it's been common to classify Human Resourcres Directors as Chief People Officers - especially in large corporations, for at least the last 20-25 years.
depends on business size and industry. generally HR reports to the C-Suite.
but some mid-larger size companies elevate HR to the C-Suite - making it part of strategy development. in these cases they might be designated as CPO. same thing happened with IT, hence the CTO.
Hahahahahaha. Teen Vogue needs to go, anyway. So does Vogue. They perpetuate unhealthy images and child exploitation, as well as other "questionable" content for teens.
One thing I have learnt is that there is always something deeper in these stories. These people weaponise past "racism" only when its convenient right now. I would like to know what the real reason here is, and what she was trying to do.
-- begin shitpost
The problem with racial equity in the left is that they have not defined a clear hierarchy of who is on top of who. This allows problems like this. To avoid left eating left here is what they should do.
Every person should be assigned "oppression points". These points are cumulative. Here is a point chart:
Black: 3
Indigenous: 2
Other colors: 1
Mexicans: 0.75
Asians: 0.5
Women: 1
Men: negative 1
IQ below 80: 5
IQ above 120: negative 3
Mental Problems (each): 1.5
Gay: 1
Trans: 3
You can add more to this oppression chart. Everyperson has to undergo a mandatory DNA testing, IQ test and mental assessment to be assigned your final Oppression score.
You will get a badge which is a bright yellow 6 pointed star with your score written on top of it. Every person is required to wear this badge on them prominently whenever they are outdoors.
If you meet a person whose score is:
Above yours by
1-2 points: You have to courtesy
3-5 points: You have to bow and cannot see eye to eye
5 points: You have to kneel until permitted to move.
Below yours by
1-2 points: You are allowed to slap them
3-5 points: You are allowed to punch them 3 times and take any one object on their person
5 points: You are allowed to take anything that belongs to them and beat them up as much as you want.
Nice dig about Ducklo and McCammond. I was for a moment thinking maybe she was a good one after all, but looks like left had other reasons to cancel. My guess - she was too much a threat to the existing staffers due to her relationship to Ducklo. Nothing to see here for us.
without being able to weaponize their "-ism's" to their convenience
Very astute observation! This is why there is no logic to their madness!
I can't even read the title of that article without saying in my head "what kind of stupid nightmare world are these shallow retarded people living in?"
Every animal on planet earth is racist. Babies are racist. It's a survival mechanism to help you organize with other similar organisms.
They have a chief people officer? What in the hell is a people officer? Is that a thing now, because that sounds very Orwellian.
it's been common to classify Human Resourcres Directors as Chief People Officers - especially in large corporations, for at least the last 20-25 years.
Never heard that. Everyone I hear says HR.
depends on business size and industry. generally HR reports to the C-Suite.
but some mid-larger size companies elevate HR to the C-Suite - making it part of strategy development. in these cases they might be designated as CPO. same thing happened with IT, hence the CTO.
Oh hell no, that place is like amped up maximum woke, I can't imagine how much I'd hate it.
Must be in progressive, left, oligarchic corps.
Wait now you can’t dress up as an American Indian??? Why the heck not?
Hahahahahaha. Teen Vogue needs to go, anyway. So does Vogue. They perpetuate unhealthy images and child exploitation, as well as other "questionable" content for teens.
One thing I have learnt is that there is always something deeper in these stories. These people weaponise past "racism" only when its convenient right now. I would like to know what the real reason here is, and what she was trying to do.
-- begin shitpost
The problem with racial equity in the left is that they have not defined a clear hierarchy of who is on top of who. This allows problems like this. To avoid left eating left here is what they should do.
Every person should be assigned "oppression points". These points are cumulative. Here is a point chart:
Black: 3
Indigenous: 2
Other colors: 1
Mexicans: 0.75
Asians: 0.5
Women: 1
Men: negative 1
IQ below 80: 5
IQ above 120: negative 3
Mental Problems (each): 1.5
Gay: 1
Trans: 3
You can add more to this oppression chart. Everyperson has to undergo a mandatory DNA testing, IQ test and mental assessment to be assigned your final Oppression score.
You will get a badge which is a bright yellow 6 pointed star with your score written on top of it. Every person is required to wear this badge on them prominently whenever they are outdoors.
If you meet a person whose score is:
Above yours by
1-2 points: You have to courtesy
3-5 points: You have to bow and cannot see eye to eye
Below yours by
1-2 points: You are allowed to slap them
3-5 points: You are allowed to punch them 3 times and take any one object on their person
-- end shitpost
Nice dig about Ducklo and McCammond. I was for a moment thinking maybe she was a good one after all, but looks like left had other reasons to cancel. My guess - she was too much a threat to the existing staffers due to her relationship to Ducklo. Nothing to see here for us.
Very astute observation! This is why there is no logic to their madness!
She had to be purged.
Her "race" is so 2020.
Predict this weak rag's next hire will be an "oppressed 'Asian'".
I can't even read the title of that article without saying in my head "what kind of stupid nightmare world are these shallow retarded people living in?" Every animal on planet earth is racist. Babies are racist. It's a survival mechanism to help you organize with other similar organisms. NEXT
"McCammond is a 27-year-old African American journalist"
I'm pretty sure she wasn't born in Africa from African natives then immigrated to America