We already won and we know this. The people that are still fighting with violence and hatred are fighting to keep the narrative alive. Be great. Be vigilant. Be safe. Godspeed.
Comments (73)
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Thanks for the reminder. We are Digital Soldiers. We don't crack skulls. We don't punch out BLM/Antifa because that plays into the hands of their handlers, who want us to become violent. We haven't, so they lied about Jan. 6th. In a war of information, our role as information spreaders does the most good. We are consistently non-violent, and that's a problem for the Deep State. I'm delighted! Good on you, Patriots! WINNING!
Yes! Praise Jesus! That second quote is SO RELEVANT. Thank you for that!
This^ is part of the Sayings Gospel of Jesus AKA Q Source:)
Digital soldiers! Mount up! u/#Flynnarmy
“We also denounce our Nation’s founders, who were COP KILLERS, Law Breakers, Tax Cheats, False Flag attackers, looters, rioters (Boston Tea Party)!”
Sadly most have been conditioned to see our founding fathers as really uptight, by the books, teetotalers, Bible thumpers instead of brawling, cut throat business men, short tempered mad lads.
Man I love our founding fathers stories. They were fucking awesome.
You meant to say United Nations' founders?
Not sure how Boston tea party fits with the rest of your sentence.
No, I mean America’s revolutionary founding fathers who ambushed and killed their cops (the redcoats) and were traitors who committed treason and broke the law! They were violent criminals!
I’ll leave it to everyone here to test themselves if they can apply critical thinking and think logically and consistently here. From the downvotes, it’s obvious some can’t because their brainwashing and cognitive dissonance is too strong.
You don't get liberty by asking for it. You take it. In our case, hope hinges on the military doing the dirty work.
Awakening is great but it's what you do. If we still vote in phony elections and keep losing, and military doesn't defend our constitution, we may very well end up in a civil war.
Biden already tried to put Desantis in his place threatening to ban travel to Florida.
Imagine secession again.
The downvotes are probably because your idea of the founding fathers sounds more like Antifa.
There were no police in 1776, so the founding fathers didn't kill cops. Killing in war and killing a police officer are not the same thing.
They only broke unjust laws.
They paid taxes to their states (it was the Crown's unfair taxes they objected to).
They did not fucking loot anything; looting is not the same as seizing enemy supplies.
The Boston tea party was not a riot any more than Jan 6 was.
Thanks. While I agree with this statement, the cancer that we know as the Left-Deep-State-Old-Guard has at its disposal the largest propaganda indoctrination machine in the world. Sticky this post to the top of every page (HOT, NEW, RISING, TOP) so that is all people will see when they come here. We aren't fighting "people" as we know them, but the very darkest urges and spirits that exist in God's creation.
This is the battle. Unfortunately we have come to a point where the war is on all fronts. But at least we have more becoming aware of the evil we fight.
First off there is no such thing as Qanon. its a media moniker to try and lump in Q with the people researching the Q posts. IE FAKE and WEAK. Second, anyone who posts anything about violence on social media is a moron looking for attention. Add in the Media desperately attacking the Q movement. Well we are over the target and dropping Meme's and red pills.. The Anons never had any other objective, to say other wise is FAKE and trying to make something out of their Qanon narrative. Qanon is not us, never has been and never will. Its made up by the MSM. Why? they cant attack the message or the messenger, so they make a straw man attack vs Qanon. How parenthetic and weak are they to attack a straw man who will never respond. There is Q, there are anons. There is NO Qanon. Its like the anonymous sources, IE made up!
The Qanon is a strawman that they are going to try and use to light a fire, Qanon bad. There is no Qanon never was a Qanon, and Qanon is something the MSM made up. The thing is they are going to choke on it.
peers evaluate
Connections made
Crumbs accumulate
Bakers emerge
proofs be heard
But truth is feared
Hated censored and smeared
trollface.jpg lol we still here
Redpills encapsulated with joy and cheer
an ode to old fags and anons
our streams can’t be silenced
I think the Deep State/Cabal/Globalists/CCP...you know, the Bad Guys...are HOPING that we would strike out violently. They want to start a civil war with us. Tear up this country, then move in to the power vacuum and take over the world that way.
I think they might want it so badly as to fake it, again. Thankfully this time we have too much technology for them to get away with it (for long.)
It quickly became apparent that Jan 6 was not actually orchestrated by anons or Patriots. Any new FF event would also. Yes, they used to have near exclusive control of the flow of information. Then they could commit the false flag, blame us for it, then cover up the evidence that it was actually them doing it, but they no longer have that control. So we just need to disseminate the truth. It will get to enough people to cause questions.
God can do a lot with a few loaves and fishes, imagine what He can do with a sea of big hearted memers spreading the Truth in a digital battlefield for the souls of mankind!
I'll upvote that.
YES! When the fake news said about QAnon meeting a while back I was like....what...where....I have followed Q from first post never heard a peep about any meeting..............how did that slip by me? ???
Its what they think we would do, like those men that dress like women and go so far over the top with lipstick and hair, they think it will make them look more feminine, its pathetic. - Maybe a bad example but hope you get what I mean. These people are real clowns.
just occurred to me, the Straw-man attack is what they are doing, there is no one who speaks for the Anons, that I am aware of. We cannot speak for the Q team, and as they have gone dark they have no need to speak to the Shills/MSM. I wonder if there were some Anons who could speak for the Q researchers, and shove the Qanon narrative down the MSM's throats. "Qanon, I have no idea what CNN, CBS, MSNBC ect are even talking about, if they are so organized, show me a leader, show me FACTS".. they cant Qanon doesn't and never existed except in the delusional MSM's fictional narrative.
It is their narrative. Like the Russia hoax. Fiction like you say.
They know the Q Team is real and how effective the movement has been in waking people up worldwide, so they, because they own the airways, flood it with propaganda. They never expected citizen journalist to be the rolling boulder they have become..........Q quote: 'You are the news now!'
They realise they are loosing, big time, because of their symbolism in Hollywood, Arts, Lyrics, corrupt deals etc have been exposed. President Trump continually calling them fake news helped enormously in waking the public up, and MSM can no longer put them bac to sleep.
They were so brazen, knowing they controlled the narrative, they put it out their in plain sight. Now there is too much on the internet, they cannot control, retract it all. In fact the more they try the more people find it! It is literally everywhere and it has come back to bite them.
Its like when you buy a new car and all of a sudden EVERYONE seems to have the same car as you. You notice more and more.............They are done!
We are patiently (sometimes not so patiently) waiting for the end scene of the movie to happen and the whole sordid lot of them get what is coming! Bring back President Trump, appoint truth givers in the government and end all the corruption. After all, ALL great movies end with 'and they lived happily ever after' Haha.
Amen! Ideas or ideology forced upon others, especially through violence, creates resistance. Liberating minds can only be achieved by peaceful methods.
Reminder: self defense isn't violence
From God this morning:
“We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.)” Romans 8:24-25 NLT
We won, the rest, for us, is patient and confident waiting. God is in control and God wins.
Agreed. It's painful to sit on ones hands .. but the patient spider will get it's fly
Yes. That reason for Joe Biden not giving his state of the union address is because there is a threat from a violent group. They are probably going to blame trump supporters and "QAnon" cult followers lol
This is why Q said to forget about (Q) it's not safe for us. Trust that. They have tried everything to get to me. To much red pilling down their throats I guess. Be ssfe
The people who know us truly know better anyhow. I was a soldier so I know how to do work, I just choose to be peaceful. Just don't push n I won't have to. That's my motto.
Solid message.
And I'm just sitting here trying to crack the Space Force tweet.
Great post, agreed 100%.
The attempted linkage of violence and the Q movement has been more than silly. It’s so frustrating to even see their attempts. I was branded a “domestic terrorist” for just attending the Jan. 6th event. I was there the entire time and never even saw as much as an argument between people, much less violence. I didn’t even know anyone had entered the Capitol until the event was over.
You can’t denounce anything, Trump denounced white supremacy like 30+ times.
If you show up at my doorstep with violent intent I will most certainly fuck you up or die trying. Otherwise I will keep those around me from bringing violence to the nation because of the DS narrative push. I have many old vets around me that are getting close to a breaking point and I'm doing everything I can to keep them from blowing up their spot.
This needs to remain a sticky on the top of the board for the next couple weeks or so. You just know the MSM is gonna try to run another hit-piece and bring up whatever's posted here in a further attempt to discredit the movement. They can see it for themselves right on the main page and then try to doctor screenshots since they can't avoid the truth otherwise.
should basically be part of the banner
But. But. But. 60 Minutes said ...
Don't forget Q4881 https://qposts.online/post/4881
There is 'Q'. 1
There are 'Anons'. 2
There is no 'Qanon'. 3
Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
*Physically removing the deep state and it’s associated players from this planet isn’t an act of violence, especially when it’s for the greater good of all humanity.