I’ve just read thru the entire thing and I have to say, I believe him too. There are too many details, to many connections, it’s so unbelievable it has to be true. Lin is a very experienced lawyer. I’m sure he did his research and it would’ve been pretty obvious to see the extent of yhe torture this guy endured by looking at him. Matt Couch was a surprise in there though. Didn’t realize he was such a fool.
I'd say that's wishful thinking. I read the whole transcript, this whistle-blower was very adamant how disgusted he was by their lifestyle and betrayals. He said he did end-run interference on their plans, even foiling assassination plots on judges.
No WAY this is Hunter.
He said he is often used as an informant because of his past connections to people on the inside of the Muslim brotherhood, that's what he was used for before he was convicted after drugs were planted by one of Rod's goons.
He says he has high level education in Mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry as well. I have to look into the tidbits he dropped about himself in the beginning to try and figure out for myself who he is. It seems he ran in some of these circles that Rod and Sullivan were in on. Supposedly the facility he was being kept in kept medical records of his injuries when these Feds would take him out to viciously torture/interrogate him. All because he knows what's on Seth Rich's thumb drive. (Supposedly they can't break the encryption)
WHEN in the fuck are ANY criminals in D.C. going to be held accountable, tried, convicted & Mussolini-ed?!!!!----DAMMMIT I'M GETTING TIRED OF THESE EVIL FUCKERS ALWAYS FUCKING WITH HUMANITY!!!!.....UUUURRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!
How well is this info vetted? I believe him, it’s sick to say “I want this to be real” because I don’t. I don’t want it to be real. I want it all to be fake and to know this isn’t happening en masse on a planetary scale by all the people we love and trust and pay money to.
I want it all to be a lie. Unfortunately it’s probably real. I hope we won and it’s over.
I believe Lin Woods believes this Ryan White guy. I believe Ryan believes what he is saying. I just have a big red flag about all this. I can see one or two of these guys being pedos/murderers but everyone of them? And their wives in on it? Color me skeptical.
Yes and the Roberts adoption thing doesn’t make sense. Ireland has all public adoptions. The deal with Roberts was that he had arranged a Latin American adoption for those kids which would have been illegal. Transcript says he adopted through Ireland. There’s no such thing as a private adoption of Irish born children.
HD, I just came across this article and there was an early mention of Latin America. You weren’t imagining it! This Heavy article claims both children were born in Ireland. I believe Ryan White claims they were born in Wales and the adoption arranged through Jeffrey Epstein connections. https://heavy.com/news/john-roberts-children/
The real question is why do any of these people "need" to adopt children from other countries when there are children waiting to be adopted right here in the US.
It's because they weren't actually adopted. They were taken by Robert's to use as sex toys for him and others, unless there's proof the kids are currently alive they were probably murder in a ritual.
They are using the words "adoption" because it sounds better to the masses.
If he wanted to legally adopt real kids to raise as his children I doubt he needed to go through a pedophile/ human meat processing factory
If you were an investigative journalist, you would look into arrests that were mentioned in the interview and the divorces that were talked about (I roughly checked and they are true). The hospital records, arrest records, and court records for some of the stuff mentioned should also check out.
He said Matt Couch, the guy that’s been investigating Seth Rich from the DC Patriot, had the story first but his ego got in the way. Super interesting.
I've been worried that Lin Wood is being set up by this guy. If there is no other evidence to support what the guy is saying, then it is basically worthless at best, but if it is determined that he absolutely made it up, then it makes Lin Wood look REALLY bad. The question is, which came first, Lin Woods research on election fraud, or this "whistleblower" testimony? The order of those two things will provide a good indication of whether this "whistleblower" is legitimate.
There are several places where he offers up where what he's saying can be verified. I would think LIn had people all over this to verify it before he went public with it. It was tough to read the torture sections
Exactly. It’s just too much. Lots of loose ends in the worlds largest crime ring. Of course, we often see loose ends being tied right in front of our faces. What’s also amazing is that they’ve been able to do this for so long.
I agree. Lin believes the witness. The witness sounds like he believes what he’s saying for the most part.
Horrific. The executions cannot happen soon enough. Bring the pain. For us, for them, for the world - it's time to scrub the planet clean of the Communist Pedophile Demons.
Read the documents for yourself. He goes into A LOT of detail about who he is. He states many times where his claims can be verified but I havent seen any posts corroborating any of it yet (although I haven’t actually looked for it yet so maybe it already exists)
From Lin Wood's transcript dropped yesterday. I think it's on Dropbox. Horrible.
Reads like fanfic
Definitely not fan fiction considering nearly everything else this guy came to it with has been verified to be true.
I’ve just read thru the entire thing and I have to say, I believe him too. There are too many details, to many connections, it’s so unbelievable it has to be true. Lin is a very experienced lawyer. I’m sure he did his research and it would’ve been pretty obvious to see the extent of yhe torture this guy endured by looking at him. Matt Couch was a surprise in there though. Didn’t realize he was such a fool.
lol... What can be verified? Please do share. This guy is pure larp.
Cool, got some links I can share that show verification?
Except it’s not
I'd say that's wishful thinking. I read the whole transcript, this whistle-blower was very adamant how disgusted he was by their lifestyle and betrayals. He said he did end-run interference on their plans, even foiling assassination plots on judges.
No WAY this is Hunter.
He said he is often used as an informant because of his past connections to people on the inside of the Muslim brotherhood, that's what he was used for before he was convicted after drugs were planted by one of Rod's goons.
He says he has high level education in Mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry as well. I have to look into the tidbits he dropped about himself in the beginning to try and figure out for myself who he is. It seems he ran in some of these circles that Rod and Sullivan were in on. Supposedly the facility he was being kept in kept medical records of his injuries when these Feds would take him out to viciously torture/interrogate him. All because he knows what's on Seth Rich's thumb drive. (Supposedly they can't break the encryption)
Could it be Johnheretohelp?
Doubt it ,dads the kinda guy that would wack his own kid.
WHEN in the fuck are ANY criminals in D.C. going to be held accountable, tried, convicted & Mussolini-ed?!!!!----DAMMMIT I'M GETTING TIRED OF THESE EVIL FUCKERS ALWAYS FUCKING WITH HUMANITY!!!!.....UUUURRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!
In this life never but the devil is a bad guy to do business with.
How well is this info vetted? I believe him, it’s sick to say “I want this to be real” because I don’t. I don’t want it to be real. I want it all to be fake and to know this isn’t happening en masse on a planetary scale by all the people we love and trust and pay money to. I want it all to be a lie. Unfortunately it’s probably real. I hope we won and it’s over.
I believe Lin Woods believes this Ryan White guy. I believe Ryan believes what he is saying. I just have a big red flag about all this. I can see one or two of these guys being pedos/murderers but everyone of them? And their wives in on it? Color me skeptical.
Yes and the Roberts adoption thing doesn’t make sense. Ireland has all public adoptions. The deal with Roberts was that he had arranged a Latin American adoption for those kids which would have been illegal. Transcript says he adopted through Ireland. There’s no such thing as a private adoption of Irish born children.
Can’t remember everything but thought there was something about them being from Wales but it was to look like they were from Ireland? https://noqreport.com/2020/12/31/lin-wood-accuses-john-roberts-of-illegally-adoption-of-two-young-children-from-wales-through-jeffrey-epstein/
Maybe the Latin American thing was fake news then. So hard to keep up
Fo sho!
HD, I just came across this article and there was an early mention of Latin America. You weren’t imagining it! This Heavy article claims both children were born in Ireland. I believe Ryan White claims they were born in Wales and the adoption arranged through Jeffrey Epstein connections. https://heavy.com/news/john-roberts-children/
I believe the mention was that they were taken to Latin America where the adoption process was easier?
The real question is why do any of these people "need" to adopt children from other countries when there are children waiting to be adopted right here in the US.
It's because they weren't actually adopted. They were taken by Robert's to use as sex toys for him and others, unless there's proof the kids are currently alive they were probably murder in a ritual. They are using the words "adoption" because it sounds better to the masses. If he wanted to legally adopt real kids to raise as his children I doubt he needed to go through a pedophile/ human meat processing factory
Which is why it’s of issue. How did he get Irish children out of the country when it’s illegal!?!
That doesn’t make it not real. This logic is not deserving of the word. This is what a shill would say, no offense.
If you were an investigative journalist, you would look into arrests that were mentioned in the interview and the divorces that were talked about (I roughly checked and they are true). The hospital records, arrest records, and court records for some of the stuff mentioned should also check out.
If only our journalists were journalists
He’s posted some court cases he’s been involved in against various government entities under his pseudonym Ryan Dark White.
He said Matt Couch, the guy that’s been investigating Seth Rich from the DC Patriot, had the story first but his ego got in the way. Super interesting.
I've been worried that Lin Wood is being set up by this guy. If there is no other evidence to support what the guy is saying, then it is basically worthless at best, but if it is determined that he absolutely made it up, then it makes Lin Wood look REALLY bad. The question is, which came first, Lin Woods research on election fraud, or this "whistleblower" testimony? The order of those two things will provide a good indication of whether this "whistleblower" is legitimate.
There are several places where he offers up where what he's saying can be verified. I would think LIn had people all over this to verify it before he went public with it. It was tough to read the torture sections
Exactly. It’s just too much. Lots of loose ends in the worlds largest crime ring. Of course, we often see loose ends being tied right in front of our faces. What’s also amazing is that they’ve been able to do this for so long. I agree. Lin believes the witness. The witness sounds like he believes what he’s saying for the most part.
Q said watch the wives right?
Also he(interviewee) talks one time of an instance of one of these guys driving his wife's car to go kill a dude.
Is this from Lynn Wood's 191-page drop from yesterday?
Same here. Had steam coming from my ears hearing the torture and effects of, they put him through. ?
If true, I’m praying at least some of these girls will come forward and corroborate if they were ‘bought and sold’ in these circles, so they can heal.
But it sounds like the fear of being killed may be too strong for them to come forward.
I think the certainty of being killed ...
Hopefully after the military takeover
so ozero is "The Big Guy" taking 10% skim from every deal.
I read the whole thing and it is disturbing for sure. I want justice!
Horrific. The executions cannot happen soon enough. Bring the pain. For us, for them, for the world - it's time to scrub the planet clean of the Communist Pedophile Demons.
Is this transcript the same as the Ryan D White interview Lin Wood did? Or is it different (new) information?
Probably the Lin Wood doc drop yes.
Feel free to tell us where this is from
From the Lin Wood whistleblower
Finished reading to it today.
So that's how the minions of Mordor operate.
Thought there would be some information specifically on how the Steal was done.
? Page 162 from where.... link?
I read that whole thing yesterday until I was crosseyed from screen time. Horrifying indeed
I'm honestly surprised this dude is still alive. It's a fucking miracle after what they did to him...
Read the documents for yourself. He goes into A LOT of detail about who he is. He states many times where his claims can be verified but I havent seen any posts corroborating any of it yet (although I haven’t actually looked for it yet so maybe it already exists)