This is it.. Peak clown world. Assistant Secretary of Health.. A mentally ill person. So disillusioned that he thinks he is a woman. The face of health in the US. This is pure psychological warfare. Cultural Marxism. The destruction of American society.
I'm sure Mr. Levine secured the position when he provided covid guidelines for orgies to the good people of Pennsylvania. Biden must've been so impressed
Not just pediatrics. Isn't he also heavily involved in dealing with teens with Anorexia? Teens who may have already been abused and are definitely in a very fragile state? What the frigging hell does he have in common with any teenage girl, let alone one with a severe eating disorder??
And what kind of parent would take their child (that they are fiercely worried about) in to to see that and think "This is fine"?
Mass murdering homosexual man wearing a dress? Clearly, that's the exact sort of person that should have elevated authority to positions of high importance that they are already a spectacular failure at.
No satire could be written so succinctly as this horror.
At least it will have the effect that even the last stragglers out of the Dem party will not be able to defend this appointment. It will give the final impetus to the WalkAway movement. You have to be a real, hard-core, committed Loony Leftist to think this is okay. A fitting end for the Party of Weird.
None of this is Trump's fault, you need to look in the mirror when looking for someone to blame. We all do. We spent our lives going to work, taking care of our families, being honest and respectful because we thought it was the right thing to do. Meanwhile these fucking demons were polluting our children with sick ideas of government controlled nirvana. We weren't willing to sacrifice our careers, and our paychecks to run for school board, or run for city council. But these disgusting dead beats have nothing better to do. We despise politicians despise it as a profession, they revere it. We have to from this day forward make it our duty to perform civil service, from city and state level to federal. We must install term limits for every government position and we must put our lives on hold to fill those positions ourselves for a term or two so that we can defend our country. Don't ever blame Trump, he is the only one of us that was willing to make a stand. In a meaningful way, not a virtual anonymous way.
I'm not old enough to be guilty over this. I'm only old enough to feel helpless as my cries for reason fall on deaf ears. I'm gonna go live in the woods, America isn't even worth saving anymore.
We won...relax. Biden is NOT going to be the president. Everyone is on edge and it's completely understandable but you need to calm down and don't let your emotions take over your thinking. Be logical and just look at what's happened up to now. Trump won and 100+ million American know this. Why do you think they're terrified at this very second? Biden is in his basement because he thinks the NG is going to kill him.
This is the wrong attitude. Trump risked EVERYTHING for us. He did it for ego? How did that work out being slandered for 4 years. Trump could've just retired and played golf and done nothing. But he actually loves the country.
What did YOU do?
Maybe the doom is correct and it comes down to us as people to stand up. But to hate on Trump for trying... that is wrong.
It will be funny when China Joe has dementia moment and forgets that’s she’s really a man and starts sniffing and groping her only to discover her big feminine cock and balls.
This is it.. Peak clown world. Assistant Secretary of Health.. A mentally ill person. So disillusioned that he thinks he is a woman. The face of health in the US. This is pure psychological warfare. Cultural Marxism. The destruction of American society.
war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength
honk honk
Confirms we are watching a movie... can't wait for the happy ending!
I would avoid the term “happy ending” around that thing.
"Dude looks like a lady"
He doesn’t really look like a lady though.
?Dude looks like a dude dressed like a lady!!!?
I'm sure Mr. Levine secured the position when he provided covid guidelines for orgies to the good people of Pennsylvania. Biden must've been so impressed
I just wanna GRILL damnit
This "person" specialized in ....wait for it.... pediatrics. It's not a doctor, it's a supplier.
Not just pediatrics. Isn't he also heavily involved in dealing with teens with Anorexia? Teens who may have already been abused and are definitely in a very fragile state? What the frigging hell does he have in common with any teenage girl, let alone one with a severe eating disorder??
And what kind of parent would take their child (that they are fiercely worried about) in to to see that and think "This is fine"?
YEP! He specialized in eating disorders. Targeting the vulnerable who already have body image problems. Fucking disgusting creepy.
I feel like a lot of predators are. Impulse control issues.
These people are sick.
"tapped" ;)
??... ??... ??... ???
... that has to do with the higher "quality" of the Adrenochrome extracted from the young children of color...
He’s a Loxist
Her? K
Mass murdering homosexual man wearing a dress? Clearly, that's the exact sort of person that should have elevated authority to positions of high importance that they are already a spectacular failure at.
No satire could be written so succinctly as this horror.
The chicoms put serious effort into that appointment. What would cause the most dissonance and demoralization?
At least it will have the effect that even the last stragglers out of the Dem party will not be able to defend this appointment. It will give the final impetus to the WalkAway movement. You have to be a real, hard-core, committed Loony Leftist to think this is okay. A fitting end for the Party of Weird.
“Works” with children who are mentally ill too... question, why are so many degenerates like this loxists?
Lol a tranny as health director.
Thought the NDP of alberta were bad with their minister of health being a 350lb woman.
Rookie numbers.. need at least 600 lbs
She'll fill out for the job, I am sure.
These people are sick ?
Pass the bucket. I'm about to hurl.
Well big mike was the first Tranny in Government
God this country is so fucking backwards it’s not even funny anymore
None of this is Trump's fault, you need to look in the mirror when looking for someone to blame. We all do. We spent our lives going to work, taking care of our families, being honest and respectful because we thought it was the right thing to do. Meanwhile these fucking demons were polluting our children with sick ideas of government controlled nirvana. We weren't willing to sacrifice our careers, and our paychecks to run for school board, or run for city council. But these disgusting dead beats have nothing better to do. We despise politicians despise it as a profession, they revere it. We have to from this day forward make it our duty to perform civil service, from city and state level to federal. We must install term limits for every government position and we must put our lives on hold to fill those positions ourselves for a term or two so that we can defend our country. Don't ever blame Trump, he is the only one of us that was willing to make a stand. In a meaningful way, not a virtual anonymous way.
I'm not old enough to be guilty over this. I'm only old enough to feel helpless as my cries for reason fall on deaf ears. I'm gonna go live in the woods, America isn't even worth saving anymore.
Satan mocks us all. God will not be mocked. Have fun with that temporary amusement.
I needed to hear this today, rather than arguing about being relaxed.
We won...relax. Biden is NOT going to be the president. Everyone is on edge and it's completely understandable but you need to calm down and don't let your emotions take over your thinking. Be logical and just look at what's happened up to now. Trump won and 100+ million American know this. Why do you think they're terrified at this very second? Biden is in his basement because he thinks the NG is going to kill him.
Don't forget, he's the most popular candidate to ever be elected in the history of our country.
Acquired most of the military vote and scared of the military.. Makes sense.
Alex Jones finally came out of the closet huh
He's a gorilla not a tranny.
She looks like Chris Chan in 10 years.
Looks like the guy from Crosby Stills n Nash ?
Is this it's reward for giving the election to Biden?
This is a sitcom
It’ll never happen. We didn’t come all this way for nothing. WWG1WGA
This is the wrong attitude. Trump risked EVERYTHING for us. He did it for ego? How did that work out being slandered for 4 years. Trump could've just retired and played golf and done nothing. But he actually loves the country.
What did YOU do?
Maybe the doom is correct and it comes down to us as people to stand up. But to hate on Trump for trying... that is wrong.
I'm sure this is payback for this "thing's" role in the Covid BS.
Queen of play pretend is gonna be in charge of our health again hahahaha
Send covid patients to nursing homes. Get promoted.
Holy shit. just checked nbc10's home page. This is not a larp.
Laugh's nervously. Were fucked.
So someone who is clearly mentally ill will be the dep sec of health?
What. The. Fuck.
unreal how such sick people have risen to such heights of power
It will be funny when China Joe has dementia moment and forgets that’s she’s really a man and starts sniffing and groping her only to discover her big feminine cock and balls.
Naw he can identify the gender by the smell like any dog
Awesome. An assistant secretary of health who is the very embodiment of ignoring science.
This is almost unbelievable. This clownery can't be real. Is this a dream? is this real life?