When it comes to rights, there are two ways you can have them. You can have them because the government can't stop you (constitutional rights), or you can have them because the government promised you something.
Think about it like a parent. If your parent tells you "I won't ever tell you that you can't read" that's giving you a 'right' to read. If your parent tells you "I'm going to give you a cookie if you finish your homework" that's now giving you a 'right' to a cookie.
There are times when the Government makes that kind of promise it becomes interpreted as a "property interest" for the individual benefiting from it. A good example would be welfare. Once the government grants me welfare, it can't take it away without giving me notice and a hearing.
What it's really saying isn't "this isn't law" but rather "there is no way that an individual has some right under this that he can enforce against the U.S government."
Let me use some parentheses to break it down:
This order is not intended to (and does not) create any right (or benefit) (substantive or procedural), enforceable (at law or in equity) by a party against the United States, (its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person).
Take it in the most straightforward way (without all the subordinate clauses):
"This order is not intended to create any right enforceable, by a party, against the United States."
A "party against the United States" is better read as "a party, against the United States." It's a party trying to enforce a right against the United States. Against in this case just meaning "the United States is the entity who would be forced to provide the right."
It means what you first said it means. You can't quote executive orders as law and sue people for not upholding them, because they aren't laws. They're just... orders, like the ones your five-year-old self gets from adults all the time.
Give it some good consideration! I’m an engineer by trade, but have an affinity for law especially SCOTUS(RIP) cases. I regret not going to law school, and realize we need way more Patriots like yourself practicing law.
Download the PDFs of President Trumps EOs and you can see that subsection is in each of them. Probably just some standard legalize notice. Also still no updates to Xidens EOs in the registry.
If it's not enforceable, it's an Executive Action. More or less, meaning it's a recommendation, suggestion, or guideline. Not strictly enforceable, but will still lead to a firing if not enforced.
Which lends credence to the theory that Biden is just a "paper tiger."
I think you're misreading the paragraph. It says it doesn't give any right or benefit by any party against the US. You know, like if this EO directly benefited China. However his allowing of terrorist's to come in the country is definitely treasonous.
If you look at Trumps EO's for 2021 (example), they are signed at the bottom and we can see a date in which it was signed, and then a filing date (2-3 day time in between). We should know by next week if these carry any weight.
Was gonna say this, but you did a fine job of it so we'll just leave it at that.
ie. same blurb at the bottom of Trump's EOs. So a nothing burger.
Well that settles that.
EO 13848, or the 2018 EO
EO 13757 - President Obama
Some responses I found from Reddit:
Think about it like a parent. If your parent tells you "I won't ever tell you that you can't read" that's giving you a 'right' to read. If your parent tells you "I'm going to give you a cookie if you finish your homework" that's now giving you a 'right' to a cookie.
There are times when the Government makes that kind of promise it becomes interpreted as a "property interest" for the individual benefiting from it. A good example would be welfare. Once the government grants me welfare, it can't take it away without giving me notice and a hearing.
What it's really saying isn't "this isn't law" but rather "there is no way that an individual has some right under this that he can enforce against the U.S government."
Let me use some parentheses to break it down:
This order is not intended to (and does not) create any right (or benefit) (substantive or procedural), enforceable (at law or in equity) by a party against the United States, (its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person).
Take it in the most straightforward way (without all the subordinate clauses):
"This order is not intended to create any right enforceable, by a party, against the United States."
A "party against the United States" is better read as "a party, against the United States." It's a party trying to enforce a right against the United States. Against in this case just meaning "the United States is the entity who would be forced to provide the right."
This guy might could be onto something.
For those who don't want to watch a vid, read the article instead
Scroll down and see the bankruptcy docs Chapter 11 for the United States Corporation.
Any lawfags from Florida in here who can go check out those docs for legitimacy?
EDIT: Here's screencaps of the docs
I'm really sorry but those look like someone made them in their basement on a Xerox.
Do you have any better / different sources please?
Thanks Fren.
Are you going to lawfagging school?
Give it some good consideration! I’m an engineer by trade, but have an affinity for law especially SCOTUS(RIP) cases. I regret not going to law school, and realize we need way more Patriots like yourself practicing law.
Do your studies from home for free. Open a business and employ other people to work for you. Then you can go to college with the money they make you.
Download the PDFs of President Trumps EOs and you can see that subsection is in each of them. Probably just some standard legalize notice. Also still no updates to Xidens EOs in the registry.
It's on every EO.
Can we get a legal anon in here for translation?
What's needed to translate? Literally says it creates no ability for anyone to sue the US over it.
If it's not enforceable, it's an Executive Action. More or less, meaning it's a recommendation, suggestion, or guideline. Not strictly enforceable, but will still lead to a firing if not enforced.
Which lends credence to the theory that Biden is just a "paper tiger."
I don't speak leagese. What is significant about that?? Thanks
No one wants to comment on the desk that Pedophile Joe signed his EOs on is smaller than your average desk?
I think you're misreading the paragraph. It says it doesn't give any right or benefit by any party against the US. You know, like if this EO directly benefited China. However his allowing of terrorist's to come in the country is definitely treasonous.
It's also at the end of every one that Trump signed
Military is in control..this is ALL for show!
We are going to have to wait and see if these EO's are eventually uploaded to the Federal Register. https://www.federalregister.gov/presidential-documents/executive-orders
If you look at Trumps EO's for 2021 (example), they are signed at the bottom and we can see a date in which it was signed, and then a filing date (2-3 day time in between). We should know by next week if these carry any weight.
lol, I thought this was a shitpost
So, I take this to mean, these are basically opinion pieces.
My mind is scrambled reading that. Anyone familiar with law can school me?