posted ago by ObamaBinladin ago by ObamaBinladin +92 / -1

I would say that around the time of Jan 6th I came here and left TDW because of how low energy it became. Needless to say I found this Q theory fascinating and you folks even more, and from here I found many fascinating personalities. However I am not what you would call a true believer, or not a believer at all depending on what you constitute as a true believer; and for the time being I think Q is doing a very good job at making people who are awake more aware and with the help of Administrator Biden lefties are too. And I want to make a few points and express my thoughts on then, now and later.

**Body double. Castle Rock studios white house. Fake EOs. Whether these things are true or not this administration is doing things that are affecting REAL people and causing REAL problems and I think the country isn't going to be recognizable and will rot away if this administration isn't gutted out. I think Q does a great job of helping people who are awake or just waking up be more aware of important devious activities that go on and can wake up sleeping people, but as far as a military operation to save the world...well I think that remains to be seen. I am not saying that it is not a military operation, I think it is quite plausible, but I trust my eyes and ears and then think about what I heard and saw and make my own judgment...unless of course it is very blatant. A majority of us I would say, were expecting some incredible things to happen on 1/20...well just like the election and the months succeeding it, it came and went and here we are.

Dave from X-22 I felt even back peddled because leading up to 1/20 he was very sure that Trump was staying in the DC White House. I have accepted that there is no set date for something to happen if it is to happen. HOWEVER. For me there are 2 lines that if either one is crossed, unless something happens after the fact, I will have believed Q to be an awakening and awareness operation and not a Save The World Operation; those 2 lines in the sand for me are July 4th 2021 or HR 127...dont worry I'll get there. I think past those 2 points for me we are in some deep trouble. This country wont survive a presidential term, there is no 2022 or 2024 in my view.

**I want to talk about a cluster of individuals, some of which are adored or very heavily rejected and dismissed and those in-between. Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Juan O Savin, Dave X-22, Lin Wood and the gang, Alex Jones etc. In the past and especially now I have listened to these people and with the exception of Lin Wood I don't take their information as gospel. I'll start with Parkes and Ward. For me they kind of showed up out of nowhere on TDW and I found what they had to say very intriguing especially leading up to the election. I know nothing really about their life's work...well I know a bit of Wards from what he talked about in some of his videos, but other than that I just listen to what they have to say. Ward for me recently has been...lets say full of shit. I still listen to what he has to say but when he start saying "this will happen tomorrow or later today or this weekend" I roll my eyes. On the flip side if he is in fact been brought on to this operation he might be told this ridiculous information to deceive the other side, decent God fearing people are not the only people in that audience.

Parkes on the other hand I think is very very well meaning. I see people give him shit because of his UFO background or whatever. I like him more than Ward especially since he stopped talking about dates and just telling us information and then I think about what he talked about and decide if I want to buy into it or not. I find him to be more open to interpretation than Ward. Point is I listen to both of then and digest and think about what they are saying in their videos.

Juan is an enigma for me. Someone posted a video on the TDW where he had a 30 minute interview back during 1/6 and just like Ward and Parkes I found him intriguing. Unless he has since changed his stance on when we will see President Trump return he is 100% on board with April 1st...we'll see. I find the guy interesting to listen to and that's about it.

Alex Jones...I found his commentary captivating in the lead up to the election. I didn't know much about him prior to Sept 2020 aside from Gay Frogs. I don't really know what to think about him. He was very upset with Steve Pieczenik and I watched the follow up show he had with him on 2/4 and even though Steve said along the lines that he is unaware or not involved with Q...I call buuulll shiiiitttt. Obviously he can't say but anyways. I am not sure what to think about Jones. I think he is good to watch still but in moderation.

Dave X-22 I think is very well meaning just like us. He looks at information, connects it to Q posts, and delivers hopium. He doesn't know anymore than we do but he is very good at breaking down events and making connections.

Now Lin Wood. I really really like this guy. I thought he was a bit over the edge leading up to the 6th of Jan, boy oh boy was he over the target. I look forward everyday to his Telegrams and I have even gone so far as to contribute to his fightback organization because I trust him. It was a combination of these events we witnessed earlier this year and his faith in God that motivated me to accept God and even start praying here and there. I think he knows a lot more than he lets on, but that's just a feeling. I think if things turn out the way we hope he will be among the most important people in this exposure of the truth. As for Flynn, Powell and President Trump...I aint worried about them. You wont convince me for a minute that if there is indeed a Q military operation that he isn't not instrumentally involved, he 100% is if thats the case.

**Now HR 127. Domestically as far as rights go this is the most slipperiest slope the Federal government can slide down. I want to be careful how I word things here but I see this going 3 ways. When ever I talk to people about Barry Obama and his time in the White House I remember all the shootings that happened during this 8 years. Now granite I was not really paying attention to politics at all during that time, but that's what I remember about him...not Obama care because that never impacted me. Now I am willing to be money that soon, and from what I can tell there are things going on in New Orleans, but we are going to see another mass shooting that will be controlled and executed by the DS. Bet money. Now I hope it gets intercepted and shut down by the white hats but I am talking about something that hasn't even happened.

So...should this shooting happen I see 3 possible outcomes right now

  1. Its passed but certain sates and counties across the country don't enforce it resulting in incredible tension between the Federal Government and 2A san. states and States and 2A san. counties, resulting in supplies and power grids being used to leverage the Pro 2A territories into submission (see recent Texas)

*By the way talking about leveraging power grid and supplies. That Texas storm I am moderately convinced it was weather manipulation to fuck with Texas and put pressure on the governor.

  1. It passes...and no law enforcement or state government opposes it...in which we will see a lot of death because I would wager more then 60% of gun owners won't comply...and you can fill in the rest

3 It somehow by some miracle doesn't pass.

If it does pass and this Q military operation doesn't unveil itself in a reasonable amount of time thereafter and stop the consequences of this, then for me the movement will have only served to wake people up...but for what purpose? These are only my thoughts on HR 127 and its consequences...hopefully we don't get there.

I wanted to do this to offer my thoughts on what has and is happening and my stance on Q, which I still think is and incredibly intriguing bread crumb awakening journey. But I also feel like there are a subset of people on this forum who really appreciate Q but are dangling on a frayed rope in terms of "Ok cool but I can only hold on so long before it looks like we are fucked". And if Q wants to do this without much in the way of fatal casualties among the civilians gimme a break. There is nothing in this world that has a cost, an exchange of benefits and drawbacks. I would reckon that most city people and liberals won't accept or wake up even if they witnessed the crimes of their Gods (DC politicians and CEOs) with their own eyes. Lefties and liberals are not humble people most of the time and they may want to play some dangerous games if their Gods are killed of detained.

That is all. Thank you. WWG1WGA