I've seen multiple posters on GAW say that they had reserved their rooms for March.
If there are a large amount of people across the country who believe that something is going to happen at the beginning of March and those rooms started to sell out, why wouldn't the hotels increase their prices?
Who is booking rooms? Only Q followers believe March 4th and any Q followers know the perils of datefagging, let alone spending that much on a room to physically datefag so who the heck is doing this??
classic self fulfilling prophecy. Constitutionalists speculate that this is the date of the real inauguration, a bunch buy rooms, inflating demand, that demand in-turn increases the price, people take note and use it as some kind of data point to reinforce their theories. The cavalry isn't coming to save us people. WE need to rise up and make certain our voices are heard!
I got one. In the Bible, on the second month, the 17th day, God brought the storm that Noah had prepared for. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. This year, the 17th of Feb is the start of the lent season, 40 days and 40 nights later is Easter, when Trump said he hoped to defeat the invisible enemy (last year he said this at the beginning of the pandemic). It sure would be Biblical! But I don’t want to datefag or anything. Just popped into my head when I was listening to my Bible podcast.
When we are stressed, they're moreso. Cause they cannot spend enough time here to discern what we are speaking.
And from that lack on understanding, they seek a way that validates their narrative. And when that narrative is published, the DS sees that first and foremost, and responds.
Hijacking top comment to say a friend of mine (who went to DC on Jan 6 with me, confirmed patriot) told me last night they called the hotel and asked why. Hotel employee said "It's for a Trump Rally."
What rally?
datefagging, don't do it. it'll just stress you out.
Had a friend call the hotel and ask why, they said "It's for a Trump Rally." Not kidding.
Trump hotel making bucks from Trump supporters? No very nice! Make sure we are not suckers to some con.
Just because you like Trump doesn’t mean you’re exempt from surge demand pricing at luxury hotels
Vegas will pay out bets on Mar 4 on who won the election. Kid you not. They must have information that the real winner will be announced then.
It's probably just simple supply and demand.
I've seen multiple posters on GAW say that they had reserved their rooms for March.
If there are a large amount of people across the country who believe that something is going to happen at the beginning of March and those rooms started to sell out, why wouldn't the hotels increase their prices?
If that were case, why would only the Trump International be increasing their prices on those dates?
The article points other DC hotels are still at market rate for those dates.
Where do you want to stay? At Trump's hotel right?
Do you have as much desire to stay at any of the other hotels in DC?
Means nada
Who is booking rooms? Only Q followers believe March 4th and any Q followers know the perils of datefagging, let alone spending that much on a room to physically datefag so who the heck is doing this??
The problem with that theory is why haven't prices risen at other hotels in DC on those dates as well?
Patriots wouldn't book a Marriott -- they're hardcore Mormon cultists, and the Hiltons are DEEP in Satanism.
classic self fulfilling prophecy. Constitutionalists speculate that this is the date of the real inauguration, a bunch buy rooms, inflating demand, that demand in-turn increases the price, people take note and use it as some kind of data point to reinforce their theories. The cavalry isn't coming to save us people. WE need to rise up and make certain our voices are heard!
Ur argument would be valid IF Trump hotel wasnt the only one doin it......
You mean rise up and head to the Capitol to have our voices heard?
If so, it needs to be organized WAY better than last time
Datefagging, it stresses us out but stresses the deep state more (and expends ammo)
Its true. They are writing articles about our datefagging. We should invent some more dates for them.
I got one. In the Bible, on the second month, the 17th day, God brought the storm that Noah had prepared for. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. This year, the 17th of Feb is the start of the lent season, 40 days and 40 nights later is Easter, when Trump said he hoped to defeat the invisible enemy (last year he said this at the beginning of the pandemic). It sure would be Biblical! But I don’t want to datefag or anything. Just popped into my head when I was listening to my Bible podcast.
Nissan 17 is a pretty significant day in the Bible. Check out all these major events that share an anniversary: https://servantofmessiah.org/nissan-17th/
Pretty remarkable that God considers these things and also has things planned out to such a degree. World history is by design. Pretty crazy.
Ash Wednesday for the win!!
That would be amazing.
I am being datefagging April 23rd.
Amen. I've been thinking this for awhile now.
Everytime we collectively believe a DateFag, the DS has to expend resources and expose themselves further to cover it.
When we are stressed, they're moreso. Cause they cannot spend enough time here to discern what we are speaking.
And from that lack on understanding, they seek a way that validates their narrative. And when that narrative is published, the DS sees that first and foremost, and responds.
Remember the "Q is JFK."
Do you mean morose? Because there's no such word as "moreso".
....more so....
Check your dictionary.
No, really: www.yourdictionary.com/moreso
There is, nonstandard way of saying "more so," just like the word "gunna/gonna."
Times change verbiage.
Hopium is like taking heroin. Datefagging is like taking krokodil.
there is an end of the line where reality = reality
the Xiden administration is working away, implementing policy and it's all going on....
that's not an illusion at one point, whether you like it or not.
Well yes, and I don’t see a great deal of self-reflection when the clear consensus ends up being wrong.
Hijacking top comment to say a friend of mine (who went to DC on Jan 6 with me, confirmed patriot) told me last night they called the hotel and asked why. Hotel employee said "It's for a Trump Rally." What rally?