If this gets much worse, the only final solution will be an extremist nationalist political party willing to send the treasonous liberals to the Gitmo prison camp, burn all their communist propaganda, Critical Race Theory books and degenerate pornography and end our Rothschild owned usury central bank.
Perhaps we can then help Canada end their Rothschild owned central bank while we're at it.
I saw a post someone made here where they constructed a sentence from the capitalized words. No idea if that makes sense, but the last four words of the sentence is interesting.
Post contents:
Hold until CONF.
MIL assets on the ground locked out of GZ.
ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events.
Clown report must be VERIFIED.
Troop unwind to STILL occur.
Have faith.
Trust POTUS.
Probably get deep stated. Clinton style. But I imagine going down in a blaze of glory. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I'm currently moving family into a safer area to live and buying property in the middle of nowhere to fortify and survive. Wish me luck!
That is very sensible. I started trying to grow most of my own fruit and veg years ago and then got inspired to build a “food forest” when Trump was elected. Something made me think He was like Joseph a servant who would face good and bad times so I planted lots of berry bushes and fruit trees. I’m glad I did bc now I’m reading inflation is going nuts.
Please plant a garden, even if it’s old potatoes from your pantry. Try and get free trees from your county extension office sometimes they have nut trees and bushes. Plant a service berry bush (Saskatoon) as good as blueberries and easier to grow.
I told myself May 1st. Why? Juan O Savin is someone I put a lot of faith in. Since I started listening to him, he's been saying April 1st (sorry for datefagging). I figured I would give him a month leeway due to unforeseen circumstances.
That’s how I see it, he’s doing what any good soldier does, Bidens president and the next chance to change it is 2024, so he’s playing the role he has and rallying towards the next election. We know he’s sending messages in his tweets so the face message of the tweet doesn’t really matter?
He has done this before, where people think he is referencing days or dates when he wasn't (even though he actually states days in this tweet).
One of the more recent tweets with days and dates was actually a reference to a section in the Law of War Manual.
It's up to us to dig, dig and dig some more.
It has to be because it's idiotic to think the Democrats won't steal 2024 like the stole 2020.
If this gets much worse, the only final solution will be an extremist nationalist political party willing to send the treasonous liberals to the Gitmo prison camp, burn all their communist propaganda, Critical Race Theory books and degenerate pornography and end our Rothschild owned usury central bank.
Perhaps we can then help Canada end their Rothschild owned central bank while we're at it.
Nah.they are going to do both
It was posted at 11:06
Posted April 9, 2018
I saw a post someone made here where they constructed a sentence from the capitalized words. No idea if that makes sense, but the last four words of the sentence is interesting.
Post contents:
Syria. Hold until CONF. MIL assets on the ground locked out of GZ. ISRAEL strike harmed ability to prove events. Clown report must be VERIFIED. Troop unwind to STILL occur. Have faith. Trust POTUS. Q
Maybe he’s running?
Trumps third term starts 2024
If he wants it.
Probably get deep stated. Clinton style. But I imagine going down in a blaze of glory. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I'm currently moving family into a safer area to live and buying property in the middle of nowhere to fortify and survive. Wish me luck!
That is very sensible. I started trying to grow most of my own fruit and veg years ago and then got inspired to build a “food forest” when Trump was elected. Something made me think He was like Joseph a servant who would face good and bad times so I planted lots of berry bushes and fruit trees. I’m glad I did bc now I’m reading inflation is going nuts.
Please plant a garden, even if it’s old potatoes from your pantry. Try and get free trees from your county extension office sometimes they have nut trees and bushes. Plant a service berry bush (Saskatoon) as good as blueberries and easier to grow.
The moment they force me to take a shot from their vaccine dispenser is the moment I force them to take a shot from my lead dispenser.
If our military doesn't do something soon, I would hope we would mobilize....
Question is,how long is given before we draw that line? I know my line is April 1st js
I told myself May 1st. Why? Juan O Savin is someone I put a lot of faith in. Since I started listening to him, he's been saying April 1st (sorry for datefagging). I figured I would give him a month leeway due to unforeseen circumstances.
I hope something happens with Durham....
Head south and join one of the FreedomCell american expat communities in Mex.
I'll be dead
That’s how I see it, he’s doing what any good soldier does, Bidens president and the next chance to change it is 2024, so he’s playing the role he has and rallying towards the next election. We know he’s sending messages in his tweets so the face message of the tweet doesn’t really matter?
Maybe he's counting backwards?
July 31, 2017 or August 1, 2017 (do you count today?) I found these things happened, but there could be others.
July 31, 2017 Anthony Scaramucci was fired. Aug 1, 2017 Christopher Wray confirmed as FBI Director
he's been doing this since Trump left. Can't be serious.
I think these numbers actually correspond with trumps EO’s. Look into it and you’ll see what I mean :)
If you have research, share it. EOs are 5 digits so don’t know what you are talking about.
Could just be discussing 1327 drop discussing a Kerry meeting since Kerry is popular ;)
Once CIA....
Could have something to do with this John Kerry --> Logan Act --> BOOM linked twit...
He put out a similar tweet right after the Biden inauguration.
I thought this was a comm
Why not?
He has done this before, where people think he is referencing days or dates when he wasn't (even though he actually states days in this tweet). One of the more recent tweets with days and dates was actually a reference to a section in the Law of War Manual. It's up to us to dig, dig and dig some more.
1, 327... The 1st term for the President of the new Republic to take place on March 27? 8 days from today.
Thinking mirror, brings to july 31st 2017
Anthony Scaramucci removed as White House Communications Director after less than 2 weeks
Is this notable?
He's an idiot
He's counting backward. Do some research.