Its all that failed company has left. They are the Sears of news organizations. It is no longer the company you grew up with, just a shell selling cheap Chinese junk.
They barely have 1 million viewers! Unless you're talking worldwide figures, but in the US, most of their shows don't come close to getting 1 million viewers. Seriously.
Hell it'll take out genz and millennials more so than boomers. The young will be more likely to live and die with the effects. They have a longer life to live post vaccine which means a longer time to develop more diseases
CNN is so pathetic. They can't move past Trump and report real news. Real news like job loss, cost of living going up and illegal entry. Trump is their only story without REAL NEWS.
I can't think of a more objective compliment to our President
He lost anywhere from 700 million to who knows how much money while enduring lies and backstabbers, all for us. Accused of profiting from the office while he donated his salary to charity. And he still commands our support, while China Joe just does whatever he's told to do.
CNN spent years reporting how Trump was just being president so he can get richer. He was in it for himself. Now they are trying to write about how he's poor. Though they can't even do that right. "Trump's plane sits in an airport."
Of course this is no surprise,CNN is floundering in the ratings so they think doing a story on Trump will help them... No, no it won't. CNN misses Trump as much as we do.
Is that plane photoshopped? Look at the wingtip (or what you call it? the tail end?) and look at the T decal. It's slightly protruded on the large side? I'm just hoping it's because of bad resolution, it's creating a false protruding effect but...?
I don't think so? It looks the same in other pictures, to me. But that really is the question you have to ask about everything coming out of the news, from now on.
Every time I look at Trudeau, I see nothing to be afraid of at all. Whatever he may be planning aside, he lost his majority government after legalizing weed. He's not some genius.
Where I'm from, most were struggling with the idea of forced isolation a lot more than I was because I've been off work for health reasons for some years now. But I'm sure it helped a few, medicinally or otherwise. I always find it hard to buy into when it's implied that people prefer laziness because I find it so aggravating to be locked up in this powerless body.
Joe Bidan fell up the stairs. Putin "double dogged dared" Bidan to a debate. Kamala is a whore.
Look here! Trump bad.
I just kekked myself
Nice summary. Spot on.
Its all that failed company has left. They are the Sears of news organizations. It is no longer the company you grew up with, just a shell selling cheap Chinese junk.
TDS is real.
Hilarious...I’m glad he has messed with their minds if all they are going to see is hatred!
They barely have 1 million viewers! Unless you're talking worldwide figures, but in the US, most of their shows don't come close to getting 1 million viewers. Seriously.
On March 31, the CNN Airport contract expires. No more propaganda for air travelers and TSA hobgoblins. ⌛
Imagine when the "vaccine" kicks in and takes out the boomers.
Hell it'll take out genz and millennials more so than boomers. The young will be more likely to live and die with the effects. They have a longer life to live post vaccine which means a longer time to develop more diseases
Trump not even in office and he still lives in their heads, rent free. Gotta love it.
That's a super cheap maintenance event for a 757. The cost to maintain one engine alone would be more than that on an average day.
Cost sure as shit isn't the reason that beautiful bird is sitting idle.
Looks like a Trump billboard on CNN to me...check mate suckas
CNN is so pathetic. They can't move past Trump and report real news. Real news like job loss, cost of living going up and illegal entry. Trump is their only story without REAL NEWS.
So then, what plane is Trump using to get around if his personal one is grounded? Ha!
Good point.
Imagine not being on any social media and rarely appearing in public, but MSM still talking about you over the "most popular President ever" ?
Rent free...
I can't think of a more objective compliment to our President He lost anywhere from 700 million to who knows how much money while enduring lies and backstabbers, all for us. Accused of profiting from the office while he donated his salary to charity. And he still commands our support, while China Joe just does whatever he's told to do.
CNN spent years reporting how Trump was just being president so he can get richer. He was in it for himself. Now they are trying to write about how he's poor. Though they can't even do that right. "Trump's plane sits in an airport."
Two words: Rent Free.
Why would he need his own plane when he has AF1? CNN so stupid.
As usual, they "report" bullshit.
CNN clueless with the sauce trump isn’t flying on his own plane
High six figures... That's to DJT as a penny is to me.
They are so obsessed with him ,like an ex who just can't let go
Why is Trump not flying around in his old plane? Maybe because he's still using AF1?
Of course this is no surprise,CNN is floundering in the ratings so they think doing a story on Trump will help them... No, no it won't. CNN misses Trump as much as we do.
Is that plane photoshopped? Look at the wingtip (or what you call it? the tail end?) and look at the T decal. It's slightly protruded on the large side? I'm just hoping it's because of bad resolution, it's creating a false protruding effect but...?
I don't think so? It looks the same in other pictures, to me. But that really is the question you have to ask about everything coming out of the news, from now on.
Ha - the new AF fleet that Trump designed is schemed the exact reverse (same colors) as TF1. new AF1 livery
Ah thanks for this. Yep it was because of the low res image that made it look like it's protruding.
He could easily become Canada's biggest hero!!
Every time I look at Trudeau, I see nothing to be afraid of at all. Whatever he may be planning aside, he lost his majority government after legalizing weed. He's not some genius.
Where I'm from, most were struggling with the idea of forced isolation a lot more than I was because I've been off work for health reasons for some years now. But I'm sure it helped a few, medicinally or otherwise. I always find it hard to buy into when it's implied that people prefer laziness because I find it so aggravating to be locked up in this powerless body.