"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. [...]
By the way to explain something because I has serious quarrel with some "gnostic" claiming that Founding Fathers were one's with radical wing of anti-god Jacobins of French revolution - lesson of history:
And while People who participated in American Revolution were participating in French one - they were not anti-God anti-Christian radicals too. Remember that.
At the end America is Christian nation (with mostly protestant roots,but biggest part of Protestantism is still Christian !) and cabal communists are satanist (communist or satanist - if you research it deeper that means in fact almost the same) - so anti-Christian. It is war of the good and evil. Remember that.
What exactly is a Christian? One who believes in Christ, right? Read that passage again. There's nothing inherently Christian about that. Vague terms, like the ones used in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, can apply to any religion. Our founding fathers were acutely aware of other belief systems and wanted to allow them to thrive under the American model.
I wouldn't say that America was founded as a Christian nation, as much as I would say that America was founded by Christians as a nation without a state religion. England was very oppressive with the Anglican Church at the time of our founding.
The issue is that a state religion was formed at some point (not sure when) that swung the pendulum back the other way. So instead of being good and righteous, it worshipped the base instincts of humanity (the four Fs, as it were: feeding, fighting, fleeing, and fornicating). It was called "secular humanism". This has been used by the elites to undermine all religions. They do not have missionaries, as most religions do; their tactic is using subversion to gain followers (who will claim it's not a religion, but follow it's teachings devoutly see also: atheism). The Satanists were born from this movement.
There is an important distinction to note here: the Satanists generally differ from the Luciferians in that they are lower class humanists who hate all religion, except their own. Luciferians are higher class humanists (celebrities, politicians, etc), who are basically Christians who believe the bible in a Beowulf/Grendel kind of way (that is to say that Luciferianism is basically Christianity from the perspective of Lucifer).
Satanists and Luciferians more recently paired up with Sabbatean Judaism (basically Satanism for the Jewish faith), who believe that the prophecies within the Torah must be intentionally fulfilled by man. So we have secular humanists, devil-worshippers, and fake jews who want to bring about an end-times scenario, all working together. This should terrify anyone.
Also, to your point about communism and satanism sharing roots, you are absolutely correct. The "holiest" holiday in satanism/luciferianism is Walpurgisnacht. This is May first, May Day, the international workers day, or the Haymarket Affair memorial day.
That was my first thought, the guy made an ignorant comment. Paganism is a broad spectrum and does not simply equate with the worst moral degeneracy and social corruption. Plato was a pagan. I'm a confessional bible believing Christian but I can live peacably with those of other (albeit erroneous) belief systems if we agree that society needs certain fundamental values and compact for us to function and interact in constructive ways.
A lot of Pagans are NOT satanists and don't even believe in Satan. A lot of them believe in the same Gods that Plato and Aristotle believed in. No baby killing.
Y'all know George Washington wasn't known for going to church a lot, right? And Jefferson edited the bible heavily so he could accept it. You know about that too, right?
So what ? All people are sinners. Nobody (ok maybe except the Christ - but he is son of God being one with his father: God) was or is ideal and pure. Even mr Trump is not ideal man (no all people will be glad,but it is true, of course Don looks being quite narcissistic man liking to be popular - so what ?) - what is important is legacy being beyond a man,legacy man leaves.
Is that more important: who we feel we are or what we do,what we chose and what we will leave when our pilgrimage on earth will be ended by death ? For the rest of the world only that what we give,what we do will stay,will be seen and maybe important after we will die. And all of us will die sooner or later - that's the fate of man.
Lots of secular conservatives out there, I wouldn't go ostracizing them right now...
It is perfectly right if you are secular here, you can be secular as long as you accept Christian culture as one of roots of Euro-American culture which resulted in birth of United States of America of it's founding fathers.If you don't accept it you are probably not here and don't care about freedom anyway
Did you heard about Oriana Falacci ? Italian journalist who were Italian patriot who moved to America. She were atheist in fact,atheist with even quite political left roots ! But despite she was sowing political division against muslims as barbarians and so in her text/manifesto "The Rage and The Pride" after 9/11 (well it is worth reading anyway) But except those cricicizing Muslims that text was one big praise of America and American people,American values. And what she else said ? Sorry for google translate because I don't found english original:
People like me have trouble declaring: "I-have-nothing-to do with-the-Catholic-Church." I have, and how. Whether I like it or not. How could I not have? I was born in a landscape full of churches, monasteries, Christs, Madonnas, saints. The first melody I heard coming into the world was the music of the bells. The bells of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, which in the Age of Tent were drowned out by the howling of the muezzin. It is in this music, in this landscape, that I grew up. It is through this music and through this landscape that I learned what architecture, sculpture, painting and art are. It was through this Church (then rejected) that I began to ask myself what is Good, what is Evil, by God's sake... You see I wrote "for God's sake" again. With all my secularism, with all my atheism, I am so imbued with Catholic culture that it is even part of the way I express myself. O God, my God, thank God, by God, my God, Jesus Maria, Holy Mother, Christ here, Christ there. These words come to mind so spontaneously that I don't even notice when I say or write them. Anything else you want to know? Despite the fact that I have never forgiven Catholicism the wickedness that he has imposed on me over the centuries, starting with the Inquisition, this inquisition that even burned my grandmother, poor grandmother, although I do not agree with the priests and do not know what their prayers may be of use to me, I I really like this bell music. She caresses my heart. I also like these sculptures and paintings of Christ, Madonna and saints. I'm a cat for icons. I also like monasteries and hermitages. They give me a sense of peace, sometimes I envy their inhabitants.
It is all about it. How was born respect to the individual rights,invidual freedoms in western culture if not because of having roots in christianity ? It is not about religious vs secular it is about culture being like the tree. Kill the roots - the tree will die. And that mean freedom and respect to us as individuals dead. Got it ?
Vague terms, like the ones used in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, can apply to any religion.
What religion respects individual as being sovereign entity then ? Islam ? Of course not, islam means "perfect obedience to the god" and leaders ! ` ? It is so tribal culture obsessed with tribal loyalty - it is not. Ancient Roman or Greek Culture claiming slavery was natural and having no respect for human life ? Almost individualistic (for the leaders) but still government bootlicking as cultural norm. WHAT RELIGION ? Some Asian maybe - you know how individualistic is Chinese or Japanese original culture... /s
Most religions don't give a fuck about you as INDIVIDUAL. People of those religions and cultures don't like to be oppressed too of course,but they don't even understand clearly those concept of BEING FREE MAN ! Christianity did the most of it among the others about lowering iron grasp of rulers and mainstream "society",and that is root and soil - on which idea of freedom grew and flourished.
Why the fuck despite England being oppressive,like Catholic church being quite oppressive even "heresies" of people wanting individual freedom happened ? Do you think all cultures allow individualism if you believe you are right as virtue ?
In Christianity Jesus is "good Shepherd caring about all sheeps",ready to leave 99 to rescue the one lost. That's the key. Compare those to old Chinese communist "morality" where if you get hit by car driver would like to hit you again to avoid responsibility, or average person on the street avoid helping you and calling ambulance. If some Chinese become better - it because of our cultural influence !
Remove the vision of individual being important and that will uproot freedom. It is the cause of the war against Christianity besides satanist or other fanaticism.
Which religion respects the individual as a sovereign entity? I would say any that believe in free will. Secular humanism does not and relies on determinism to justify our decisions, so there is no personal responsibility. Every other religion believes in free will.
Also, why would you bring up government bootlicking and completely ignore Romans 13? By your logic, Christianity does not care about the individual either. I'm not saying that I believe that, but your argument is all over the place.
Ancient India was tolerant to other societies, as were the ancient mongolians, the Iroquois league (Deganawida and Hiawatha did great work uniting tribes who previously warred against each other), the vikings allowed a muslim scholar to stay with them for an extended period of time, exchanging culture, the Jews and Muslims used to get along more civilly than they do now, we can throw in the trade among most native americans, and there are countless other examples.
What creates western exceptionalism today is what put the west on equal footing with the rest of the world back then. Humanism took over many countries in the form of communism, setting them back hundreds of years.
Societies maybe but individuals ? By the way: It isn't about "tolerance"
it is about freedom !. You want only "tolerance" then go lick Bidet and Camela ass !
Ancient mongolians
Tribal culture with little to none respect for individualism where kidnapping a wife was common practice. Gengis armies murdered 10% of his times human population worldwide,and raped so many womens with his sons that his genes are probably in 8% of asian man population. Nice people /s
the vikings allowed a muslim scholar to stay with them for an extended period of time
Again - it isn't about "tolerance",it is about idea of freedom ! You don't have to be tolerant to embrace freedom.It is nice when you are,but it is not about tolerance.
Vikings by the way ? Nice people even if they were not drinking from the skulls in fact /s
Iroquois league - again tollerant maybe yes, but we are talking about freedom.
Jews and Muslims used to get along more civilly than they do now
Again - it is not about tolerance but about freedom.Do you even have those word in your dictionary ? Do you understand what this word is ? F.R.E.E.D.O.M. How many times again I have to repeat those word ?
And I disagree about Muslims being tolerant in any countries where there were any important non-musslim minority living with them. Talking about muslims... Well... Until they are not too religious everything is fine,but the fact is many of their "priests" consider paedophilia legal and not only that. Islam as religion completely reject idea of freedom and it is more than religion - it is kind of theocratic totalitarian social system. ISIS not differs from those Muslims who were fought during crushades, our civilization advanced morally but theirs is still in dark ages.Or worse...: women circumcision... If I were optimist I would claim it is because of their calendar (you know,in Muslim calendar we have year 1442 ;D ),but really it is not about that.
I'm a pagan. I worship the same Gods that Plato and Aristotle believed in.
I don't like Satanists. They seem like bad news and are clearly not oriented towards the light. Most pagans don't even believe in Satan. Let's not lump in the old fashioned folks who follow traditional family friendly indigenous European religions with disgusting Satanist perverts.
Going after all Pagans because some people are Satanists is like going after all Catholics because the Pope is a pedophile.
Regardless of, coincidentally, most Popes being pedos and enabling countless cardinals and bishops, any denomination that claims above others that their personal "representative" directly speaks with/through God is by its very nature heresy. God had only one son, and he wasn't a Pope. None of the Popes are the son of God nor do any of them have a higher connection to God than any normal man, and none of them can rightfully, without heresy, claim to speak for God.
I don't think most normie Catholics really care about or are aware of the contradictory nature of the denomination though. The flock, if you will, is not aware that the shepherd is farming them for nefarious purposes.
Dude, you need to be careful. There is a Judgement day coming and we will have to answer for our words and deeds. That was a quote from the Ten Commandments which was written by the finger of God. So some reverence and respect, please.
Well, let me tell you a bit about that. Satan rules the nations right? How so? By the means of Legal (unlawful) Name.
That includes birth certificates.
Judgement day is indeed coming, but if the only way to the Creator is through Jesus Christ, then we have a problem because almost nobody seems to be willing to tell Satan to "shove it" and stop letting Satan have control (through the Legal Name).
Like you, I'm also "in". But given that I have a annoying "thirst" for "what is reality" I just had to research it to get some answers and boy it is not easy to seperate the signal (legal name fraud) from the noise (freeman of the land).
Easy to say, but to get out; "No name, no game." The rules the BAR-people (judges, clerks etc) are phoneician law. Law of sound. Spellings in writing can mean anything, but person is the most important one. Not so easy to do; Can't just quit ones job, stop paying mortgages etc. It has to be gradual. Just don't forget to breathe.
For example: "Persons" is what we are told that we are, right? Well, it's wrong. Person comes from the latin word persona meaning mask like for an actor on a stage.
So everybody "puts on" their persona (IE use their birth certificate data) and go about their business, following all the acts and statutes. But what is they realize that they are pushing their creation energy into the act and thereby feeding their own energy over to the enemy via the strawman-mirror that is the persona..? No name no game. It is the Lynch-pin.
So it is all about contracts: Having/showing identification/papers etc is to enter into contract. When "authorities" ask what peoples names are and they answer, that is a (verbal) contract; BOOM stuck under authority.
Basically I think there need to be a collective uprising that are aware of these things and actually avoid doing any kind of "contracting" using the birth certificate data (as all names are assumed registered and belonging to the state) over a long time, effectively creating a parallel "world" outside of the corporate (IE: contracting with the Holy See). This includes though sound and in writing.
I wish I had all the answers to how, but no man is an island, so It has to be something collective.
Legaleeze: "under stand" aka "stand under (authority)"
In later years, the practice of live sacrifice was largely replaced with "sacrificing" representations of bulls (statues). Much as in Catholicism the sacrifice of Jesus's body is represented through the wafers and the wine (not to mention the crucifix). So no, I'm not killing anything just like (presumably) my Christian frens aren't killing anything either.
Roman Catholicism basically appropriated Platonic philosophy, slapped a layer of Roman legal code and authority structure on top of that for the heirarchal theocracy, and kept the veneer of Christian lingo and basic concepts on the tippy top to stay legit. Not biblical Christianity at its most basic core, and their beliefs in the eucharist are the most obvious evidence of that.
How did normies fall into such a deep sleep that they could read scripture every night and not notice the contradictory Viper's den they walk into every Sunday?
I wish I could upvote this a dozen times. I'm all for Christians who practice what they preach and bible verses are often encouraging as is other great literature. But good lord take the preachy posts and everything-not-theocentric-is-of-the-devil diatribes to Christianity.win
Q, Trump, Linn Wood, Guliani, Powell, Flynn and others all walk with God. They’ve been very clear about that. Q and Jesus Christ are knotted together, thats how Christ is applicable to this Great Awakening board. This is a good vs evil battle, look around and open your eyes please. I want to see you in the light
Yep. I like Christians a lot and have many Christian friends but since when do we all have to be Christian to belong to the club? I thought Q was about uniting people, not judging others for having different religious beliefs.
Pagan is the wrong term to be using. I get upset with how people throw that word around without actually knowing the meaning/beliefs behind it. It is constantly misused in this movement. None of you realize how many pagans (nature-based religion) actually support this movement and are for truth and justice and the death of the deep state.
The battle between good and evil is right before your eyes. If you do not believe in Satan after knowing what we all know now then I hope you come to see Satan in the next few weeks as he is revealed by the light. He is real. He is evil. His demons exist. The Lord God, our one true God is the only way. He is the way the truth and the light. I see so clearly now that I see all of this! I do not follow any earthly religion, I am not labeling myself. I have a relationship with God through prayer and faith. He does not fail me! Ever! I have way too much to be thankful for from Him and waking up to the evils of this world is one.
Very soon, Christ will reveal himself to us. I have faith that there will be a revival in Him! I am not worried for those who do not see yet - they very soon will.
Another thing: Trump, Giuliani, Linn Wood, Powell etc. who do these people believe in? Our Lord God almighty. Q says God wins. I hope those of you who do not see yet, realize that Trump and the patriots aren’t fighting this war with the Gods of Paganism. Its the God of Abraham and Issac - Christ our Lord.
A lot of you pagans are mad, but Andrew Torba has worked for YEARS to make his site free speech. He has suffered tremendously during the process. The full quote said he would interview with Christian journalists and all the rest of the pagans would be referred to his assortment of prepared pieces. He has the right to refuse interviews with whomever he chooses. He was getting attacked so viciously by the media, they were telling lies so he decided to limit interviews to a select group (Christians) that he feels he can trust.
He allows pagans on Gab. He allows everyone on Gab, you just have to obey the rules.
Furthermore, the Founding Fathers were profoundly Christian, influenced by the Bible, and wrote about it extensively. You may not know this, because our history has been largely wiped clean. There is no other worldview that could have created the Constitution and it only works for a moral and god-fearing people. They said so themselves.
Just like any other time in history, the luciferians fuck everything up and the pagans get blamed for it.
Just remember your founding fathers were deists, pagans, freemasons, gnostics, and hermeticists.
But mostly they were still kind of Christians:
By the way to explain something because I has serious quarrel with some "gnostic" claiming that Founding Fathers were one's with radical wing of anti-god Jacobins of French revolution - lesson of history:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution
And while People who participated in American Revolution were participating in French one - they were not anti-God anti-Christian radicals too. Remember that.
In fact for example Lafayette being most known French hero of American Revolutionary war at the end wanted to break proto-Bolshevik Jacobins. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert_du_Motier,_Marquis_de_Lafayette
At the end America is Christian nation (with mostly protestant roots,but biggest part of Protestantism is still Christian !) and cabal communists are satanist (communist or satanist - if you research it deeper that means in fact almost the same) - so anti-Christian. It is war of the good and evil. Remember that.
What exactly is a Christian? One who believes in Christ, right? Read that passage again. There's nothing inherently Christian about that. Vague terms, like the ones used in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, can apply to any religion. Our founding fathers were acutely aware of other belief systems and wanted to allow them to thrive under the American model.
I wouldn't say that America was founded as a Christian nation, as much as I would say that America was founded by Christians as a nation without a state religion. England was very oppressive with the Anglican Church at the time of our founding.
The issue is that a state religion was formed at some point (not sure when) that swung the pendulum back the other way. So instead of being good and righteous, it worshipped the base instincts of humanity (the four Fs, as it were: feeding, fighting, fleeing, and fornicating). It was called "secular humanism". This has been used by the elites to undermine all religions. They do not have missionaries, as most religions do; their tactic is using subversion to gain followers (who will claim it's not a religion, but follow it's teachings devoutly see also: atheism). The Satanists were born from this movement.
There is an important distinction to note here: the Satanists generally differ from the Luciferians in that they are lower class humanists who hate all religion, except their own. Luciferians are higher class humanists (celebrities, politicians, etc), who are basically Christians who believe the bible in a Beowulf/Grendel kind of way (that is to say that Luciferianism is basically Christianity from the perspective of Lucifer).
Satanists and Luciferians more recently paired up with Sabbatean Judaism (basically Satanism for the Jewish faith), who believe that the prophecies within the Torah must be intentionally fulfilled by man. So we have secular humanists, devil-worshippers, and fake jews who want to bring about an end-times scenario, all working together. This should terrify anyone.
Also, to your point about communism and satanism sharing roots, you are absolutely correct. The "holiest" holiday in satanism/luciferianism is Walpurgisnacht. This is May first, May Day, the international workers day, or the Haymarket Affair memorial day.
That was my first thought, the guy made an ignorant comment. Paganism is a broad spectrum and does not simply equate with the worst moral degeneracy and social corruption. Plato was a pagan. I'm a confessional bible believing Christian but I can live peacably with those of other (albeit erroneous) belief systems if we agree that society needs certain fundamental values and compact for us to function and interact in constructive ways.
Triggeredddddd xD. Pagans got wrecked by the 10 plagues lol. They built a triangle in the desert lol. They are the laughing stock.
Thank you for speaking the truth
A lot of Pagans are NOT satanists and don't even believe in Satan. A lot of them believe in the same Gods that Plato and Aristotle believed in. No baby killing.
i need that hat.
Y'all know George Washington wasn't known for going to church a lot, right? And Jefferson edited the bible heavily so he could accept it. You know about that too, right?
So what ? All people are sinners. Nobody (ok maybe except the Christ - but he is son of God being one with his father: God) was or is ideal and pure. Even mr Trump is not ideal man (no all people will be glad,but it is true, of course Don looks being quite narcissistic man liking to be popular - so what ?) - what is important is legacy being beyond a man,legacy man leaves.
Is that more important: who we feel we are or what we do,what we chose and what we will leave when our pilgrimage on earth will be ended by death ? For the rest of the world only that what we give,what we do will stay,will be seen and maybe important after we will die. And all of us will die sooner or later - that's the fate of man.
My point is if y'all ain't fucking with non devout Christians, y'all ain't fucking with the founding fathers.
Lots of secular conservatives out there, I wouldn't go ostracizing them right now...
It is perfectly right if you are secular here, you can be secular as long as you accept Christian culture as one of roots of Euro-American culture which resulted in birth of United States of America of it's founding fathers.If you don't accept it you are probably not here and don't care about freedom anyway
Did you heard about Oriana Falacci ? Italian journalist who were Italian patriot who moved to America. She were atheist in fact,atheist with even quite political left roots ! But despite she was sowing political division against muslims as barbarians and so in her text/manifesto "The Rage and The Pride" after 9/11 (well it is worth reading anyway) But except those cricicizing Muslims that text was one big praise of America and American people,American values. And what she else said ? Sorry for google translate because I don't found english original:
It is all about it. How was born respect to the individual rights,invidual freedoms in western culture if not because of having roots in christianity ? It is not about religious vs secular it is about culture being like the tree. Kill the roots - the tree will die. And that mean freedom and respect to us as individuals dead. Got it ?
u/HarryxD What religion respects individual as being sovereign entity then ? Islam ? Of course not, islam means "perfect obedience to the god" and leaders ! ` ? It is so tribal culture obsessed with tribal loyalty - it is not. Ancient Roman or Greek Culture claiming slavery was natural and having no respect for human life ? Almost individualistic (for the leaders) but still government bootlicking as cultural norm. WHAT RELIGION ? Some Asian maybe - you know how individualistic is Chinese or Japanese original culture... /s
Most religions don't give a fuck about you as INDIVIDUAL. People of those religions and cultures don't like to be oppressed too of course,but they don't even understand clearly those concept of BEING FREE MAN ! Christianity did the most of it among the others about lowering iron grasp of rulers and mainstream "society",and that is root and soil - on which idea of freedom grew and flourished.
Why the fuck despite England being oppressive,like Catholic church being quite oppressive even "heresies" of people wanting individual freedom happened ? Do you think all cultures allow individualism if you believe you are right as virtue ?
In Christianity Jesus is "good Shepherd caring about all sheeps",ready to leave 99 to rescue the one lost. That's the key. Compare those to old Chinese communist "morality" where if you get hit by car driver would like to hit you again to avoid responsibility, or average person on the street avoid helping you and calling ambulance. If some Chinese become better - it because of our cultural influence !
Remove the vision of individual being important and that will uproot freedom. It is the cause of the war against Christianity besides satanist or other fanaticism.
Which religion respects the individual as a sovereign entity? I would say any that believe in free will. Secular humanism does not and relies on determinism to justify our decisions, so there is no personal responsibility. Every other religion believes in free will.
Also, why would you bring up government bootlicking and completely ignore Romans 13? By your logic, Christianity does not care about the individual either. I'm not saying that I believe that, but your argument is all over the place.
I said not really "respects" at its core.I said allowed enough respect to let freedom grow. Fertile soil.Simply.
The thing is: what other societies were tollerant to other sociieties and religions before western societies ? Think or shut up.
Ancient India was tolerant to other societies, as were the ancient mongolians, the Iroquois league (Deganawida and Hiawatha did great work uniting tribes who previously warred against each other), the vikings allowed a muslim scholar to stay with them for an extended period of time, exchanging culture, the Jews and Muslims used to get along more civilly than they do now, we can throw in the trade among most native americans, and there are countless other examples.
What creates western exceptionalism today is what put the west on equal footing with the rest of the world back then. Humanism took over many countries in the form of communism, setting them back hundreds of years.
Societies maybe but individuals ? By the way: It isn't about "tolerance" it is about freedom !. You want only "tolerance" then go lick Bidet and Camela ass !
Tribal culture with little to none respect for individualism where kidnapping a wife was common practice. Gengis armies murdered 10% of his times human population worldwide,and raped so many womens with his sons that his genes are probably in 8% of asian man population. Nice people /s
Again - it isn't about "tolerance",it is about idea of freedom ! You don't have to be tolerant to embrace freedom.It is nice when you are,but it is not about tolerance. Vikings by the way ? Nice people even if they were not drinking from the skulls in fact /s
Iroquois league - again tollerant maybe yes, but we are talking about freedom.
Again - it is not about tolerance but about freedom.Do you even have those word in your dictionary ? Do you understand what this word is ? F.R.E.E.D.O.M. How many times again I have to repeat those word ?
And I disagree about Muslims being tolerant in any countries where there were any important non-musslim minority living with them. Talking about muslims... Well... Until they are not too religious everything is fine,but the fact is many of their "priests" consider paedophilia legal and not only that. Islam as religion completely reject idea of freedom and it is more than religion - it is kind of theocratic totalitarian social system. ISIS not differs from those Muslims who were fought during crushades, our civilization advanced morally but theirs is still in dark ages.Or worse...: women circumcision... If I were optimist I would claim it is because of their calendar (you know,in Muslim calendar we have year 1442 ;D ),but really it is not about that.
Duh.. they are basically satanists
I'm a pagan. I worship the same Gods that Plato and Aristotle believed in.
I don't like Satanists. They seem like bad news and are clearly not oriented towards the light. Most pagans don't even believe in Satan. Let's not lump in the old fashioned folks who follow traditional family friendly indigenous European religions with disgusting Satanist perverts.
"You shall not have other gods before ME!"
Don't put any gods before yourself.
I like Christians but I don't personally follow Christianity.
Going after all Pagans because some people are Satanists is like going after all Catholics because the Pope is a pedophile.
Regardless of, coincidentally, most Popes being pedos and enabling countless cardinals and bishops, any denomination that claims above others that their personal "representative" directly speaks with/through God is by its very nature heresy. God had only one son, and he wasn't a Pope. None of the Popes are the son of God nor do any of them have a higher connection to God than any normal man, and none of them can rightfully, without heresy, claim to speak for God.
I don't think most normie Catholics really care about or are aware of the contradictory nature of the denomination though. The flock, if you will, is not aware that the shepherd is farming them for nefarious purposes.
Dude, you need to be careful. There is a Judgement day coming and we will have to answer for our words and deeds. That was a quote from the Ten Commandments which was written by the finger of God. So some reverence and respect, please.
Well, let me tell you a bit about that. Satan rules the nations right? How so? By the means of Legal (unlawful) Name.
That includes birth certificates.
Judgement day is indeed coming, but if the only way to the Creator is through Jesus Christ, then we have a problem because almost nobody seems to be willing to tell Satan to "shove it" and stop letting Satan have control (through the Legal Name).
So give us clue about how we un-birth certificate ourselves from the system. I am not aware of a way to do that. Once we are in, how do we get out?
Like you, I'm also "in". But given that I have a annoying "thirst" for "what is reality" I just had to research it to get some answers and boy it is not easy to seperate the signal (legal name fraud) from the noise (freeman of the land).
Easy to say, but to get out; "No name, no game." The rules the BAR-people (judges, clerks etc) are phoneician law. Law of sound. Spellings in writing can mean anything, but person is the most important one. Not so easy to do; Can't just quit ones job, stop paying mortgages etc. It has to be gradual. Just don't forget to breathe.
For example: "Persons" is what we are told that we are, right? Well, it's wrong. Person comes from the latin word persona meaning mask like for an actor on a stage.
So everybody "puts on" their persona (IE use their birth certificate data) and go about their business, following all the acts and statutes. But what is they realize that they are pushing their creation energy into the act and thereby feeding their own energy over to the enemy via the strawman-mirror that is the persona..? No name no game. It is the Lynch-pin.
So it is all about contracts: Having/showing identification/papers etc is to enter into contract. When "authorities" ask what peoples names are and they answer, that is a (verbal) contract; BOOM stuck under authority.
Basically I think there need to be a collective uprising that are aware of these things and actually avoid doing any kind of "contracting" using the birth certificate data (as all names are assumed registered and belonging to the state) over a long time, effectively creating a parallel "world" outside of the corporate (IE: contracting with the Holy See). This includes though sound and in writing.
I wish I had all the answers to how, but no man is an island, so It has to be something collective.
Legaleeze: "under stand" aka "stand under (authority)"
More info here: https://bccrss.wordpress.com/
In later years, the practice of live sacrifice was largely replaced with "sacrificing" representations of bulls (statues). Much as in Catholicism the sacrifice of Jesus's body is represented through the wafers and the wine (not to mention the crucifix). So no, I'm not killing anything just like (presumably) my Christian frens aren't killing anything either.
Roman Catholicism basically appropriated Platonic philosophy, slapped a layer of Roman legal code and authority structure on top of that for the heirarchal theocracy, and kept the veneer of Christian lingo and basic concepts on the tippy top to stay legit. Not biblical Christianity at its most basic core, and their beliefs in the eucharist are the most obvious evidence of that.
How did normies fall into such a deep sleep that they could read scripture every night and not notice the contradictory Viper's den they walk into every Sunday?
I agree with you! It's extremely influenced by Neo-Platonism.
Dosing the truth is crucial if you not want to be "discredited" in the eyes of the normies.
We're all here for truth, justice, and free speech. This isn't a religious issue. You don't have to be a fucking Christan to be on the side of good.
This "christ-faggotry" hurts the movement, and Gab, more than it helps.
I wish I could upvote this a dozen times. I'm all for Christians who practice what they preach and bible verses are often encouraging as is other great literature. But good lord take the preachy posts and everything-not-theocentric-is-of-the-devil diatribes to Christianity.win
Q, Trump, Linn Wood, Guliani, Powell, Flynn and others all walk with God. They’ve been very clear about that. Q and Jesus Christ are knotted together, thats how Christ is applicable to this Great Awakening board. This is a good vs evil battle, look around and open your eyes please. I want to see you in the light
Yep. I like Christians a lot and have many Christian friends but since when do we all have to be Christian to belong to the club? I thought Q was about uniting people, not judging others for having different religious beliefs.
Pagan is the wrong term to be using. I get upset with how people throw that word around without actually knowing the meaning/beliefs behind it. It is constantly misused in this movement. None of you realize how many pagans (nature-based religion) actually support this movement and are for truth and justice and the death of the deep state.
Absolutely. There is absolutely no need to villify Indigenous European religions.
I mean, they aren't pagans, if anything they're Luciferarian.
The battle between good and evil is right before your eyes. If you do not believe in Satan after knowing what we all know now then I hope you come to see Satan in the next few weeks as he is revealed by the light. He is real. He is evil. His demons exist. The Lord God, our one true God is the only way. He is the way the truth and the light. I see so clearly now that I see all of this! I do not follow any earthly religion, I am not labeling myself. I have a relationship with God through prayer and faith. He does not fail me! Ever! I have way too much to be thankful for from Him and waking up to the evils of this world is one.
Very soon, Christ will reveal himself to us. I have faith that there will be a revival in Him! I am not worried for those who do not see yet - they very soon will.
Another thing: Trump, Giuliani, Linn Wood, Powell etc. who do these people believe in? Our Lord God almighty. Q says God wins. I hope those of you who do not see yet, realize that Trump and the patriots aren’t fighting this war with the Gods of Paganism. Its the God of Abraham and Issac - Christ our Lord.
A lot of you pagans are mad, but Andrew Torba has worked for YEARS to make his site free speech. He has suffered tremendously during the process. The full quote said he would interview with Christian journalists and all the rest of the pagans would be referred to his assortment of prepared pieces. He has the right to refuse interviews with whomever he chooses. He was getting attacked so viciously by the media, they were telling lies so he decided to limit interviews to a select group (Christians) that he feels he can trust.
He allows pagans on Gab. He allows everyone on Gab, you just have to obey the rules.
Furthermore, the Founding Fathers were profoundly Christian, influenced by the Bible, and wrote about it extensively. You may not know this, because our history has been largely wiped clean. There is no other worldview that could have created the Constitution and it only works for a moral and god-fearing people. They said so themselves.
The title of the post says that people shouldn't do business with Pagans. I think that's what people are reacting to.
Q is supposed to be about uniting people. Not refusing to do business with others because they belong to a different religious club than you do.
Christianity is of pagan origin.
I think he means satanic.
There is no such word as "paganist". It's just pagan. They don't worship pagan, but if they did, they would be called paganists.