Correct. It's China Joe paying back his paymaster.
They scream about muh "climate change" and muh "carbon footprint" yet do this sort of shit, hey lefty's on this board how do you square this circle? Good for your precious environment - how?
Remember when Trump said gas prices would go to $6 or $7 per gallon during his CPAC speech last month? I truly believe that will happen. I've bought shares of oil futures in order to protect myself from price increases.
A next step would be to add all the Co2 and NOX related to the production process of all parts used in these transport schemes. A pipeline is looking quite promising.
Don’t forget about the added safety and spill hazards of 6,000+ trucks on the road, clogging up roadways, getting into accidents with passenger cars, tipping over, catching fire, etc. let alone the police and fire dept. man hours allocated away from solving crimes and saving buildings to deal with the extra traffic problems.
Also how many tens of thousands of dollars will each spill-crash cost the local area with gridlocked traffic holding up commerce until the hazmat team is done.
All of these emissions are peanuts compared to those of a super tanker. Taking one major ship off the water is the equivalent of removing 15 million cars from the road.
Warren Buffet is a huge Biden door...he makes billions in railroad shipping fees from the pipeline closure...
THIS is all you need to know right here.
Correct. It's China Joe paying back his paymaster. They scream about muh "climate change" and muh "carbon footprint" yet do this sort of shit, hey lefty's on this board how do you square this circle? Good for your precious environment - how?
Hey lefty's on this board how do you square this circle? Are you serious? It's quite simple really, all you have to do is "circle back!!
AND trucking it too ??
Burlington Sante Fe. Ding ding ding. We have a winner. They think we are all retarded.
We need to get rid of this mindset that Sleepy Joe actually does anything. He didn't do jack. It's the DS/his handler.
Remember when Trump said gas prices would go to $6 or $7 per gallon during his CPAC speech last month? I truly believe that will happen. I've bought shares of oil futures in order to protect myself from price increases.
Good argument.
A next step would be to add all the Co2 and NOX related to the production process of all parts used in these transport schemes. A pipeline is looking quite promising.
Don’t forget about the added safety and spill hazards of 6,000+ trucks on the road, clogging up roadways, getting into accidents with passenger cars, tipping over, catching fire, etc. let alone the police and fire dept. man hours allocated away from solving crimes and saving buildings to deal with the extra traffic problems.
good thinking!
Also how many tens of thousands of dollars will each spill-crash cost the local area with gridlocked traffic holding up commerce until the hazmat team is done.
Louisiana is gonna be worse.?
Here lefites read this.
I think it should say 1,300 barrels per truck. Semis usually carry about 55,000 lbs in cargo.
Yeah noticed that the math doesn’t work out
All of these emissions are peanuts compared to those of a super tanker. Taking one major ship off the water is the equivalent of removing 15 million cars from the road.
Oil will be old technology after the new systems come online (Great Awakening).
So many things made out of oil. So many.
Oil will be around for a long time