Yeah but nobody with a functioning brain gives a shit about what this bitch says. Are we even surprised anymore when liberals show how even more vile and despicable they are than we thought, every time a known conservative dies? They have no shame, they have no decency and they have no souls. Period.
First of all, us black Americans don’t accept these imposters as representing us. She’s an embarrassment and an ungrateful first generation anchor baby. She’s also fat and ugly. So sick of these whores.
I bet she has no idea that the man Rush worked alongside for many years is a black man.
People like her are just parroting lies and though a "reporter", has no idea how to report anything accurately that doesn't fit the Left's narrative.
Why gives those dolts more of a voice? We know there are haters - let them spend their energy hating. Let’s spend our energy remembering and honoring all Rush did for our conservative voices! ??❤️?
These people are demons. They have nothing. No orginal thought, no morals, no integrity. Only the lust for power and control. Soon the rats will start running. God wins! God Blessed Rush Limbaugh
Did you ever notice it's usually some miserable , hideous fat woman of color lesbian who says the most vile , hateful divisive things! I don't know if thy feel that way or just that the left throw them up front like a human shield knowing if you even so much as to mention they are out of line , they immediately yell ... not racist , no that word has lost it's sting it's WHITE SUPREMECY I tell you !
Yamiche Alcindor, who became one of the nation's most hated journalists not only due to her nasty Tweets about a dead man who happened to have over 43 million faithful listeners but also due to her despicable behavior as a member of White House Press Corp (which was even more despicable because PBS is tax payer funded and is supposed to be non-biased), is never criticized for being a fat fucking bitch, because that's not politically correct in 2021.
Imagine thinking it's a good time to virtue signal while announcing someone's death.
These people are robots.
They are truly Godless.
The left are nothing but pure septic sludge
Fat disgusting wildebeest
Yeah but nobody with a functioning brain gives a shit about what this bitch says. Are we even surprised anymore when liberals show how even more vile and despicable they are than we thought, every time a known conservative dies? They have no shame, they have no decency and they have no souls. Period.
First of all, us black Americans don’t accept these imposters as representing us. She’s an embarrassment and an ungrateful first generation anchor baby. She’s also fat and ugly. So sick of these whores.
I bet she has no idea that the man Rush worked alongside for many years is a black man. People like her are just parroting lies and though a "reporter", has no idea how to report anything accurately that doesn't fit the Left's narrative.
What a bitch.
Why gives those dolts more of a voice? We know there are haters - let them spend their energy hating. Let’s spend our energy remembering and honoring all Rush did for our conservative voices! ??❤️?
Prepare for a lot more of this.
Yammerer Incinerator, who is nothing to anyone, still posts excrement on Shitter. No one cares.
Bad fortune will befall her
You misspelled "behead".
These people are demons. They have nothing. No orginal thought, no morals, no integrity. Only the lust for power and control. Soon the rats will start running. God wins! God Blessed Rush Limbaugh
These people are sick !
She's one of the worst. Can't stand this bitch.
“When they go low, we kick em” -Erica Holder
Did you ever notice it's usually some miserable , hideous fat woman of color lesbian who says the most vile , hateful divisive things! I don't know if thy feel that way or just that the left throw them up front like a human shield knowing if you even so much as to mention they are out of line , they immediately yell ... not racist , no that word has lost it's sting it's WHITE SUPREMECY I tell you !
Yamiche Alcindor, who became one of the nation's most hated journalists not only due to her nasty Tweets about a dead man who happened to have over 43 million faithful listeners but also due to her despicable behavior as a member of White House Press Corp (which was even more despicable because PBS is tax payer funded and is supposed to be non-biased), is never criticized for being a fat fucking bitch, because that's not politically correct in 2021.
That is a good one. The foul language sometimes makes it hard for me to see the greater message. I'll think of it that way. An acronym.
Please don’t act like a damn Dem. Wtf is wrong with you? We don’t do that.
Super slippery slope, with each step making you more like them and less like us. We don’t dox people.
Can't be too hard to find!