103 So I asked her: “So you are the mom of 2 small humans? Where did you get them?” Stupid Dem language. Can’t even say “children”? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by GenPattonT 4 years ago by GenPattonT +103 / -0 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Mom is gendered language. How dare she. That word has been banned by Pelosi! I'm offended.
That’s what I thought. I guess children has been banned too!
No, people are encouraged to call their pets their children.
So, valuing pets as equal to children.
Having pets as children is being encouraged. Having children is promoted as thoughtless and irresponsible.
Editing to add, contrast that to actual Hitler, who gave medals to mothers of good character who had several children. 8 children for the Gold medal.
Just wait for it ...
They will push to get rid of the word "human" and "woman" because it has the word "man" within.
Of course, they will push for HOMO sapien to replace.
Jen Psaki- WH President Sec. Working mom of 2 small homos.
I actually lol'd! Great work.
May even be more to this than meets the eye, the United nations has been pushing the "Children's Rights" thing for years( lots of wild crackpot idea's), not calling them children gives them more standing, they are human beings. Nothing is accidental with these people. https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/08/17/how-the-united-nations-promotes-an-anti-family-agenda/
Sexual Rights of Children? Really? We don't have enough teenage pregnant girls aborting babies already?
Snake people say things like this.
You know how cow is when its alive and beef is when you eat it?
Wow! Good one!
Spends most days circling back except when she is telling lies...
Rebuilding trust? Yep, there will be no trust involved with these criminals. They think they can cheat massively and that people will trust them? Give me a break.
Uh oh she used a word with MANS in it.
If you call them small humans you don't feel as guilty when you rape them?
Don’t worry, she will “circle back“ to them
"Yeah, here's a couple of humans that follow me around."
Because gay men can’t have children with themselves; they can only traffic them illegally
Imagine just how sick those two small humans must be to have this parental unit promise to “circle back to you” on fcking everything.
My heart breaks.
Joke is on you. You think something is funny that isn't.
Ok, but she's not in middle school. She's the fucking United States press secretary.
In name only.
That's quite unprofessional description of herself she has there. More evidence that this is just theater imo