Today, "former" President Donald John Trump has been acquitted from his second impeachment. I think this is the first major stepping stone for him to come back as President. Continue to pray that we take our nation back from these Luciferarian pedophiles.
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Holy fuck lmao I can't believe how stupid they truly are.
"did I ever tell you the definition of insanity..."
Then maybe I’m crazaaay!
And I can die when I’m done ✅ ?
I really hope so... I want to see us playing more offense like we were when we were attempting to expose all the election fraud... I was SOOOO HAPPY with our action taking back then... now I feel like we’re more on a defense side... like a slow drip, let everything just play out, trust the plan... the suspense is killing me!!! I just wanted transparency!!!
Do not think timeline is quite there yet. Think GOD is making us wait just a little bit more time. Not long though.
A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.
The last time we had this moment we got the china virus, so this time we have to return the favor and administer the "FISA vaccine" shots ;)
The Dems really must think he is still President and they want to stake him. I'm betting that next week we get a push for Trump 2024 from several corners, meanwhile SCOTUS and the next thrilling chapter are lurking.
I would interpret a push for Trump 2024 as the next backstop of our enemies. The push should be for Trump 2020, because if they are allowed to steal that one then there is absolutely no reason to even vote in 2024, they'll just steal it again.
I would say the enemy is already rattled and every reminder that He Isn't Gone is like a needle in their eye. So I expect our side to troll with it whatever they reslky intend.
The proof has always been there, it's just that the narrative denies it, and the media has too much power and very little discernment of consequences of maintaining that narrative. Let the proof be undeniable and humiliate the media at the same time.
I think its boom week.
OK you’re crazy there I said it.... Having said that I believe you are correct!
I don't just think it, I KNOW IT!
Hope you are right.
Bro Trump is about to come back like mother fucking Tom Brady down 28-3 in the Super Bowl.
Don’t call DJT former President. Call him the 45th President. Also, Joe Biden is Joe Biden. No need for President I front of his name.
Interesting that he swapped out "Former" for "45th"
Not crazy, Frenn.
They can try as much as they want to impeach, block and create diversionary noise. The Nov. 2020 election fraud was so systematic and apparent (as the world watched) that we will not stop until it has been addressed. Everything else is secondary.
Nothing's changed for 4 years anybody that liked her supported Trump was crazy according to the mind control MSM
Well it certainly looks "STORMY"
Sorry I just don't see it. The comeback was supposed to start after the nothingburger Mueller report, then after the first impeachment, then...
I'm fully at peace that Trump will come back in some form, other than U.S. president. If there's any indication otherwise, I'm all ears. But I think he's going to work on some kind of movement other than a new political party to energize his existing base to stay in the game somehow. The big if is how to overcome complete cynicism about the potency of voting in elections. We'll see.
The actual necessity is not necessarily Trump, but fixing election fraud. Good people will never have a chance if the Swamp can just appoint their lackeys to whatever they like.
I don't see Trump allowing someone to steal the election from him. Also, if they did actually raid some location in Germany to confiscate one or more servers it would seem to indicate people were watching the network traffic. Which also means that if the network traffic does show proof of election fraud then they have incontrovertible evidence, though I would have thought all the other evidence was way more than enough.
7th beginning this week 14th time this month 45th time this year; perhaps
Today was a huge win and transfer of momentum to our side. The Dem’s house managers looked concerned in their post-peachments presser and even the press was starting to give them shit.
The Spirit of the Lord says- Impeach, Impeach, NAY - Kim Clement The Lord is on the move so be prepared because your redemption draws near!