Bingo. If you haven’t caught it yet - PATCON is live again and the FBI is back to instigating / executing “Domestic Terror” acts.
Oklahoma City was %100 Deep State via FBI / CIA / BATF. McVeigh was Sheep-Dipped and was working to create Domestic Terror acts but no Patriot would do it - so they had to themselves.
Just in time to move all of the Whitewater Evidence to OKC and rinse it - just like they did with the biggest SEC Investigation in US History @ WTC and $2.3 Trillion missing @ The Pentagon Accounting Office where Flight 93 hit.
Angry yet? COVID is the %100 Global Control Grid for Digital Vaccine / Medical Passports to limit you in every way.
He is right. It is horrible to let things go this long. People are angry, and eventually, will lose their minds. We can't leave this elephant in the room.
Love Lin. Donate to him if you are in a position to as he has been bombarded with lawsuits and attempts to get him disbarred all for trying to save the children and expose election fraud. He's never asked for help before but he is struggling right now. We have to have each other's back if we go against the DS. Lin has sacrificed so much for us, we need to have his back now.
Yup. Agreed. I'm guessing 20% hate this country so Fuck them.
Another 20% probably don't pay attention. They won't give a damn.
DS is gonna fire off some nukes or dirty bombs, but prep the public and git er done
This is what I've asked before, though nobody had an answer. His first suggestion was that we the people demand the military declare the election null and void. Okay, so we somehow do that. What then is the process? Someone here must be a constitutionalist who can answer that question. Which branch of the military? Who is in charge? Who makes the actual call to declare the election fraudulent? There must be a process (though never having been used before). I would like to understand the mechanics of how it would work.
We need to identify, indict, prosecute, sentences, and incarcerate all those that committed election fraud before proceeding to any other task. I think we must address the fraud first - to stop the bleeding if you will, otherwise fraud will be repeated in the future by the same group of bad actors.
Those basically are the two choices. Try to filter out all of the rigged, switched and fake ballots from Nov 3 (and 4), or do it over in a way that can't be rigged.
I kind of lean toward a do-over, because filtering out the rigged and false votes would probably be more difficult...
We were told to. “Patriots are in control” so fix this shit and let the world see what actually happened on Nov 3 we’ve been teased for months. So sick of it
we need to fix this election before anyone thinks 2022 or 2024
Bingo. If you haven’t caught it yet - PATCON is live again and the FBI is back to instigating / executing “Domestic Terror” acts.
Oklahoma City was %100 Deep State via FBI / CIA / BATF. McVeigh was Sheep-Dipped and was working to create Domestic Terror acts but no Patriot would do it - so they had to themselves.
Just in time to move all of the Whitewater Evidence to OKC and rinse it - just like they did with the biggest SEC Investigation in US History @ WTC and $2.3 Trillion missing @ The Pentagon Accounting Office where Flight 93 hit.
Angry yet? COVID is the %100 Global Control Grid for Digital Vaccine / Medical Passports to limit you in every way.
China was the proving ground.
NWO Inbound FAST
He is right. It is horrible to let things go this long. People are angry, and eventually, will lose their minds. We can't leave this elephant in the room.
I'm so angry at the deep state, dems, rinos and the supreme family and friends are just as angry as I am.
That’s the thing we don’t have unlimited time like people seem to think
Or worse, people will fall into despair or complacency.
We need to get that in on tax revolt organized. When funding dries up, you can bet the Dems will cut military. Maybe then they’ll act.
Yes! Been saying that we should revolt with our taxes. That is the one way we can get them. If enough people do it, they can't come after all of us.
Love Lin. Donate to him if you are in a position to as he has been bombarded with lawsuits and attempts to get him disbarred all for trying to save the children and expose election fraud. He's never asked for help before but he is struggling right now. We have to have each other's back if we go against the DS. Lin has sacrificed so much for us, we need to have his back now.
Yup. Agreed. I'm guessing 20% hate this country so Fuck them. Another 20% probably don't pay attention. They won't give a damn. DS is gonna fire off some nukes or dirty bombs, but prep the public and git er done
I would rather see the nation burn, than see us trapped in perpetual serfdom and slavery.
Seriously something has to happen soon about that BS election
This is what I've asked before, though nobody had an answer. His first suggestion was that we the people demand the military declare the election null and void. Okay, so we somehow do that. What then is the process? Someone here must be a constitutionalist who can answer that question. Which branch of the military? Who is in charge? Who makes the actual call to declare the election fraudulent? There must be a process (though never having been used before). I would like to understand the mechanics of how it would work.
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen ( 17 of them ! )
god bless lin wood
Is this a precursor of something going down soon?
Definately dropping truth bombs. Bless him.
We need to identify, indict, prosecute, sentences, and incarcerate all those that committed election fraud before proceeding to any other task. I think we must address the fraud first - to stop the bleeding if you will, otherwise fraud will be repeated in the future by the same group of bad actors.
What happened to “trust The Plan?” Just askin ....
Those basically are the two choices. Try to filter out all of the rigged, switched and fake ballots from Nov 3 (and 4), or do it over in a way that can't be rigged.
I kind of lean toward a do-over, because filtering out the rigged and false votes would probably be more difficult...
However, I am good with either option.
How do we demand the military to do anything we don’t have a soap box. He’s right I just don’t see being able to organize that with such limited time
Mods This needs sticky
Given your emotional response I take it youve listened atleast taken some time to listen to his fireside chats etc to see see where hes coming from?
This is pretty much how most of us feel, and we’re sitting here waiting for a fix. Waiting for the right thing to happen.
We were told to. “Patriots are in control” so fix this shit and let the world see what actually happened on Nov 3 we’ve been teased for months. So sick of it
lets startwith discounting all the prefills from china cuomo shipped out from bethpage to pa