They are scared to death!
You know why Psirklbaki can't answer any questions? It's because she is not getting any updates from anyone! She has no idea what is going on outside the prison-turned studio they are setting this up in.
Trust me. Biden has not set foot in the White House. They are in waiting to be executed. I'm surprised the military is prolonging it this long. Perhaps they want the Media to think nothing is wrong. Perhaps the Media already knows.
I just need some more hopium....
"Psirklbaki" ???
I had to read that a couple times before I got it. Clever!
You can't just say "Trust me. Biden has not set foot in the White House." in one breath and then say, "I just need some more hopium..." in the other. Go back and read your own convictions and, as so many have said to me in recent past, Hold the Line!
" I'm surprised the military is prolonging it this long."
It ain't called "Chinese Water Torture" for nothing.
Drip by slow drip. :-P
I prefer water boarding. With no cloth over the nose/mouth. And gasoline instead of water. Then it's off to the battery torture chair with [them].
But the cabal is dying by a thousand cuts and slowly bleeding to death.
The Royal Family are currently engaged in eating each other. I skim the headlines but in the Daily Mail today there must have been 30 separate stories of he said , she said, they’re a bully and that’s before the stories of the Duke Of Edinburgh who has spent 3 weeks travelling between 2 hospitals having 1 visitor and heart surgery at 99.8 years of age( if he is still around).
Why wouldn’t the media report they are not in the White House for press briefings? Seems that would be a hard secret to keep.
The military wont make a move until these "dmeocrats" out themselves completely, just like where they are headed right now.
The whole point for this production was to avoid what happened in Myanmar if Military took charge directly, even if they had all the proof.
My guess, is that they are being held at the site they train secret service at. Somewhere in Georgia.. They would have to have a replica for appropriate training... They can't just use the actual White House to run training exercises in consistently...
Not only is Biden incapable of delivering the SOTU, both physically and mentally, he/his team don't even know what to say, as they're on "foreign" soil (I get that mixed up, but you know what I mean is). They're inept and out of the loop.
The movie isn't over yet, we haven't even made it to the climax. If you gotta go piss real quick you have time but get back quickly, because I got the popcorn.
have to sleep, scheduled to clock in in 5 hrs