170 Columbus Capitol building this morning (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by CosplayKayleeMac 4 years ago by CosplayKayleeMac +170 / -0 25 comments download share 25 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Columbus, Ohio
They petitioned to rename it "Flavor town, USA" Last summer. Not joking.
Lol, sounds like something the internet would vote on. Boaty McBoatface
LOL that actually happened.
Five bucks say it would have been changed again because a white person coined the term.
Not a bad replacement
Yup, welcome to the brain dead libtard mentality of Cbus
They torn down the Columbus statue this summer.
Wonder why there are journalists taking photos of the police...getting ready to put out fake news, perhaps. 2A supporters know not to show up.
Roll-Tide (Am I doing this right?)
(I'm from Ohio)
Sorry, I had to do it.
Im a recovering Buckeye and Im not sure which one I hate more right now.
Thanks for the photo, OP. Anyone else have photos/videos of soldiers stationed in downtown Atlanta, Chicago, L.A., NY, etc. ?
I was born and raised in Aurora, CO. Loved spending time in Downtown Denver, especially 16th Street.
I am heartbroken to see what Denver has turned into. Aurora used to be The All-American city....... I don't even recognize it anymore.
Nothing in all of Alabama. Then again, on election night, it went red faster than Cali went blue, so.....
Thank you! I wondered if the capitols were being fortified! Hahaha FALSE FLAG
So much for those riots, lmaoooooo
Needs more razor wire.