It is extremely strange that no rally or speech was held at the Palm Beach airport or from Mar-a-Lago. The lady looks like that Melania double sighted at least once. And the man also has convincing lookalikes. No messages from Florida so far. Are the Trumps somewhere else?
?? Theory ??

That’s not Melania, there’s no way
Trump doesn’t look like himself either.
I agree with you 100%. Shill alert below.
Wow, definitely not Melania. No heels, no boobs, and wrinkles on her face.
Exactly, especially the wrinkles. Rich women tend to get a lot of botox/surgery and don't get wrinkles until beyond 60-70. See royal families. Melania is just 50 now.
Yes, the wrinkles are a dead give away. Compare this to the ADW video from earlier today, there are absolutely no wrinkles when she smiles.
Melania has those EXACT wrinkles...
the teeth, the neck, hands, calves, nothing looks like her.
Oh man, you are right. That isn't Trump either. This guy is a bit lighter than Trump is.
Will say DJT is known for being one thicc boi This photo isn’t looking so meaty
exactly, that's not our Juicy POTUS.
I honestly thought that too at fiat site. I was actually jarred that they looked different.
Yeah, it's not them. The real Melania is also curvier than this double.
So is DJT..
Exactly, our Donald is much juicier.
That is NOT Melania!
Im British, and even I can tell thats not Melania
Wasn't POTUS' hair gray this morning in his speech at Andrews AFB?
Yes that certainly doesn't look like Melania but TRUMP looks the same. But look at Melania hands - not hers
The smile looks nothing like hers...
Exactly - and the hand holding on to the rail - looks nothing like how Melania would hold the rail !!
those are not trumps
there are two identical VC25s that always fly together so the enemy doesn't know which one is actually carrying the president.
Actual AF1 went dark twice while flying, both times while over the ocean.
good lord those tits shrunk in the 90 minute flight. Dress may be hiding it though.
4 years I don't think I've seen Melania smile that big but the media always uses resting bitch face pics. If real, I'm glad she appears this happy.
I also immediately thought double. They came out of the white house and she had those huge shades on, face looks much skinnier.
Close but no cigar, look at her neck, the neck is always a dead giveaway. I don’t recall sun-spots on trumps forehead either
It this point and with what is at risk, anything is possible. The only thing I am sure of is, that there is a plan, and much of it is playing out behind the scenes.
Can't believe for a second that POTUS brought us this far to not finish it.
I'm thinking that the patriots have invaded and captured DC and are restoring the Republic.
The face looks good for POTUS but I think POTUS has a few more pounds on this guy.
Perhaps the First Family got evacuated to CASTLE_ROCK but POTUS is still in Florida, meeting with his generals? Possibly a Provisional Inauguration under Clarence Thomas?
It would make sense for the First Family/Provisional Government Team to be separated in case of assassination attempts.
Wish I could post a pic in comment, look up pic of Trump getting onto marine one today, zoom in on forehead, come back and look at this pic, this one has sun/age spots the one on marine one does not. Like I posted before, definitely not her, the neck doesn’t lie.
That is not FLOTUS
No, that beat-up actress is NOT Melania https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-df4190c34c4433275a032a7b17fa3613
Wrinkles different, teeth goofy . . . and the real DJT is at least 50 lbs more stocky : )
The difference between mystery meat and real Trump Steaks...
His brow-line and mouth don't look right.
Switched clothes from D.C. and Trump switched ties on the flight to FL.
Hey OP,
In my post earlier I have Trump in the MOTORCADE. He does not look like him driving past RSBN. Thoughts?
I watched RSBN, but didn't pay much attention. Can you link to the post, with the screenshot?
I only have the time link at the moment. I can't screenshot at the moment.
Might be a reach for the look-a-likes but it is questionable why he didn't have a rally of sorts. (Granted he did do an odd farewell speech)
the wrinkles are right but I would swear the teeth aren't.
Doubles is definitely not something I would normally buy into
The dress looks like a joker card ?
The dress is ugly, it draws the eye from her body and the geometric shapes also have a distorting effect. Camoflage. I can only recall one other ugly outfit that I've seen her in. Also doesn't look like 5" heels as she wears 90% of the time. Don is more believable. They are on different steps, she doesn't seem to have the heels--hard to gauge their comparative heights. Did he have a red tie when he left?
edit: check the video. She is too tall, hence no heels. His clap to the cheers isn't right either, plus I'm sure the real Donald wouldn't hang out with a fake Melania. https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJjqsq75/welcoming-trump-home/c/
probably playing golf.
Would seem like a safety matter, to be elsewhere!
Got to Twitter and find Donald Trumpet...he has a picture of that dress and what looks like may be a picture of a double of her!! Interesting!
Which Donald trumpet account, there are several.
Thanks I appreciate it!
First Family separated from POTUS and already evacuated to CASTLE_ROCK or abroad in preparation for possible last-resort measures? Trump in Mar-a-Lago for meeting with people who are important but might not have access to bunkers like CASTLE_ROCK? A crisis meeting with Bolsonaro, Orban, Duda, Putin, perhaps about the China situation?
Based on the events of the last weeks, it won't surprise me if the Swamp and/or China tried to nuke Mar-a-Lago.
The most probable scenario if Trump was not substituted and is not in CASTLE_ROCK is that he is holding some sort of secret meeting in Mar-a-Lago, possibly being sworn in by Clarence Thomas (who was, along with 2 other judges, absent from the Inauguration today, citing fear of infection)?
Guys stop it, it's her...