posted ago by TrumpTrollMaster ago by TrumpTrollMaster +94 / -0

I had talked about this three weeks ago, but I wanted to revisit this because it's now supported by more evidence.

  1. The Supreme Court has not yet rendered a decision on Trump's case.

If SCOTUS was meant to be the end-all, they would have rendered decision a long time ago.

I also don't believe Kavanaugh to be the spineless coward he appears to be. He fought threats against his family and reputation before and came out victorious. To me, he's not a man who'd be intimidated into submission. And the fact that all 3 Trump Justices cowed to pressure seems improbable, if not impossible.

  1. Christopher Wray is a sleeper, but not for Biden's team.

The problem with using the FBI to deal with the fraud and interference is that it would make Trump look like he's using his appointees and system to destroy his opponents. Many Americans would be angry at him, and most people wouldn't understand.

Enter Christopher Wray - An incompetent ass working for the enemy.

Now, what if Wray suddenly comes out later and says "Trump won. We found fraud. Biden definitely cheated?" when Biden left him in place after Trump removal?

I believe Trump has left many such witnesses and people in place, including Chris Krebs and others. The most powerful type of counter attack is not a head-on, but a punch from behind. If you look up Christopher Wray's speeches, he's an understated man, but he most certainly isn't a coward, nor is he not a patriot. It's evident that he cares about this country and will fight for it.

  1. Durham report is yet to unravel.

This is self-explanatory. This has massive potential to implicate Biden, Obama and Clinton.

  1. Barr is not a traitor.

Note, https://bad-boys.us/ shows at least another 200,000 sealed indictments. This number of indictments is no small feat and takes a long time to accumulate. The DOJ was VERY busy for the last four years.

I want to note - Fraud is historically very difficult to prove. It takes time, and requires a lot of evidence. What was interesting was when Barr said he found no fraud. It seems like Trump didn't want Barr involved by choice.

During a complex operation, it's important that anything critical be discussed in person only and not via phone. Barr needed to speak to Trump that day and the only way to do it was to declare no fraud and get summoned to the White House.

The interesting part about this was that the meeting was scheduled a few days ahead of time.

Barr also made Durham special counsel back in October, as if he knew this would happen. To me, this is a well thought-out and orchestrated agenda in which Barr played a key role.

  1. Pence might not be a traitor.

At his last rally, Trump mentioned to Pence that "It takes more courage to do nothing than it takes to do something.".

Furthermore, Trump mentioned that 'our journey has not yet begun' (paraphrase, at the same rally). Only to conclude later - that night - that 'our journey to make America great again has only just begun' (paraphrase).

Pence is a frugal and humble man who has never taken money from public coffers despite countless opportunities. In my years of working in a Law Enforcement-related field, the people I know who can resist the temptation of money are almost always the most astute and brave of them all.

  1. Trump is cleaning up the state governors.

Newsom didn't happen by coincidence - The petition to recall was stuck for years and never worked. Why did all of a sudden resources become available to get the last half-million signatures so quickly?

Why did Cuomo's news break all over the place so quickly? Why are the governors of most productive states in the US being targeted?

It's becoming increasingly apparent that, if you account for all the above situations, what we are going through right now has been and always was the plan; Entrap the enemy in a position that they can't get out of, and then destroy them utterly through humiliation. Annihilation from within and from behind is much more powerful than clashing with your foe head on and losing respect and esteem along the way.