I don’t think that will actually happen. But if anyone gets any verified news about that (not shills) then we have to act. There’s no waiting after a purge of patriots from the military.
In the meantime, it looks like all that talk was posturing anyways. I don’t see tons of patriotic generals being forced to “retire”, instead I see deepstate ceos resigning and staffers busted for pedophilia. I want to see that trend continue.
This supposed purge would reduce our military to paltry numbers which would have to be made up with...oh, I don't know...UN or foreign troops?
This. A real purge would eliminate 90-99% of the troops.
If by some dastardly deed it was accomplished, yes, UN/Chinese troops brought in. More likely they will claim troops need brought in to "help facilitate" the purge. That will go over like a ton of bricks.
Bit confident, more like 60% and it can be done over 4 years for 15% a year, 1.25% a month.
99 percent of all military are TRUMP supporters (besides the few top dogs that have been compromised)
their goal eventually may be to eliminate our Military will their 'iron men' but I don't see that happening anytime soon
They recently said they want to take a 1 day stand down and investigate - you cannot possibly do that - YOU FIND A FEW SCAPEGOATS and make their lives a LIVING HELL ....to show everyone what will happen if you openly support Trump or Free Speech or Freedom
Oh no they are not. That may be true for Spec Ops but not in the least bit true for the 'rank and file'. It's about 30-70 for trump
I would even question if it's that, many are apolitical or just don't care enough to pay attention. It's really surprised me and disappointed me how uninformed and apathetic the majority are speaking from a place of first hand knowledge.
so they stole all the MILITARY VOTES because they were 70 percent BIDEN - ok SURE
Yep. These are all people who came out of the communist schools, being ruled over by people who went to communist college, and who make their way up the ranks making communist decisions.
You have no evidence for this assertion.
Particularly among officers, there are very many leftists and statists. Remember, authoritarian personality types and I-love-the-government-being-my-provider types are also drawn to the military, not just Patriots.
And have you stopped to consider that one does NOT get into any of the service academies without nomination by one's Senator or Representative?
That's right, even such as Ilhan Omar, Sandy Cortez, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi etc, etc have been selecting who will become our top officers, for decades.
For a long time about half or more of Congress has been leftist and definitely more than half when including Deep State Rinos perhaps not out for every piece of leftist agenda but most certainly for every possible piece of Deep State / totalitarian government power.
Fact: Half our top officers got into the military from being hand picked by the above.
What kind of men, politically, do you think Pelosi-etc nominated officers are?
Your narrative sounds nice. Too many here and elsewhere like believing whatever narrative sounds nice to them without having a trace of evidence, and go about claiming it's true solely on that basis.
Can you show us your trace of evidence for your 99% claim or anything like it? Of course not. But feel free to try.
the only LEFTIES in the MILITARY are corrupt
new? will have to look that up - thanks!!!!!
I wonder what that'll do to Militia recruitment, all those highly trained and motivated soldiers getting unceremoniously booted from the military...
Lol. Are they going to get ride of 90% of our standing military? Because that is what it would take to purge it of patriots. They are TRAINED to be patriots.
Obama removed his perceived threats ie General Staff...so will Biden. After all, we KNOW who’s behind the curtain.
Everything these idiots have tried has backfired massively and trying to "purge" the military will not go over well by the...MILITARY! The left know shit is going to happen and they're trying everything they can to prevent it including cutting the balls of our military. Sorry, that's not going to work.
Good point.
If the impeachment somehow is successful -> General LaMarque is dead.
Part of me thinks this is what is happening:
Scene: Oval Office
"President" Biden: Mr. Military Guy, I want to purge all Trump supporters from the military, right now!
Mr. Military Guy: Sir, Yes, Sir! We will get on that right away!
Scene: Whitehouse Press Conference
"President" Biden: Mr. Reporter Guy, I just ordered the military to purge all Trump supporters.
Mr. Reporter Guy: Mr. Military Guy, is this true?
Scene: an office in the White house
Mr. Military Guy: Oh yes, Absolutely! We're purging them right now! Why just today we purged 6.5 kajillion of them!
Scene: Mr. Military Guy at the military base
Mr. Sergeant Dude: I see in the newspaper you are purging Trump supporters. Is this true?
Mr. Military Dude: As far as "President" Biden and the newspapers are concerned, yes. As far as the military is concerned, absolutely not.
-- THE END --
They going to have to purge the entire Marine Corps and all special operations. No one that is a combat MOS is a liberal let’s get real.
This can't be stated enough. The hero worship here is beyond obsurd.
I mean what are you even doing here then? time to go cry in a corner and wait for the end times? c'mon man. I think we all know the situation is more complicated than "just go in and arrest everybody all at once" although we all wish it would have happened already.
The entire paragraph you just wrote is you whining about how you KNOW the collapse is upon us. I'll throw this right back in your face, NO YOU DON'T KNOW the collapse is upon us. Get off your high horse.
Trump didn't get shot did he? It's very complicated JFK shot, Ronald Regan shot but didn't die as far as I know those were the last two for the people presidents. I actually take Trump hasn't been shot as a win.