Let's make it a zero sum game. If Liberals hate the country so much then they should want to leave and let the illegals take their place. We'd have a better chance educating the illegals anyway. Besides, lots of other places liberals can go. The more hard core can find their paradise in China, North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela. The rest can go to Western Europe. Illegals really want to come to the U.S.for a chance at a better life. Dems are spoiled rotten and don't appreciate how good they have it. So, let's make it an even switch.
Comments (32)
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At least the illegals are hard workers. Can't say that for the people who want to let them flood in here though
sounds good to me can we start with nasty nancy being the first or Killary?
They won't get off that easy. The only other country they will allowed to visit is Cuba.
I hope!
Cuba is nice this time of year. ?
My God Man, that's fucking brilliant. How can we get you in office so you can make this happen.
I can almost guarantee any illegal immigrant entering into this deal would appreciate their opportunities more than an archetypical liberal would. Appreciate their Freedoms more, too.
Sounds like a Win Juan, Win Nguyen, or Win Winoski anyway you slice it. I say "Bring em on board!"
A leftist won't even work 40 hours a week at a desk job that pays $60000/year unless the employer includes social justice programs every week.
You ain't wrong!
They want you and I to think exactly like they do. And they won’t stop until we do....
Trannies good
White people bad
Masks good
Nuclear families bad
You get the idea
That's a brilliant idea!!
That’s an excellent and logical win/win plan. Who could possibly disagree? Oh maybe those who want you to be their salves.
I think a hard working Mexican is worth two liberals at least, maybe 3.
Let's start with Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff....etc....
Suddenly border security is actually functional
Is deport code for hang? Asking for a good friend..
Our severely duped brethren democrats are actually one of us, they just don't quite know it yet. So be kind.
You have my attention, go on...
Please start with Nancy Chuck Joe and AOC.
Works for me.... Hasta lavista tards.