posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser +156 / -0

They are giving the appearance of fear and panic. If they pulled off the great crime of massive election fraud, why are they still doing hit pieces on Q. Why are they not governing with confidence that they got away with it? Why is corporate media still constructing hit pieces on Q? Why are both these entities showing fear after "getting away" with the crime? Q has not posted since 12/8/20. Also, do these MSM reports ever quote an actual Q post? How many do you think have read every Q post before developing their reports? The best strategy is to treat something like it doesn't exist, but still feel the need to produce these reports. Does corporate media still have the controlling effect it once had? Are they afraid of the whole populace waking up? If the MSM is protected by the 1st amendment, why are they afraid of us? The D party knows the crime they committed. The MSM knows this to and they are aware that they were complicit in it. Are they afraid of receiving the justice they deserve?