but it's incredible how we never knew this was going on!
Okay - an observation: the black community is straight onto all this "corporation" and city state stuff. That's where you'll find some of the best experts on these subjects.
I hope he took the desk
When John F. Kennedy took office in 1961, he brought the Resolute desk, which had been used elsewhere in the White House since it was gifted in 1880
Imagine the meltdown of MSM if the Army Corp of Engineers completely dismantled the White House and leave the site as a big hole overnight....crate it all up and move it elsewhere...
However, its liabilities outweigh its assets. IE: they don't have enough to cover all the fake money they are printing. In other words, we own the FED for the first time, instead of it owning us.
Even making the central banking system look REALLY bad and ineffective would help our side. If we kick them all to the curb....other nations will see use prosper and go our way.
The Fed isn't bankrupt, it can't be bankrupt. However, its liabilities for the first time outweigh it's assets. They don't have enough assets to cover all the money they printed due to covid stimulus.
The Rothschild banking dynasty are co-owners of the fed. They probably got wind that it was NWO was not taking over with Biden. That means the government (Trump) could take their dynasty because they are printing paper money, and he would spend the rest of his life in jail.
Then he committed suicide, or went into hiding.
I don't buy that body double stuff but who knows? Its been a kooky couple of months.
Trump took control of the Fed in the early days of the Rona.
It was funny...even financial pundits and the NON-Cabal super-wealthy crowd missed it - mainly because they believed the WSJ saying that it was just some sort of logical thing related to the Rona, which they had already come to fear with every ounce of their being. I can't believe it was so easy. Geeze, Trump just waltzed in and TOOK it. 0_0
It's starting to sound like Mar-a-Lago could become the new capital of the Republic of the United States of America. I'm actually okay with that. Biden would then be the president of Washington DC. He would inherit all of the liabilities and failures of the previous corporate United States. Sounds about right. Let them have fun with that.
I'm not cool with that. DC is the capital. Clean it out good. Power wash that swamp smell out with a high end rug steamer if you have to. But its still our capital.
Oh I'm sure we'll take it back militarily. But perhaps the American people have to realize that that precious square of land has been controlled by foreigners for some time. It hasn't been properly our capital. We would have to reconquer it both kinetically and legally, take out the trash, and then move our capital back into this sacred place. That's what I was thinking.
You know, if this president can move the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, why can't he move the capital of America from a corrupt DC to someplace more appropriate for a time? If there's one thing that's true, it's that DC just showed the people that they do not care to represent us. It's devolved to a raw grab of totalitarian power, a cancer that needs a surgical removal.
OMG, tomorrow really is Ben Franklin's birthday - 310! What is weirder is that under the old style calendar in use during colonial times, it was January 6th.
It's only a tradition because we've always done it. Not because it's the best thing. We could move it, start over, and once everyone realized the dark deeds committed in DC? They might WANT to stop using it as the pinnacle of political power in our nation.
When you think on it, our nation IS red state. A red state could host.
We've had several American capitals. They include Philadelphia, Washington DC, and Confederate capitals at Montgomery, Alabama; Richmond, Virginia; and Danville, Virginia.
I can't even imagine the Trump family would touch that stuff to scratch it, let alone pack it up and try and take it all.
Seriously - no joke, their HOTELS are nicer. No...something else is going on. Got any links? If so: wanna start a thread? We should all start paying attention to this!
You don't think that moving busts out of the WH in plain view was some psy op move to draw more into the trap? First, I would think that a moving operation would have more direct access to the WH (back completely up to a door), and second, if Trumps were moving, wouldn't they be moving their own personal stuff out instead of OO stuff? Lastly, who moves a valuable bust without crating it first?
Alternate thought - Trump wanted the Lincoln bust to be in his address to the nation explaining what happened with the corp to Republic situation to bolster his explanation. He might be taping the announcement in a bunker somewhere. Still wouldn't think the bust would be moved without crating it firsts.
This is actually how I've been describing to people for the last 5 years why the elites are so powerful. They literally own you. When you get a bitch certificate, you are now property of USA Inc. They make everything reliant on that. Want to drive a car without SS number or birth certificate? Nope. Want a credit card (only because you're forced to if you want to own anything)? Nope.
They own you and control what you can and can't do based on their ownership of you. Illusion of freedom. Without the banks, you are not controlled.
I've been kinda half bummed thinking that the PLAN might include Trump temporarily bowing out because Q very heavily emphasized that POTUS must appear to be neutral and I cannot think how he can be president and look neutral as we destroy the Cabal, the Deep State, and every last one of its minions. Anyways, I still hope that ain't part of the plan cuz I'd hate it even for a minute. Having said that, I like how tidy this Plan is looking....not a detail missed!
I would miss Trump too but think of it this way when the Military is cleaning up the cabal, Trump can have some time with his family and get some rest, he has been fighting like a lion for 4 years, but he will be back and he will be seen as one of the greatest president we have ever had.
Yes. Right now it's because we're trying to stop idiots from hurting themselves and others during this process. DEFINITELY a double standard. Hell, Hillary could have another world leader brutally sodomized and murdered and laugh about it on camera - and no one paid attention.
I don't think that she has that type of power any longer. Her strings were cut a while back.
I don't think she has much power anymore either, though I'm sure she could drum up a local hit or two. But yeah, her BIG protectors dumped her ages ago. The only question now is will she develop "a disease" along with her asshat erstwhile rapist pedo husband? Or will she actually allow herself to be tried and hanged in public? I'm thinking....disease.
Agreed. Q already mentioned something about watching for a decline in both of their health.
I think that this time between the election and now, Trump and his team had to show in no uncertain terms that this whole election thing wasn't going to resolve itself by conventional means, Until that was done, I'll suspect that the military wasn't completely on board with IA and getting involved. But once the scytl server got into 'good guys' hands (that tells me that Trump and Sidney/Rudy/jenna already knew how this would impact the military's view) the fate was sealed. All of this stuff past the Scytl server part ( the Georgia mess, the Texas court case, AZ, Nv, etc.) was icing on the cake. With the fraud so evident and obvious, and Trump not even getting his day in court, something had to be done.
Is this what Trump or Q suggested? We need to have information & help heal this nation after this happens.
Many have been decieved & we need to help with the reversal of the brainwashing.
Keep in mind that those obnoxious coastal liberals (I WISH it were just millennials) are going to be redpilled by force now. Remember that meme about how if you refuse the redpill it will then be adminstered as a suppository? XD
The Democrat party will cease to be, those who are currently left wing lunatics will become likeminded with US, and this division will cease to be. We will have unity in this country.
They are under a spell. Media mind control. I remind myself of this. They are NOT in their right minds and their heads are filled with deception. But that's about to end. THANK GOD.
Agreed. I don't want our fellow Americans to die. I want them to WAKE UP.
Seriously? Its a CHOICE. Of a weak mind, unable to properly process FACTS and incapable of discerning right from wrong. But its still a choice. Same as being gay, or trans, or whatever else shape shifting form it is they WANT to be. CHOICE. WANT.
You can brainwash them to a red pill, but its just a temporary condition until someone reverses that AGAIN. And some cannot be brought back, AT ALL. I know a number of those who left Soviet Union and are still brain washed today, decades later, railing against conservatives and Trump now, having FREEDOM in front of their faces for all this time and still refusing to see it and learn from it. Not many, but still.
You can't fix stupid, take it to the bank.
Yeah...the dominos are lining up like that.
It's one of the three sovereign city states - London, the Vatican, DC.
I'm confused by:
Does this mean it did sit on US soil until only very recently?
Something changed?
Have a link? Interested in reading more
Thanks fam :D
bodypopcorn is ready!Yes, it was US soil but it was somehow decided that it would be best if it were not under any state control....so it passed completely out of our hand in a way....and into the hands of the Cabal at some point.
I would be fine with relocating it all. Enough with the occult symbols. We have all had ENOUGH.
Wow, I had no idea, thanks man.
We've literally surrounded a hybrid foreign/domestic enemy now.
Very cool!
Well put - we really have, huh? :D
How you gonna move the Wash Monument? Lots of bubble wrap and a big crane?
Nah, it's just a big stupid phallic occult object. Destroy it.
Knock it down and make a huge solid steel statue of Trump with a Gold titanium nitride coating in the Guise of the one of Superman in Justice league :)
Agreed. Tired of looking at Nimrod's dong. They're everywhere!
There are videos on YT on the subject....fascinating! I mean AWFUL, but it's incredible how we never knew this was going on!
Okay - an observation: the black community is straight onto all this "corporation" and city state stuff. That's where you'll find some of the best experts on these subjects.
Interesting! Thank you
Wait, how and when did this happen? Thru the executive orders or the national emergencies?
London, really?
Monaco. Singapore. Vatican. Need to check on D.C.
look up "city of london vs london"
I hope he took the desk When John F. Kennedy took office in 1961, he brought the Resolute desk, which had been used elsewhere in the White House since it was gifted in 1880
Right? Until that soil is OURS, they should have nothing, and everything on it of value SHOULD be removed.
Especially the SMITHSONIAN.
?God! Thank You! Father, Thank You! Thank You!
Any links to removing stuff from the wh?
I haven't heard a thing about that until this little thing was posted on Twatter
There’s a picture of the bust of Abe Lincoln being removed.
I saw this
Yeah. 4chan shills were saying these boxes were for moving the President out of the white house.
As if he'd want any of that tacky crap XD
His HOTELS are stocked with better quality furnishings, nevermind his own homes!
When did Pelosi refer to the capital as a temple?
Yesterday in her press conference.
Tha k you. I will need to look up that press conference on the 14 or 15 (depends on what your time zone is).
Imagine the meltdown of MSM if the Army Corp of Engineers completely dismantled the White House and leave the site as a big hole overnight....crate it all up and move it elsewhere...
This mak s as much sense as any other theory, and more than most.
Well it ain't mine, but I sure liked it
We bankrupted the federal reserve last year?
Well, POTUS took charge of it via the Treasury during the FakeDemic.
Who knows what havoc our guys have wreaked on it since then? We really DO want to destroy both it AND the central banking system, so....mebbe!
It can't go "Bankrupt" persay.
However, its liabilities outweigh its assets. IE: they don't have enough to cover all the fake money they are printing. In other words, we own the FED for the first time, instead of it owning us.
Even making the central banking system look REALLY bad and ineffective would help our side. If we kick them all to the curb....other nations will see use prosper and go our way.
I can confirm, if the Fed doesn't end, you may cut the head off the dragon, but it will simply grow anew.
Please God let this be true.
The Fed isn't bankrupt, it can't be bankrupt. However, its liabilities for the first time outweigh it's assets. They don't have enough assets to cover all the money they printed due to covid stimulus.
The Rothschild banking dynasty are co-owners of the fed. They probably got wind that it was NWO was not taking over with Biden. That means the government (Trump) could take their dynasty because they are printing paper money, and he would spend the rest of his life in jail.
Then he committed suicide, or went into hiding.
I don't buy that body double stuff but who knows? Its been a kooky couple of months.
Trump took control of the Fed in the early days of the Rona.
It was funny...even financial pundits and the NON-Cabal super-wealthy crowd missed it - mainly because they believed the WSJ saying that it was just some sort of logical thing related to the Rona, which they had already come to fear with every ounce of their being. I can't believe it was so easy. Geeze, Trump just waltzed in and TOOK it. 0_0
STOP! I can only get so hard!!!
It's starting to sound like Mar-a-Lago could become the new capital of the Republic of the United States of America. I'm actually okay with that. Biden would then be the president of Washington DC. He would inherit all of the liabilities and failures of the previous corporate United States. Sounds about right. Let them have fun with that.
I'm not cool with that. DC is the capital. Clean it out good. Power wash that swamp smell out with a high end rug steamer if you have to. But its still our capital.
Oh I'm sure we'll take it back militarily. But perhaps the American people have to realize that that precious square of land has been controlled by foreigners for some time. It hasn't been properly our capital. We would have to reconquer it both kinetically and legally, take out the trash, and then move our capital back into this sacred place. That's what I was thinking.
You know, if this president can move the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, why can't he move the capital of America from a corrupt DC to someplace more appropriate for a time? If there's one thing that's true, it's that DC just showed the people that they do not care to represent us. It's devolved to a raw grab of totalitarian power, a cancer that needs a surgical removal.
Fair enough. :)
"You have more than you know."
"You have a republic, if you can keep it."
We'll keep it, Ben. And happy birthday.
OMG, tomorrow really is Ben Franklin's birthday - 310! What is weirder is that under the old style calendar in use during colonial times, it was January 6th.
It's only a tradition because we've always done it. Not because it's the best thing. We could move it, start over, and once everyone realized the dark deeds committed in DC? They might WANT to stop using it as the pinnacle of political power in our nation.
When you think on it, our nation IS red state. A red state could host.
We've had several American capitals. They include Philadelphia, Washington DC, and Confederate capitals at Montgomery, Alabama; Richmond, Virginia; and Danville, Virginia.
I'm quite liking Boise these days.
Though...I wouldn't wish that on Boise now I think on it.
Biden's not gonna make it. POTUS will serve a second term.
I 100% guarantee you of that.
I can't even imagine the Trump family would touch that stuff to scratch it, let alone pack it up and try and take it all.
Seriously - no joke, their HOTELS are nicer. No...something else is going on. Got any links? If so: wanna start a thread? We should all start paying attention to this!
You don't think that moving busts out of the WH in plain view was some psy op move to draw more into the trap? First, I would think that a moving operation would have more direct access to the WH (back completely up to a door), and second, if Trumps were moving, wouldn't they be moving their own personal stuff out instead of OO stuff? Lastly, who moves a valuable bust without crating it first?
Alternate thought - Trump wanted the Lincoln bust to be in his address to the nation explaining what happened with the corp to Republic situation to bolster his explanation. He might be taping the announcement in a bunker somewhere. Still wouldn't think the bust would be moved without crating it firsts.
All I want is the value of the dollar back. And US sovereignty. And freedom liberty and happiness but I’ll pursue that.
When did Pelosi refer to it as a temple? This is crazy. Let's see some sauce before I inject this hopium into my veins
This is actually how I've been describing to people for the last 5 years why the elites are so powerful. They literally own you. When you get a bitch certificate, you are now property of USA Inc. They make everything reliant on that. Want to drive a car without SS number or birth certificate? Nope. Want a credit card (only because you're forced to if you want to own anything)? Nope.
They own you and control what you can and can't do based on their ownership of you. Illusion of freedom. Without the banks, you are not controlled.
That might happen. Not because he OR Kamala are going to even be FREE for much longer, but because POTUS must remain (visually) neutral.
This is a war. We're not bound by dates that are stuck in people's heads. Not even a little. tiny. bit.