Their votes are already on record. No smoking needed. So maybe they are looking for degrees rather than initial intention, so I’ll concede in that area.
This would require Trump to either be a part of Operation Trust, or significantly ignorant as to the happenings of the country. He had ample opportunity to denounce Q, yet did not.
That said, as per the sentiment of the original comment; it is a possibility. A lot of people seem to be praising Trump still, saying stuff like "he deserves a break" and such, but I think that's BS. He started this; he got millions to put their lives and the lives of their families on the line; if he just backed out now, or is taking "time off", I would say he is backstabbing us.
That said, I think there's more going on than we realize, and I think we will have a much clearer picture after this impeachment trial ends.
If there isn't a plan, a lot of people are going to have their lives ruined by sticking their neck out for trump.
True dat.
Well done, it smoked out 100 million people...
Like the Trump banners across the front of my house weren't enough of a clue.
Anyone who was a patriot during the obama years was already on a list, or several lists. They didn’t need to smoke us out.
However, a heck of a lot of deep staters were unknown until quite recently
Their votes are already on record. No smoking needed. So maybe they are looking for degrees rather than initial intention, so I’ll concede in that area.
This would require Trump to either be a part of Operation Trust, or significantly ignorant as to the happenings of the country. He had ample opportunity to denounce Q, yet did not.
That said, as per the sentiment of the original comment; it is a possibility. A lot of people seem to be praising Trump still, saying stuff like "he deserves a break" and such, but I think that's BS. He started this; he got millions to put their lives and the lives of their families on the line; if he just backed out now, or is taking "time off", I would say he is backstabbing us.
That said, I think there's more going on than we realize, and I think we will have a much clearer picture after this impeachment trial ends.
Time will tell.
Shit! Can't handle the thought of that.....
He was the only truth speaker they had left...
Good way to sink your ratings even further. They may challenge CNN in who´s going to be bankrupt sooner
I use Babylon bee for my news. They report it a little early but it all comes true eventually
Lol well said!
It's baffling. I've never seen a company so determinedly abandon any semblance of common sense.
surprised he lasted this long. when he lands at a free speech outlet I'll be able to watch him again.
It won't be Newsmax.
If OANN picks him up their ratings will soar.
YES!!!! Love it. Nothing is happening on our schedule, but it's all happening :)
Sweet! He has time to get his affairs in order. The rest of Fox News won’t know what hit them when their assets get seized...
Damn... I told my self I was only gonna have a two whiskey night... the. I read this....
Hope Lou has some good young pedes to get his word out via the interweb ....
We can't have too many wins in a day, that wouldn't be fair now...
What? No resignation this time? The fuck is happening?
All I have to say to this is he needs to go to RSBN! Start making that network bigger than ALL the other fake news!!!
He needs to move to OANN.
Clearly the narrative is more important than the bottom line