GhostEzra, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Gen. McInerney, and a few others...mildec?
Military deception, they are either in on it or not but purposefully putting out misdirection. Why? It keeps many on the left off balance. They can then point to boxes being moved out of WH, low-level WH employees cleaning out their desks, and MSM reports that "Trump seems lost, doesn't get he's not going to be president much longer." as legit. When in reality it may be counter-narrative to get them to think exactly that and not focus on what Trump/Pompeo actually doing. Doesn't work on all. Some may have realized the noose is tightening -
Man, look here, I want to believe some realy great ninja matrix movie type shit is going down as much as the next guy atleast.... but there ain't no fucking way in hell I'm buying up this dudes bullshit mcnuggets without a whole bag of sauce..
This is almost as bad as the simon parks asshole, and that dude has done more to discredit anons than anyone.
We can delve into this stuff with an eye toward Discernment certainly, and have a good bit of hopium while doing it, but if/when sharing any of these outta wack crazie post, videos, and messages we have to start heavily using prequalifiers.
This is why a lot of people refuse to invite others here. Because though we see through 90% of this shit, newbs click in once, see this shit, form an opinion about everyone off bs like this, and never come back..
I think of it this way: what if you had a quantum computer that could play out trillions of possible moves and countermoves in seconds? It’s sort of like chess - obviously way more complex.
If you could war-game years into the future you could anticipate and prepare for every move the enemy could make. They know how it will end because they have war-gamed it all and know what the enemy will do in every situation.
The enemy has the same technology. But according to Bill Wood, all scenarios started converging in 2012 - and it didn’t matter what either side did, it always ended the same (good wins).
Ghost Ezra was releasing too much true information and was risking giving away the inauguration day trap.
So he was instructed to put out some disinformation in order to discredit himself with this silly talk of doubles and cloning BS.
What’s next, is the world flat?
In any case, the deep staters were getting too nervous.
It is. But we can have that discussion after these evil fucks are gone. I have a feeling many truths will eventually emerge after we are free from the Matrix.
Yeah, thats why I was a bit surprised by some of the other comments. Honestly, this is the least crazy way to explain and tie everything Q has done/shown to us. Anything else requires crazy time travel or something else.
The only thing thats hard to accept in this version is: Some of the really bad people have been arrested and replaced with body doubles.
Is that really that far outside the realm of possibility? I dont think so!
Ok this is funny, it might be true it might not (bare in mind that anything you see on the screen can be faked) but most of these comments are reacting in the same way the leftists will react about Q and what we know when they find out.
Instincts play a big role in evaluating something, because subconsciously, our minds can process a lot of information even without realising and come up with an answer we call as "instinct". We need to learn to hone this instincts and learn to trust it.
And when you are wrong, which you will be many times, you add that data point and thats what I call honing your instinct.
An instinct might give you the feeling you are wrong or right but wont tell you why.
Very normal. If you practice mindfulness, you can learn to communicate with your subconscious. I do it. It takes a lot of effort and focus, but eventually you can unentangle the knots in your instincts, infact you can figure out the points that are tripping your instincts and smooth them out.
What the liberalism/progressive movement has done is destroy out emotional thinking, our instincts and instead give you a fake narrative that you have to believe only what is factual or logical. This is a clever ploy because they then tell you what is factual (What you see on MSM) and now they control your thought process.
If there is one thing I have learnt from all this, you can never be 100% sure about anything. Its always going to be a level of confidence you have. For instance I can never be 100% sure that Trump is not working for an alternate deep state. But my instincts tells me that this is not true.
No one can ever prove 100% this is true. So in a way we all are relying on our instincts the moment we step out of MSM control.
If you looks an older photo of Pence and a current one ... the nose is WAY off. They got the hairline, eyes and ears correct but the width of the nose was fucked up.
Hmm. I just re-watched some videos on the qanons channel on Brighteon about the shooting, and now I'm not so sure it was real because it does look like he was aiming at her mid section, and she was standing quite high up so couldn't have been hit in the neck, unless it was from a ricochet or glass wood splintering, but she was hit on the right-hand side of the neck, when the shooter was on the left.
I can understand changing facial features on the double to resemble the person, but how do you change voice and inflection to make it so people don't notice the difference?
Pence has a different way of speaking and his inflection is unusual in how he punctuates certain terms.
It's difficult to suspend disbelief and think that this is possible, but who knows at this point?
Have you noticed that Barack and Michelle Obama have not tweeted since Jan 9, except for today when Barack tweeted a happy birthday picture for Michelle, which was probably a scheduled tweet?
Nice to finally have the confirmation that this account has been BS from the start.
Or... fog of war. All the actors seem to have changed their tone in the last few days. Powell, Lindell, Wictor, AJ... Maybe that’s just part of the grand confusion.
In any case, the content of the post you linked to is BS, whether well-intentioned or not. Too good to be true, we might say.
Does make one look at certain movies in an entirely new light(producers have a LOT of power in regard to influencing scenes in movies since they are basically paying for them),,,,
Biden is definitely a body double. Not sure about pence.
Sam you mean.....
Sam who?
That's the doubles real name.
You can check flight records and see the point where AF2 changed it's callsign to SAM239...........
Interesting. Who is actually veep?
Word is that it is unlikely to ever be made public...
You've lost me at CGI...
Pretty certain Ghost Ezra is a crackpot or a distraction.
Im pretty sure he is not. He posted that Twitter was about to remove POTUS Twitter ~ 10 minutes before it was taken down. Coincidence? Maybe...
GhostEzra, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Gen. McInerney, and a few others...mildec?
Military deception, they are either in on it or not but purposefully putting out misdirection. Why? It keeps many on the left off balance. They can then point to boxes being moved out of WH, low-level WH employees cleaning out their desks, and MSM reports that "Trump seems lost, doesn't get he's not going to be president much longer." as legit. When in reality it may be counter-narrative to get them to think exactly that and not focus on what Trump/Pompeo actually doing. Doesn't work on all. Some may have realized the noose is tightening -
Nothing is what it seems.
What the actual... that is seriously freaky dude.
computer generated image
Deep Fake
Not me, I just posted GhostEzra, who I thought is liked out here
So now we are getting fake Ghost accounts too great
Biden a White Hat? C’mon man...
He didn't say BidEn ... he said BidAn.
attention to detail.
Posters below were right. Skimmed article earlier. Missed the sentence right before the highlighted part.
“Biden will reveal himself as on the team”. How else are you interpreting that statement?
Biden "on the team"?
Biden and Kamala, not necessarily white hats but they are controlled by white hats...
Man, look here, I want to believe some realy great ninja matrix movie type shit is going down as much as the next guy atleast.... but there ain't no fucking way in hell I'm buying up this dudes bullshit mcnuggets without a whole bag of sauce..
This is almost as bad as the simon parks asshole, and that dude has done more to discredit anons than anyone.
We can delve into this stuff with an eye toward Discernment certainly, and have a good bit of hopium while doing it, but if/when sharing any of these outta wack crazie post, videos, and messages we have to start heavily using prequalifiers.
This is why a lot of people refuse to invite others here. Because though we see through 90% of this shit, newbs click in once, see this shit, form an opinion about everyone off bs like this, and never come back..
Mnuchin is a producer for sure.
I think of it this way: what if you had a quantum computer that could play out trillions of possible moves and countermoves in seconds? It’s sort of like chess - obviously way more complex.
If you could war-game years into the future you could anticipate and prepare for every move the enemy could make. They know how it will end because they have war-gamed it all and know what the enemy will do in every situation.
The enemy has the same technology. But according to Bill Wood, all scenarios started converging in 2012 - and it didn’t matter what either side did, it always ended the same (good wins).
Ghost Ezra was releasing too much true information and was risking giving away the inauguration day trap. So he was instructed to put out some disinformation in order to discredit himself with this silly talk of doubles and cloning BS. What’s next, is the world flat? In any case, the deep staters were getting too nervous.
It is. But we can have that discussion after these evil fucks are gone. I have a feeling many truths will eventually emerge after we are free from the Matrix.
This makes the most sense
... or a week.
How about the disappearing Pope video? Looked like CGI to me.
Yeah, thats why I was a bit surprised by some of the other comments. Honestly, this is the least crazy way to explain and tie everything Q has done/shown to us. Anything else requires crazy time travel or something else.
The only thing thats hard to accept in this version is: Some of the really bad people have been arrested and replaced with body doubles.
Is that really that far outside the realm of possibility? I dont think so!
Just. No.
Biden is mispelled in this post. Surely a "real" Ezra would know how to spell Biden. Very sus to me
Biden is dead, this is Bidan, not the only one that does it....
Q: 'Misspellings matter'
^^^ THIS ^^^^
No outside comms bitch.
He’s not claiming to be Q.
Ok this is funny, it might be true it might not (bare in mind that anything you see on the screen can be faked) but most of these comments are reacting in the same way the leftists will react about Q and what we know when they find out.
The irony is hilarious.
Yeah a lot of people here havent really learnt one thing Q taught us - having an open mind but evaluating everything with critical thinking.
My only issue is the way he talks about Biden in the past tense as such at the start, but towards the end he talks like Biden is still in the picture.
I just rekon that if we want to discredit something it shouldn't be because of how we "feel" about it.
Instincts play a big role in evaluating something, because subconsciously, our minds can process a lot of information even without realising and come up with an answer we call as "instinct". We need to learn to hone this instincts and learn to trust it.
Instincts play a role until you are wrong. that why you analyse and verify.
An instinct might give you the feeling you are wrong or right but wont tell you why.
Does that make sense?
Hence my statement about feelings.
And when you are wrong, which you will be many times, you add that data point and thats what I call honing your instinct.
Very normal. If you practice mindfulness, you can learn to communicate with your subconscious. I do it. It takes a lot of effort and focus, but eventually you can unentangle the knots in your instincts, infact you can figure out the points that are tripping your instincts and smooth them out.
What the liberalism/progressive movement has done is destroy out emotional thinking, our instincts and instead give you a fake narrative that you have to believe only what is factual or logical. This is a clever ploy because they then tell you what is factual (What you see on MSM) and now they control your thought process.
If there is one thing I have learnt from all this, you can never be 100% sure about anything. Its always going to be a level of confidence you have. For instance I can never be 100% sure that Trump is not working for an alternate deep state. But my instincts tells me that this is not true.
No one can ever prove 100% this is true. So in a way we all are relying on our instincts the moment we step out of MSM control.
Anything you can't conclusively disprove can't be disregarded, no matter how insane you may think(feel....) it is....
I wish ghost ezra would learn to spell. It would lend some credibility to his story.
If Pence is suppose to be arrested, how come he spoke live at Lemoore naval base on Saturday Jan 16:
I was taken in with GhostEzra, but some of the things he has said don't add up, like claiming that the Ashli Babbit shooting was faked.
If you looks an older photo of Pence and a current one ... the nose is WAY off. They got the hairline, eyes and ears correct but the width of the nose was fucked up.
Perhaps it's a recording done privately some time ago in preparation.
Hmm. I just re-watched some videos on the qanons channel on Brighteon about the shooting, and now I'm not so sure it was real because it does look like he was aiming at her mid section, and she was standing quite high up so couldn't have been hit in the neck, unless it was from a ricochet or glass wood splintering, but she was hit on the right-hand side of the neck, when the shooter was on the left.
I can understand changing facial features on the double to resemble the person, but how do you change voice and inflection to make it so people don't notice the difference?
Pence has a different way of speaking and his inflection is unusual in how he punctuates certain terms.
It's difficult to suspend disbelief and think that this is possible, but who knows at this point?
Have you noticed that Barack and Michelle Obama have not tweeted since Jan 9, except for today when Barack tweeted a happy birthday picture for Michelle, which was probably a scheduled tweet?
There was a selfie posted to Michelle Obama's Instagram account today, but she looks very sad:
I don't have an account to view these posts so I don't know how old any of the others are.
Nice to finally have the confirmation that this account has been BS from the start.
Or... fog of war. All the actors seem to have changed their tone in the last few days. Powell, Lindell, Wictor, AJ... Maybe that’s just part of the grand confusion.
In any case, the content of the post you linked to is BS, whether well-intentioned or not. Too good to be true, we might say.
Biden is definitely not the same person, so that I believe.
The problem with these kinds of big claims is that they require big (convincing) evidence. People are not going to take your word for it.
Not a big claim. Just compares pics from today and 3 years ago.
Does make one look at certain movies in an entirely new light(producers have a LOT of power in regard to influencing scenes in movies since they are basically paying for them),,,,
This guy is coo-coo for coco puffs.