The original NESARA, without the spiritual injections, I'm going to give a definite maybe. There is a whole lot about it that makes a whole lot of sense and seems like a logical conclusion to everything. It also seems to be very in line with the founding fathers apparent intentions.
According to Simon Parks and Charlie Ward (think what you want of them), NESARA (quantum banking system) is up and running alongside the current system as they are testing and verifying it. Simon said there was a good possibility that this was the reason the fed went down for that short period a few days ago. I choose to believe this along with the quantum computer Q is said to have used as well as the up coming quantum voting system and quantum internet.
What type of “report” are you looking for? Public evidence government proclamation? There isn’t any(yet). But I’ve seen people reporting first hand that they went to make a payment and their debt was no longer there. Nothing to pay.
One that uses the quantum computing system (reported to be unhackable), where the dollar is gold backed, you do not have to pay income tax, it’s practically impossible to “launder” money, and there is little to no interest charged on loans. That’s my understanding in a nutshell.
The least you need to know about Quantum Banking is this: the quantum aspect of it means everything happens instantaneously and it also anticipates ambiguity in calculations. Right now, we have YES and NO. Quantum computing allows for a MAYBE value to be considered and calculated. So, effectively, we are going from binary to tertiary computing systems, where the third value allows calculations to take place on algorithmic speculation.
What this might mean?
The possibility of credit-accumulated debt being forgiven, seeing how the credit system was rigged from the start to force us into debt slavery.
1% interest on all loans/credit.
Transactions are instantaneous, no waiting until the end of the day for a bank to process payments. This will help avoid bad players laundering money and gaming the system.
Currency conversion is free. No one can charge extra to change yen into dollars.
No income tax. Instead tax will only be on transactions and will be held permanently constant to avoid unnecessary fluctuations.
We will either go to a gold/silver standard and/or a crypto standard where each business/country will have their own form of crypto-currency (not a problem seeing how conversion is free).
Because of the above, laundering money through banks, transactions, and stocks is impossible because there is no time to take advantage of any systems. Everything is instantaneous, which means your fraud will be instantaneously flagged per set algorithms designed to detect it.
Do I believe it is real? Not yet. It sounds too good to be true.
I will probably not be able to explain this properly, but from what I’ve researched, the quantum computing system was designed by the military. Where normal computers run on a binary system (yes or no, on or off, etc), the quantum system actually can run every possibility at the same time and output the answer form that information. It’s very very far advanced and may even use something from ET discoveries (though I’m not positive on this point). Like I said, not a great description, but I’m not a computer girl, though I do love math. hth
My understanding is that we are taking down the NWO not just the bad guys in the USA. We have help from good guys in many other countries. Many bad guy leaders in other countries have already been taken down. China is one of the countries that has good guys taking down their bad guys and we are helping them. At some point after the global cb is taken down, they will install GESARA (global quantum banking system). NESARA is national (USA). The current global banking system must also be replaced or the corruption will easily continue. But the good news is that we are winning and we have a bright future ahead. Globally.
I agree wholeheartedly with the over use of "quantum" in principle and it generally annoys the crap out of me, since most people have no idea what that word means (indivisible unit of something). However, in this case it can be applicable. A quantum banking system would be a system that uses any quantum system (e.g. entangled photons) that requires quantum mechanics to create or model (write algorithms for).
Because measuring a QM system alters the system, this creates a very secure (perfectly secure?) network. If the result of measurement is not as expected on the two ends (sender and receiver) than the system has been compromised (measured or influenced) somewhere in between. Any external intruder is immediately detected.
A quantum banking system would be any money transfer or storage system that utilizes these tools, or any other system that uses the principles of QM. One way or another we will have such a system in the future. In fact we have such systems now, or at least the small pieces that would make up such a system, but as far as I am aware they exist only in labs (take how widespread they are with a grain of salt, who really knows?).
Makes sense. We’ve known for years that there are a small handful of companies deep in the quantum computer research space and making headway. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if highly classified programs have quantum very much so working.
From what I understand its a highly federated banking system where everyone gets to keep their own money on their own "bank" and a network of Quantum computers that monitor to make sure the money is valid, backed by appropriate assets, and none of it used for crimes against humanity
It’s the Gold Standard. You also have Gesara. Whether this is true or not, I am not sure. However, there will be a Great Reset done by either white hats or black hats. I have faith that white hats are in control.
It sounds too much like the "build back better" and "great reset" that the criminals are talking about.
Some guy years ago wrote up a fantasy bill, and a lot of people are now claiming that it was actually introduced into Congress and passed, even though there is not a shred of evidence.
If all debt were magically canceled, it would hurt those of us who have been responsible and have open accounts in businesses we own. A lot of small businesses would be instantly wiped out. But irresponsible people who are up to their eyeballs in debt would make out like bandits.
It doesn't sound like a good thing at all, when you analyze it.
Nesara is what people will call for, but the Great Reset is what they'll get. We don't get something for nothing, which is what would happen if my mortgage disappeared. It would mean I got my house for free, and someone somewhere is screwed.
Getting the US out of debt slavery, eliminating income tax, and backing our currency with precious metals in a system with no inflation sounds like a bad thing?
I mean, if we reward slackers disproportionately while we shift to another financial system with this many benefits, I'm totally cool with that. I don't have any debt, either.
It's bad if you own a small business and your accounts receivable suddenly disappear so you can't stay in business.
Eliminating the income tax is a separate issue. It can be removed from the Constitution, and we can go back to using tariffs for most of the federal government's revenue.
We can also eliminate the Federal Reserve and fiat currency as a separate act.
If people have borrowed money and promised to pay it back, they have lied if they don't pay it back. Most of the people who are gung-ho over Nesara are deep in debt and looking for an easy way out. I was in debt years ago, but I paid it all. It would be supremely unfair for slackers to get rewarded for borrowing themselves into a hole, while I get nothing.
"Most the people gung ho about Nesara are deep in debt."
Nice statement you have zero way of knowing. In my opinion most people are gung ho for Nesara because it would destroy the deep state and the cabal and bring about financial prosperity. Don't rally give a fuck if some screwy things happen with debt along the way. Destroying the banking goblins is the most important issue of our time.
Almost none of the people I've heard praising Nesara know anything at all about the deep state. They just know about the debt cancelling part. So it's not "zero way of knowing."
There's a lot more to this, and people just aren't into analyzing what would actually happen.
NESARA was a bill that was "introduced" to the HoR and subsequently DIED.
It was never debated, was never voted on, and was never signed into law, PERIOD!
It is nothing more than a pipe dream by a socialist author who, like most of their ilk,think they are entitled to a free ride at the expense of someone else.
An easy search of the sight below will show you any bill you want to research.
hmmmm, Nice one, tell me: Have you actually found that bill?
If so, please show us.
I am very interested in knowing how this was rushed through both Houses of Congress and signed by the President to make it into law.
Till that time, I do not belief one piece of it.
I do support the idea that we need Constitutional money, debt free money. That goes without saying. Introducing such would mean a Reset. A Great Reset.
The question we are faced with is which side the coin will fall on, heads or tails, cause, if we choose right, we'll have freedom, instead of slavery hidden behind a wall of regulation.
I have researched NESARA in moderate depth. I have been conducting my research since around 2005.... If that tells you anything about it.
Supposedly, It was meant to be introduced on 9/11, instead, we received the worst attack on American Soil I have ever witnessed. When I became of age to research conspiracy, I found people promising it was coming, and that everything would be wiped away, it was just right around the corner from being released. It was guised as the "white dragon emperor" If I remember correctly. Essentially the money was coming from China, by this White Dragon Emperor defeating the evil forces that gripped the world, that hid in the forbidden city.. The money was supposed to go World Wide, each country resetting into prosperity, setting us up for contact with the Pleadian Alien Race, making us candidates to join the Galactic Federation.. Have I mentioned this was in 2005?
Fast forward to today, you have people like Charlie Ward and Santa Surfing who moves the goalpost month by month year by year, and the story has centered around President Trump Defeating the Globalist Cabal, creating Nation, and World Wide Prosperity.
Needless to say though, People have found this hopium as a way to cope with massive amounts of debt..
Recently though, they have provided screen shots sent in from people whom claim their debt was erased by the government, but I have no idea on the circumstances surround the claims.
I will say, It would be incredible to have a financial reset, allowing all those in poverty a chance to reset their lives and enjoy the rest of their time on this earth.
I would hope that before something like this happens, every recipient would would at least be required to complete some form of money management and self healing rehabilitation course to ensure that they do not drink/use their well deserved inheritance away.
NESARA is incredibly more complicated than those whom talk about it and promote it know, or even realize. There are so many angles this has to be approached from in order to ensure no citizen gets left behind, no citizen gets taken advantage of, receives more than their share, everyone gets their pre earned wealth properly converted over, personal assets, accumulated losses, generational losses.
But theres tons of information out there if you are still curious..
The original NESARA, without the spiritual injections, I'm going to give a definite maybe. There is a whole lot about it that makes a whole lot of sense and seems like a logical conclusion to everything. It also seems to be very in line with the founding fathers apparent intentions.
Gotta point out that there is difference between the Nesara New Age and the old Marxist New Age stuff.
According to Simon Parks and Charlie Ward (think what you want of them), NESARA (quantum banking system) is up and running alongside the current system as they are testing and verifying it. Simon said there was a good possibility that this was the reason the fed went down for that short period a few days ago. I choose to believe this along with the quantum computer Q is said to have used as well as the up coming quantum voting system and quantum internet.
In addition, there have been multiple reports of people discovering that their debts (student loans and other debts) have been wiped.
First link is an article the second is a video.
I've yet to see a single verified report. Cite your reports?
What type of “report” are you looking for? Public evidence government proclamation? There isn’t any(yet). But I’ve seen people reporting first hand that they went to make a payment and their debt was no longer there. Nothing to pay.
Tell me in your own words what a Quantum banking system is?
One that uses the quantum computing system (reported to be unhackable), where the dollar is gold backed, you do not have to pay income tax, it’s practically impossible to “launder” money, and there is little to no interest charged on loans. That’s my understanding in a nutshell.
The least you need to know about Quantum Banking is this: the quantum aspect of it means everything happens instantaneously and it also anticipates ambiguity in calculations. Right now, we have YES and NO. Quantum computing allows for a MAYBE value to be considered and calculated. So, effectively, we are going from binary to tertiary computing systems, where the third value allows calculations to take place on algorithmic speculation.
What this might mean?
The possibility of credit-accumulated debt being forgiven, seeing how the credit system was rigged from the start to force us into debt slavery.
1% interest on all loans/credit.
Transactions are instantaneous, no waiting until the end of the day for a bank to process payments. This will help avoid bad players laundering money and gaming the system.
Currency conversion is free. No one can charge extra to change yen into dollars.
No income tax. Instead tax will only be on transactions and will be held permanently constant to avoid unnecessary fluctuations.
We will either go to a gold/silver standard and/or a crypto standard where each business/country will have their own form of crypto-currency (not a problem seeing how conversion is free).
Because of the above, laundering money through banks, transactions, and stocks is impossible because there is no time to take advantage of any systems. Everything is instantaneous, which means your fraud will be instantaneously flagged per set algorithms designed to detect it.
Do I believe it is real? Not yet. It sounds too good to be true.
I will probably not be able to explain this properly, but from what I’ve researched, the quantum computing system was designed by the military. Where normal computers run on a binary system (yes or no, on or off, etc), the quantum system actually can run every possibility at the same time and output the answer form that information. It’s very very far advanced and may even use something from ET discoveries (though I’m not positive on this point). Like I said, not a great description, but I’m not a computer girl, though I do love math. hth
Here’s a shortish article that explains the difference between a quantum computer and a regular computer.
My understanding is that we are taking down the NWO not just the bad guys in the USA. We have help from good guys in many other countries. Many bad guy leaders in other countries have already been taken down. China is one of the countries that has good guys taking down their bad guys and we are helping them. At some point after the global cb is taken down, they will install GESARA (global quantum banking system). NESARA is national (USA). The current global banking system must also be replaced or the corruption will easily continue. But the good news is that we are winning and we have a bright future ahead. Globally.
OK, so you do understand what a quantum computer is. Sorry if I was testy, I'm just trying to figure out why this is being pushed.
I agree wholeheartedly with the over use of "quantum" in principle and it generally annoys the crap out of me, since most people have no idea what that word means (indivisible unit of something). However, in this case it can be applicable. A quantum banking system would be a system that uses any quantum system (e.g. entangled photons) that requires quantum mechanics to create or model (write algorithms for).
Because measuring a QM system alters the system, this creates a very secure (perfectly secure?) network. If the result of measurement is not as expected on the two ends (sender and receiver) than the system has been compromised (measured or influenced) somewhere in between. Any external intruder is immediately detected.
A quantum banking system would be any money transfer or storage system that utilizes these tools, or any other system that uses the principles of QM. One way or another we will have such a system in the future. In fact we have such systems now, or at least the small pieces that would make up such a system, but as far as I am aware they exist only in labs (take how widespread they are with a grain of salt, who really knows?).
Yup...good answer
Makes sense. We’ve known for years that there are a small handful of companies deep in the quantum computer research space and making headway. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if highly classified programs have quantum very much so working.
No worries. We’re all on edge, fren.
From what I understand its a highly federated banking system where everyone gets to keep their own money on their own "bank" and a network of Quantum computers that monitor to make sure the money is valid, backed by appropriate assets, and none of it used for crimes against humanity
As I understand it takes a year to take full effect. Saw somewhere that is was put on place on 11/2/2020 bit I have no way to verify source.
It’s the Gold Standard. You also have Gesara. Whether this is true or not, I am not sure. However, there will be a Great Reset done by either white hats or black hats. I have faith that white hats are in control.
This is quite a good introduction.
It sounds too much like the "build back better" and "great reset" that the criminals are talking about.
Some guy years ago wrote up a fantasy bill, and a lot of people are now claiming that it was actually introduced into Congress and passed, even though there is not a shred of evidence.
If all debt were magically canceled, it would hurt those of us who have been responsible and have open accounts in businesses we own. A lot of small businesses would be instantly wiped out. But irresponsible people who are up to their eyeballs in debt would make out like bandits.
It doesn't sound like a good thing at all, when you analyze it.
The "reset" of the Great Reset is cancelling debts. That's how they plan to get everyone on board with it.
Nesara is what people will call for, but the Great Reset is what they'll get. We don't get something for nothing, which is what would happen if my mortgage disappeared. It would mean I got my house for free, and someone somewhere is screwed.
Getting the US out of debt slavery, eliminating income tax, and backing our currency with precious metals in a system with no inflation sounds like a bad thing?
those that have paid off debts, major debts, and not benefitting is what he is saying.
if only slackers get their loans paid off it hurts those that have sacrificed.
like the current bill that rewards dem govs that killed their poulation vs rep goves that did not shut down and lost little.
I mean, if we reward slackers disproportionately while we shift to another financial system with this many benefits, I'm totally cool with that. I don't have any debt, either.
I would rather be like the ten maidens, 5 wise had extra oil and five foolish mot enough.
if they know who had predatory loans, maybe they got them covered also and not realise it.
I managed to buy 7 cars and two homes without pred loans. only loan I got was for coll student and vet bill.
It's bad if you own a small business and your accounts receivable suddenly disappear so you can't stay in business.
Eliminating the income tax is a separate issue. It can be removed from the Constitution, and we can go back to using tariffs for most of the federal government's revenue.
We can also eliminate the Federal Reserve and fiat currency as a separate act.
If people have borrowed money and promised to pay it back, they have lied if they don't pay it back. Most of the people who are gung-ho over Nesara are deep in debt and looking for an easy way out. I was in debt years ago, but I paid it all. It would be supremely unfair for slackers to get rewarded for borrowing themselves into a hole, while I get nothing.
"Most the people gung ho about Nesara are deep in debt."
Nice statement you have zero way of knowing. In my opinion most people are gung ho for Nesara because it would destroy the deep state and the cabal and bring about financial prosperity. Don't rally give a fuck if some screwy things happen with debt along the way. Destroying the banking goblins is the most important issue of our time.
Almost none of the people I've heard praising Nesara know anything at all about the deep state. They just know about the debt cancelling part. So it's not "zero way of knowing."
There's a lot more to this, and people just aren't into analyzing what would actually happen.
NESARA was a bill that was "introduced" to the HoR and subsequently DIED. It was never debated, was never voted on, and was never signed into law, PERIOD! It is nothing more than a pipe dream by a socialist author who, like most of their ilk,think they are entitled to a free ride at the expense of someone else. An easy search of the sight below will show you any bill you want to research.
hmmmm, Nice one, tell me: Have you actually found that bill?
If so, please show us.
I am very interested in knowing how this was rushed through both Houses of Congress and signed by the President to make it into law.
Till that time, I do not belief one piece of it.
I do support the idea that we need Constitutional money, debt free money. That goes without saying. Introducing such would mean a Reset. A Great Reset.
The question we are faced with is which side the coin will fall on, heads or tails, cause, if we choose right, we'll have freedom, instead of slavery hidden behind a wall of regulation.
I have heard of NESARA and am trying to do a little research on it. I hope there is truth there.
I have researched NESARA in moderate depth. I have been conducting my research since around 2005.... If that tells you anything about it.
Supposedly, It was meant to be introduced on 9/11, instead, we received the worst attack on American Soil I have ever witnessed. When I became of age to research conspiracy, I found people promising it was coming, and that everything would be wiped away, it was just right around the corner from being released. It was guised as the "white dragon emperor" If I remember correctly. Essentially the money was coming from China, by this White Dragon Emperor defeating the evil forces that gripped the world, that hid in the forbidden city.. The money was supposed to go World Wide, each country resetting into prosperity, setting us up for contact with the Pleadian Alien Race, making us candidates to join the Galactic Federation.. Have I mentioned this was in 2005?
Fast forward to today, you have people like Charlie Ward and Santa Surfing who moves the goalpost month by month year by year, and the story has centered around President Trump Defeating the Globalist Cabal, creating Nation, and World Wide Prosperity.
Needless to say though, People have found this hopium as a way to cope with massive amounts of debt.. Recently though, they have provided screen shots sent in from people whom claim their debt was erased by the government, but I have no idea on the circumstances surround the claims.
I will say, It would be incredible to have a financial reset, allowing all those in poverty a chance to reset their lives and enjoy the rest of their time on this earth. I would hope that before something like this happens, every recipient would would at least be required to complete some form of money management and self healing rehabilitation course to ensure that they do not drink/use their well deserved inheritance away. NESARA is incredibly more complicated than those whom talk about it and promote it know, or even realize. There are so many angles this has to be approached from in order to ensure no citizen gets left behind, no citizen gets taken advantage of, receives more than their share, everyone gets their pre earned wealth properly converted over, personal assets, accumulated losses, generational losses.
But theres tons of information out there if you are still curious..