Remember the New Mexico compound that the FBI had bulldozed. Makes you wonder what was really going on there. We now know that there are child farms that are in place to ensure that there is a steady undocumented supply.
Not to sound too glowy, but isn't there a group of patriots down there who could maybe surround that place with 30 rifles and zip tie everyone there and take some IDs, photos and samples? Just sayin
I mean I know of one group of people who are all ex operators and ex members of the IC that do exactly that. They probably do a lot more but its not something that is allowed to be talked about.
If I lived nearby I would go check this place out at night.
As weird as it sounds, I’ve noticed a strange “feels out of place” trend with certain businesses. Ie. places that specialize in snow cones, (shit that should be bankrupt) etc. I saw one in San Antonio off some random ass country road, so I googled the supplier that was advertised and ended up at some website from the 90’s that had links to active snow cone businesses today. Some of the businesses had that bizarre type artwork that makes you scratch your head
Fwiw, I read recently in a posting about the GameStop stuff that Alibaba was connected to the CCP, no sauce, but I remembered it. So it could be a Larp.
that's seems like BS. anything I've seen suggests that true adrenochrome is very expensive and can't imagine it in powder form would satisfy an adreno junky
maybe a fake or maybe adrenochrome can be made synthetically or come from animals or other sources to be used in some more legitimate ways? i can't seem to find legit sources of adrenochrome but may exist
There is syntheic stuff its super easy to make. The alibaba page just says its raw and from children. And shows a video where they presumably keep the children....
Remember the New Mexico compound that the FBI had bulldozed. Makes you wonder what was really going on there. We now know that there are child farms that are in place to ensure that there is a steady undocumented supply.
Ya prob lots of fucked up shit happening out away from prying eyes....
Not to sound too glowy, but isn't there a group of patriots down there who could maybe surround that place with 30 rifles and zip tie everyone there and take some IDs, photos and samples? Just sayin
I mean I know of one group of people who are all ex operators and ex members of the IC that do exactly that. They probably do a lot more but its not something that is allowed to be talked about.
If I lived nearby I would go check this place out at night.
Almost a straight line on the highway to the Bush Prairie Ranch. Far enough away, but 30/40 min drive... just saying.
As weird as it sounds, I’ve noticed a strange “feels out of place” trend with certain businesses. Ie. places that specialize in snow cones, (shit that should be bankrupt) etc. I saw one in San Antonio off some random ass country road, so I googled the supplier that was advertised and ended up at some website from the 90’s that had links to active snow cone businesses today. Some of the businesses had that bizarre type artwork that makes you scratch your head
maybe but I thought it was interesting
you can google maps it your self. Even has reviews.
Website associated with address on Google Maps is:
1881 County Rd 747, Nacogdoches, TX 75964
1881 County Rd 747, Nacogdoches, TX 75964
1881 County Rd 747, Nacogdoches, TX 75964
google maps
Does anyone else find the address a bit interesting? 1881 supposedly the year US Corp was founded, 747? Like Airplanes? AKA smuggling?
good find. Now explain the adrenochrome alibaba post I put down in this thread.
Then maybe I can get some sleep tonight.
Fwiw, I read recently in a posting about the GameStop stuff that Alibaba was connected to the CCP, no sauce, but I remembered it. So it could be a Larp.
that's seems like BS. anything I've seen suggests that true adrenochrome is very expensive and can't imagine it in powder form would satisfy an adreno junky
maybe a fake or maybe adrenochrome can be made synthetically or come from animals or other sources to be used in some more legitimate ways? i can't seem to find legit sources of adrenochrome but may exist
There is syntheic stuff its super easy to make. The alibaba page just says its raw and from children. And shows a video where they presumably keep the children....
Only access is a dirt road....
anyone can label an address as an "Adrenochrome Lab" if they want I think with a little effort
don't anyone do anything stupid here that will give normies reason to put you Qanons in a FEMA camp
Ya I agree. Or they are harvesting people there.
IT'S A TRAP!! : old alibaba post containing weird shit. They scrubbed the website since then
Can anyone label these places?
Let us not fall for trolls....
Yes did you click the link i posted on this thread for alibaba? Explain that please
almost as disturbing as this place showing you a video of the dorms they keep the children in.
I fear it is much bigger than most of us imagined. This is industrial in scale.
What in the fuck..they sell this shit online??