posted ago by lilsparrow ago by lilsparrow +34 / -1

I've been here on this broad since about the beginning of Jan, and it still took me about a week or two before I actually made an account to post.

I know it's been hard, and that there have been times where my hope and faith has waned. But it's been amazing what this board has been able to do and accomplish, and it keep bringing me back and reinvigorating my faith.

I wasn't a follower of Q, so some of this still confuses me, but I am happy there are those who have been able to do the research and point out connects for people like me, and it is true that mathematically is impossible to ignore the coincidences.

Which leads us to today. Super Bowl.

I kept on thinking yesterday that nothing was going to happen during the show, or that if it was, it wouldn't be public. Trump, Flynn, others have always said that they wouldn't telegraph their game plan.

LOL, which is funny. Super Bowl. Game Plan.

Anyways, as much it would be spirit lifting for something to happen, what can actually be done that's not going to put Trump, the military, or us (Americans, not just this board) in danger of ruining everything they've worked on?

I keep thinking that part of the plan is to let things with the Impeachment Faux Trial go through, at least if I understand some of the Q posts that have been pointed out. But at the same time, emphasis that Super Bowl plays a part.

In addition, George live chat yesterday hinted about halftime show.

What do you all think?