The most bizarre thing I recall being punished for getting wrong was painting rocks.
Was stationed in Tucson and we had little pebble rock areas outside many buildings, dorms and the like, instead of grass because back then grass was difficult and expensive to grow in the desert. So pebble rocks were everywhere, and as you irritated the First Shirt you might be rewarded with extra duty painting those rocks. They rotated from white to green to white to...
So I'm painting those rocks one Saturday evening and the Shirt comes by to see how I'm doing on his way to the bowling alley where he liked to drink. I thought I had done a fair job, was about done. I had raked those rocks and painted every damn one at least twice I thought. The Shirt raked and raked deeper, drug up a few rocks the wrong color finally, told me I would probably be through in about 4 hours judging from the progress I had made, he would see me on his way Home.
Also [D]ay [Of] [D]ays is bracketed and Caps and reads as DOD=Department of Defence. Army General Lloyd Austin (Normally the House has no role in confirming Cabinet secretaries. But Austin retired from the military four years ago, short of the seven years required by law to take the civilian job without a waiver from both houses of Congress.) Congress waived that. This ties into what this clown is going to do on the 31st is my guess....Hence RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
If you’re asking about the signal bn being in Washington as opposed to Bragg, this is today’s Army. The Army is modular now, it’s been that way for years. When I deployed with 10th Mountain we had support units from all over deploying with us as a Combat Team. Signal Bn and other support units are always “plug and play” with the combat units for support. There’s significantly more combat units than there are combat support and combat service support.
Even more interesting that they posted Cuba history in the last post with SecPompeo announcing that Cuba had been designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.
They deleted it because the diversity hire screwed up the simple message ; 'we're are', and 90,000 soldiers in a battalion is nutz.
Someone got they azz chewed, we used to get threatened with being sent to Thule Greenland if we did stupid shiite.
They'd have gotten their ass chewed for the Yea in the second para.
The most bizarre thing I recall being punished for getting wrong was painting rocks.
Was stationed in Tucson and we had little pebble rock areas outside many buildings, dorms and the like, instead of grass because back then grass was difficult and expensive to grow in the desert. So pebble rocks were everywhere, and as you irritated the First Shirt you might be rewarded with extra duty painting those rocks. They rotated from white to green to white to...
So I'm painting those rocks one Saturday evening and the Shirt comes by to see how I'm doing on his way to the bowling alley where he liked to drink. I thought I had done a fair job, was about done. I had raked those rocks and painted every damn one at least twice I thought. The Shirt raked and raked deeper, drug up a few rocks the wrong color finally, told me I would probably be through in about 4 hours judging from the progress I had made, he would see me on his way Home.
C'mon man, you know the Thing!
That was the first paragraph not secondWhoops. Thanks.
or maybe was some kind of coded message..idk
Hijacking top comment because I want eyes on this. What is expert consensus here? I’m a noob.
90,000 divided by 51 = 1764.7 or (Q647)
1/31/18 Delta is 3 years as of END of Flynn’s 30 day George Washington request and end of Biden’s 10 days in office. (Darkness?)
Is this something or am I reaching?
I think it could be something. I also did another math try, with 90000 divided 17 and then that number divided again for 51 and it was post 103.
Edit: typo
Also [D]ay [Of] [D]ays is bracketed and Caps and reads as DOD=Department of Defence. Army General Lloyd Austin (Normally the House has no role in confirming Cabinet secretaries. But Austin retired from the military four years ago, short of the seven years required by law to take the civilian job without a waiver from both houses of Congress.) Congress waived that. This ties into what this clown is going to do on the 31st is my guess....Hence RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
What do you think he’s going to do?
Reminds me of "Sgt. Bilko" (1996)
That part could have meant "we have up to 90,000 ready to go if needed", but the way it's worded, it's definitely confusing.
Yer spels is too gooder, on the other hand they might need a Occifer so there's that.
90k divided by 51 = 1764.7
(Doesn’t really mean much, but it does start with 17)
following your theory I did some math too. 90000 divided 17 then 51= 103 ----->>>POTUS You are all heroes. Come home safe. Godspeed. Q
Looked up Post 647
This is good, right?
Day of days.
the fact that they didn't post it again without the typo makes me hyped!!!
Holy crap! It’s also from 1/31/18!
(I feel like a real Q researcher now!)
I had the page opened to I was still able to screenshot it, but clicking on the post says deleted so I can't check the precise time on it.
Just ask the NSA. They probably still have your history still on their servers.
If you’re asking about the signal bn being in Washington as opposed to Bragg, this is today’s Army. The Army is modular now, it’s been that way for years. When I deployed with 10th Mountain we had support units from all over deploying with us as a Combat Team. Signal Bn and other support units are always “plug and play” with the combat units for support. There’s significantly more combat units than there are combat support and combat service support.
Not sure what you’re asking here.
Even more interesting that they posted Cuba history in the last post with SecPompeo announcing that Cuba had been designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Gone for me also, was there not too long ago. Possible comms to someone.
Could be. I was hoping for someone here that is way more expert than me in Q, to see if there was some info.
Vetfag here, I think this could have been a typo? A signal battalion with 90,000 Soldiers is completely absurd.
I’ve been watching them. Also the 10th mountain division has been posting odd things. They’re followed by a lot of interesting people.
true, full of cryptic double meanings, I'm following all of them.
but then, they didn't write it again...seems strange.
Oh for sure, you would think they would have posted the same thing with 900 instead of 90,000. Definitely strange
"Signal Corps" you say.