These two families should ALWAYS be mentioned in the same sentence.
Whilst the Roths are more like royalty and dominate Europe, the Rockefellers use them as patsies for banking and NWO conspiracy gossip etc.
WHEREAS - It's the Rockefeller Lock Step Agenda that's behind the Covid Scam (and pretty much everything else) and the Rockefellers behind big pharma and oh do they love to crash oil and then later drive the price to the moon (See GW Bush).
It's like two mafia families - one in the US and one in the EU and around the world (old British and French empires basically) - both working with each other and against each other vying for territory and dominance.
It's not that different to gangland warfare.
It's not the Rothschilds - It's the Rothschilds AND The Rockefellers and the latter are probably far more devious and dark, because they use the former to slide under your radar.
look into it.
I found a brilliant website on their history going back 100+ years, I will try to find the link and post it later.
Rockefellers have always been agents of Rothschilds in America, and also more in public presence allowing Roths to stay in the shadows (showing they are the smarter of the two). Luckily no more shadows for anyone.
Get on the Payseur pill scrubs.
Because 90% of people know R and R, they don't know P.
Payseurs, the unseen masters of all <<--good place to start
Thanks for the link. I think we all know the R and Rs and I've come across the Payseurs but am guilty of paying too much attention to just the formers.
I hope that if anything is done that we as a world do not only deal with just the Roths and the Rocks but the whole lot.
I believe they will be taken care of. Once the US has been completely unshackled from slave debt of the central banks(FED), corrupt, compromised, and treasonous persons -- there will be a massive change worldwide. We've been used to finance the tools and laws that have been used against us, then told time and time again we are selfish for wanting our God given freedom, and the rights laid out in the constitution. The world wide lynch pin is the US, the rest of the world will follow, then all of these bastards who think they are our masters and better than us will have no place to run and hide.
Q never mentioned lord Malloch Brown, Sabbatai Zevi or any number of other people or things - you can't have a great awakening if you replace Hollywood and evening funny men with "Q" as the authority to all authorities my n-word.
lol dead on. It goes so deep. I like looking past even them. This shit goes back to ancient times. But I think it helps to stay focused on the more modern of happenings.
There was some video that showed the Roth Childs saying that if Trump got into office, it would mess up their whole New World order plan! I think it was in 2018. I copied the link, and I sent a direct message to the Rotch house family Facebook page. All I said was this… How is this working out for you, and I put a copy of the link to that video. Fucking hilarious!
Any chance of finding that video and posting a link?
I just deactivated my Facebook account the other day. So unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to fetch it. Sorry!
This is all I can find, I’m not sure if it’s the same article but I think so.
Rothschilds have no use of their banks if they cant communicate with other banks. Doesnt that imply that the roths are in the pocket of the telecom provider?
Second question. Is there a single company that provides the telecom hardware to both bank and nations?
Rothschilds probably have 1 trillion in hard assets. They laugh at the idea of a bank, it's paper money for you, gold, patents, and land deeds for them. Cut communications to the bank all you want, the next politician will be bought - sorry, funded, to restore communications back to it.
The fundamental problem isn't Rothschilds + bank, it's that capitalism and freedom of expression will always end in consolidated tyranny via bought influence.
Rothschilds own the abattoir, the meat processing factory, the fast food joint. They own the factory that makes the screws and sheet metal that make the equipment.
They own the transportation haulier, the gas pump manufacturer, the company that manufactures the production facilities.
When a Co comes to market at an Initial Placement they get given the shares for $1. They have used the 10 cents that granny put in her savings account to create that $1 so 1000% profit in one day. they sell the share for $2 a week later to me. A profit of $1.90 from grannies money, they invested ZERO.
If you get this just imagine the sheer scale of investment over 200 years that they have seen returns on.
Getty, Ford, Standard Oil, Big Pharma,McDonald’s, Disney , Facebook, Tesla, Boeing, always in at the beginning using other people’s money.
Rothschilds probably have 1 trillion? The Brit queen is thought to have 17 trillion and the royals are owned by the Roths.
Hopre this link works:
yeah it's all hidden in Royal Families and Religions.
Vatican - what a great place to hide assets - who would question that.
Royal Family land titles and huge real estate.
I should think that Scientology and pbly the Mormons too are a Roth enterprise.
You set it up - and you control it.
Either way, it renders a discussion about "Cutting a phoneline" moot doesn't it.
How will the next politician be able to do anything if the country doesnt have any working telecom lines?
Notice how Q NEVER mentions Rockefeller
Not true, there's photos of Rockefeller with Gates and Co and prompts to look into who was doing what with certain philanthropic works.
Ok thanks. I was just doing a key word search.
I was in NY 6 years ago and went to Rockefeller Plaza. On the wall outside was an unusual 3 dimensional crest that bore no resemblance to US plaques ( such as the seal of the President) but looked. More like the ones we have in the UK to represent The Crown ( We have them in our courts etc) and the 2d version on our passport.
Dieu Et Mon Droit was written on it. Strange that the premier US power family chose to place the symbol of Great Britain on their legacy building.
US was Brit controlled corporation.
Leo Gold: "The entire executive branch is hand-picked. Nineteen of the last twenty-three U.S. presidents have been members of the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is financed by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Don’t tell me -"
JC Denton: "That’s a think-tank. Anyone can become a member."
Leo Gold: "But not everyone does. That’s why they call it the 'secret government'."
-- Deus Ex, 1999
I was binge watching The Men Who Built America on the History Channel yesterday, which showed Rockefeller’s (along with his contemporaries) entire rise and I agree. I see a ton of parallels between then and now, actually: a technological revolution leading to new hyper rich businessmen who intimidate competition to establish a monopoly. Those oligarchs attempting to control politics, but ending up with their Trump in TR after their plan to stuff him in the Vice Presidency went to hell when some disaffected anarchist shot McKinley. When Rockefeller testifies about his business practices, he sounds a lot like anybody testifying in front of Congress today: “I don’t recall”
Once scene has a direct mention of “Lord Rothschild”, and mentions how JP Morgan’s father knew that banking was “the industry that would drive all others”. Frankly, after four years of Trump, I feel like I see that period of history quite differently... The pattern has always been there.
Why do you think the clintons moved to NY after leaving the white house?
Solvay is a family that make the Rockefeller's and the Rothschild's look minions of the deep state.
It's bigger than that.
I always though it was Rockfellers were subservants to the Roths.
Do you know anything about the Payseurs because this family intrigues me.