That what happens when grades and sat scores don’t matter. They are dumbing down even medical students now. Your first two years are pass fail and so is the first test after your first two years of medical school. They want you to be dumb so you don’t question the medical tyranny.
After having a major medical thing w my husband, my eyes were opened to how poorly educated they really are. They didnt know what to do for him and it was terrifying. Plus, they were assholes about their failure. I actually wantes to change direction and be a nurse. No longer do i want to be involved in the med cabal. They almost killed him and he already had a skull fracture. Ended up giving him lipids and insulin on what they thought and assured me was correct. He still has feeling loss in his feet bc of the insulin. Negligence at best. He did not then, and does not now need any of that medication. As the one there with him i feel terrible for not knowing and stopping it. I was doing research on the fly about what they were telling me. His life was at stake. Very crazy so i had to trust them a little and ive never been so disappointed. Plus side...the original problem....the skull frac surgeon was awesome and fixed that shit with brain surgery like a champ. Its actually the other meds that landed him back in the hospital practically unconacious and hallucinating alot. Big pharma sux balls and they want patients...not cures. Your comment couldnt be more true.
Exactly fren!!! We actually left the hospital a few days early. Felt like fleeing for his life lol. But really. And when i went to fill his meds, the pharmacist told me a couple of them.should NEVER be taken with some others that they also prescribed. I mean wtf. That pharmacist basically saved him in a way or we would have been back in the hospital
Agreed but the physical carnage has been astounding. Pineal gland is important but when they create polio and a host of other "diseases" and hide the truth, it's such a betrayal of the people. Look into "The Moth in the Iron Lung" and Crooked: "Manmade Diseases Explained", both by Forrest Maready. This man is a great writer, researcher and truth teller. His findings totally square up with anatomy and physiology.
I hope your husband is ok now. Don’t change your path and be a nurse. You will be a great doctor (I’m assuming this is your goal) especially since you have seen the other side!
It's totally racist to bypass a more qualified person in order to fill out the rainbow. Been going on decades. They want people just smart enough to do the job, but not smart enough to figure out they're breaking the law; or just not care.
Google: Stacey Plaskett sex tape. Apparently connected to Epstein, and there were kids running around in the video, with her husband in drag. A picture is all I could find of those big floppy titties.
Good one - I find her to be hilarious and poorly educated.
That what happens when grades and sat scores don’t matter. They are dumbing down even medical students now. Your first two years are pass fail and so is the first test after your first two years of medical school. They want you to be dumb so you don’t question the medical tyranny.
After having a major medical thing w my husband, my eyes were opened to how poorly educated they really are. They didnt know what to do for him and it was terrifying. Plus, they were assholes about their failure. I actually wantes to change direction and be a nurse. No longer do i want to be involved in the med cabal. They almost killed him and he already had a skull fracture. Ended up giving him lipids and insulin on what they thought and assured me was correct. He still has feeling loss in his feet bc of the insulin. Negligence at best. He did not then, and does not now need any of that medication. As the one there with him i feel terrible for not knowing and stopping it. I was doing research on the fly about what they were telling me. His life was at stake. Very crazy so i had to trust them a little and ive never been so disappointed. Plus side...the original problem....the skull frac surgeon was awesome and fixed that shit with brain surgery like a champ. Its actually the other meds that landed him back in the hospital practically unconacious and hallucinating alot. Big pharma sux balls and they want patients...not cures. Your comment couldnt be more true.
It's unfortunate that you went through that and still are. There was a time when medicine was about health and wellness, then it became a business.
They seem to want to push chemicals above all else. Same with my parents' doctors. Who of course, said cocid vaccine was a-ok
I hope to get through this life with no hospital visits. I think I'd rather cut it short than let them try to turn a profit off of me.
Exactly fren!!! We actually left the hospital a few days early. Felt like fleeing for his life lol. But really. And when i went to fill his meds, the pharmacist told me a couple of them.should NEVER be taken with some others that they also prescribed. I mean wtf. That pharmacist basically saved him in a way or we would have been back in the hospital
Well, I hope you both get through this and never have to go through it again.
They'll doctor you to death. Ill be knocking on deaths door before I go to a doctor.
Lol. Me too now for sure!
Their history is appalling. Heavy metals: mercury, arsenic, lead, bloodletting....They're still using mercury and fluoride.
Because it has been shown to block the penial gland... the insight part of hearing God... not the manipulated satanist way of accessing it.
Agreed but the physical carnage has been astounding. Pineal gland is important but when they create polio and a host of other "diseases" and hide the truth, it's such a betrayal of the people. Look into "The Moth in the Iron Lung" and Crooked: "Manmade Diseases Explained", both by Forrest Maready. This man is a great writer, researcher and truth teller. His findings totally square up with anatomy and physiology.
Thank you. Ill check it out
I hope your husband is ok now. Don’t change your path and be a nurse. You will be a great doctor (I’m assuming this is your goal) especially since you have seen the other side!
Thank you
It's totally racist to bypass a more qualified person in order to fill out the rainbow. Been going on decades. They want people just smart enough to do the job, but not smart enough to figure out they're breaking the law; or just not care.
My favorite part was when she said "he must be convicted, and acquitted!" lololol
They've misunderestimated DJT!
That deserves to be a word, although it'd give credibility to GWB.
Means she should have underestimated more. Likely soon will lmfao
Ahhhh yes BIG MIKE 2.0 I see
Omg , excellent ??
Seriously?! Good grief, this reality is retarded.
Google: Stacey Plaskett sex tape. Apparently connected to Epstein, and there were kids running around in the video, with her husband in drag. A picture is all I could find of those big floppy titties.
It's almost Mardi gras...we should have the option to tap in and heckle the house managers, "show me them boobies" and then throw beads at her.
with the text in that place, the microphone arm looks like a collar hahahahaah
Pretty sure she used Gorilla Glue on that weave and it ain't comin' off for a munth
I thought I was the only one who noticed. Lol
I thought you wrote prostitution...
Dude is built like a linebacker.
She’s a dirty unhygienic bitch. The edges of her lace front are crispy and melting off. Eww!
Am i supposed to believe this is a pic of a human?
word salad
Does she have a nose piecing or is that a pimple? It's like Big Mike's brother or something.
Call Dian Fossey! This on is talking...I think.
Y'all check this out-- this post was yesterday: