My mom is a retired nurse that worked with a lot of infectious disease doctors and has been ranting about this since they first started saying "wear a mask".
Bacterial lung infections aren't even the worst case either.
Bacterial lung infections are hard to treat (odds r good you die) but can be treated BUT you also can get fungal lung infections by over wearing masks (that of get filled with all sorts of bugs duh) and fungal lung infections no cure, you just die.
"The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs."
The bacteria would have been expelled instead was trapped and re-inhaled back into the lungs. Why?
because “the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs”
I mean, I’m no doctor, but I guess it’s pretty common sense that a warm, moist, humid environment created by mask wearing is unhealthy for your mouth in general
One’s mouth is already a warm, moist environment. But it’s usually a warm, moist environment that’s exposed to fresh, open air, sunlight (UV), and not trapped in a bubble of its own filth. I bet dentists are seeing a higher influx than normal. Can’t be good for one’s teeth
Masks lead to mouth breathing, mouth breathing leads to dryness, and dryness is a shortage of saliva.
Saliva is your mouth’s natural germ killer. Too little of that, and it breeds germs. Too much of that, and you end up with things like upper respiratory infections.
Will probably get me banned from that sub but I couldn't help myself so I posted this link with the headline "Dr. Fauci Speaks Truth!!!" in r/coronavirus and just for shits'n giggles I flaired it with 'good news...
Your throat and mouth are bacterial breeding grounds that normally ventilate and breathe in fresh air. Putting a cloth, damp, filter that many rarely wash and often keep in glove compartments, pockets, and purses, constantly touch them with their hands, that traps your own expelled air in the cloth which you breathe back in...
The article clipping in the picture just mentioned bacteria. Using logic it's easy to infer. Especially after you finish eating at a restaurant or whatnot, then put it on to hang out with the friends for another while, all those organic food particles trapped in the cloth.
Pocket it/put it in the purse and let it fester until next time you throw it on.
The article does NOT MENTION MASKS. The conclusion is wrong because at no point did the "experts" blame masks. They blamed the lack of modern antibiotics for the proliferation of death.
While one can logically conclude masks contributed the "experts" never said as much. If the point of this information is to redpill normies they won't care because the "experts" said no such thing. As for the rest of us, we already know covid is bullshit, so this doesn't matter to us anyway.
This material is simply misleading and not compelling. I agree masks are bad but you won't convince anybody with this information.
I agree, unfortunately in the information war if we are to win we need to be razor precise and speak only truth. Which sucks because they are constantly lying, but only undisputable facts echoed over and over will win us the day.
Records from an "open-air" hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, suggest that (many) patients and staff were spared the worst of the outbreak of 1918. A combination of fresh air, sunlight, scrupulous standards of hygiene, and reusable face masks (for staff) appears to have substantially reduced deaths among some patients and infections among medical staff.
Studies have shown that ultraviolet radiation inactivates influenza virus and other viral pathogens and that sunlight also kills bacteria.
The groups who are at highest risk for severe COVID-19 match those who are at highest risk for severe vitamin D deficiency. This includes the elderly, men, ethnic groups whose skin is naturally rich in melanin (if living outside the tropics), those who avoid sun exposure for cultural and health reasons, those who live in institutions, the obese, and/or those who suffer with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes.
They want to kill us.
9/11 proved that and the wars based on lies, Afghanistan and Iraq, confirmed it.
Arab Spring was Soros/Obama/Hillary takedown of 5 democratic governments and the kickoff for mass migration into Europe.
Soros, Obama, Hillary are all stooges of the international bankers.
To me, it's common sense. Bacteria thrives in warm and moist environments. Masks are holding in moisture and warmth.
I had this thought way early on and was referring to them as “humid Petri dishes”
When? Decades ago.
This time seems like fact checkers did their job. He still flip flopped on masks but this isn't the smoking gun.
My mom is a retired nurse that worked with a lot of infectious disease doctors and has been ranting about this since they first started saying "wear a mask".
Bacterial lung infections aren't even the worst case either.
Bacterial lung infections are hard to treat (odds r good you die) but can be treated BUT you also can get fungal lung infections by over wearing masks (that of get filled with all sorts of bugs duh) and fungal lung infections no cure, you just die.
The word “mask” doesn’t appear once in this article
"The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs."
The bacteria would have been expelled instead was trapped and re-inhaled back into the lungs. Why?
because “the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs”
I mean, I’m no doctor, but I guess it’s pretty common sense that a warm, moist, humid environment created by mask wearing is unhealthy for your mouth in general
One's mouth is already a warm, moist environment.
I'm not saying masks are safe, but this doesn't prove they are dangerous.
One’s mouth is already a warm, moist environment. But it’s usually a warm, moist environment that’s exposed to fresh, open air, sunlight (UV), and not trapped in a bubble of its own filth. I bet dentists are seeing a higher influx than normal. Can’t be good for one’s teeth
A mouth has its own defense. A mask does not.
A mask can easily be the perfect condition for bacterial growth considering it will be warm and moist due to respiration.
Your average joe isn't changing his mask, let alone not constantly contaminating it by touching it. It is just simply common sense.
Not to mention keeping the same damp cloth mask in pockets, purses, dark glove compartments, etc.
Wearable petri dish....
That's true. Those are very good points that NEEDED to be made. Thanks for taking the time.
Masks lead to mouth breathing, mouth breathing leads to dryness, and dryness is a shortage of saliva.
Saliva is your mouth’s natural germ killer. Too little of that, and it breeds germs. Too much of that, and you end up with things like upper respiratory infections.
Someone should ask Facui to further elaborate.
No, someone should make Fauci unable to elaborate on anything, ever.
That's the point - watch him dig his own grave.
Will probably get me banned from that sub but I couldn't help myself so I posted this link with the headline "Dr. Fauci Speaks Truth!!!" in r/coronavirus and just for shits'n giggles I flaired it with 'good news...
God speed Pede.
Thank you.
There is nothing in that article about masks.
I think that meme is a red herring. The person linking the NIH paper is correct.
3rd paragraph:
Your throat and mouth are bacterial breeding grounds that normally ventilate and breathe in fresh air. Putting a cloth, damp, filter that many rarely wash and often keep in glove compartments, pockets, and purses, constantly touch them with their hands, that traps your own expelled air in the cloth which you breathe back in...
The article clipping in the picture just mentioned bacteria. Using logic it's easy to infer. Especially after you finish eating at a restaurant or whatnot, then put it on to hang out with the friends for another while, all those organic food particles trapped in the cloth.
Pocket it/put it in the purse and let it fester until next time you throw it on.
The article does NOT MENTION MASKS. The conclusion is wrong because at no point did the "experts" blame masks. They blamed the lack of modern antibiotics for the proliferation of death.
While one can logically conclude masks contributed the "experts" never said as much. If the point of this information is to redpill normies they won't care because the "experts" said no such thing. As for the rest of us, we already know covid is bullshit, so this doesn't matter to us anyway.
This material is simply misleading and not compelling. I agree masks are bad but you won't convince anybody with this information.
Fair point. It's not proof but it is evidence.
I agree, unfortunately in the information war if we are to win we need to be razor precise and speak only truth. Which sucks because they are constantly lying, but only undisputable facts echoed over and over will win us the day. Respiratory infection is much higher among healthcare workers wearing cloth masks compared to medical masks, research shows.
Records from an "open-air" hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, suggest that (many) patients and staff were spared the worst of the outbreak of 1918. A combination of fresh air, sunlight, scrupulous standards of hygiene, and reusable face masks (for staff) appears to have substantially reduced deaths among some patients and infections among medical staff.
Studies have shown that ultraviolet radiation inactivates influenza virus and other viral pathogens and that sunlight also kills bacteria.
The groups who are at highest risk for severe COVID-19 match those who are at highest risk for severe vitamin D deficiency. This includes the elderly, men, ethnic groups whose skin is naturally rich in melanin (if living outside the tropics), those who avoid sun exposure for cultural and health reasons, those who live in institutions, the obese, and/or those who suffer with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes.
I've been trough this movie long before nothing new comes up no more.