Is this the Kraken?
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Hey, handshake, nice of you to show up here try spinning that duplicitous "analysis" from that SJW "legal journalist".
What Powell is saying is that Powell's claims are not basis of a defamation lawsuit... but they are exactly what Powell intends to prove in court.
"Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support Defendants' position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."
Did any of you guys actually read her response?
This reporter's interpretation of the defense is, as expected, #FAKENEWS.
I did.
And it's just more evidence that the Left cannot open their mouths, or pull their hands out of their pants to type... without lying and willfully attempting to deceive.
Their total commitment to lying is simply demonic.
Nice. Glad I'm not the only one that immediately smelled bullshit.
A more apt interpretation is that Sidney seeks to have the jurisdiction moved to North Texas, understanding full well that the DC Circuit is never going to dismiss outright.
Her arguments as to this being protected speech are two-fold; that it was political speech, which is protected, and that the language used around political speech is expected to be inexact and vituperative.
She lays out an excellent case here, and set it up perfectly for appeal if and when the DC Circuit completely steamrolls "the law" and just does whatever the fuck they want, as usual.
Eventually, this response will lay the groundwork for her victory and Dominions' demise.
I call BS
Just more evidence the "professionals" are indeed team shilling off this turd of a spin job.
Nice try, soyboys.
Sydney wants them to sue her so she can get Discovery.
Approving the post because even though it is a mischaracterization of the facts, u/BasedInFact's reply clears it up.
If you actually knew anything about Sydney Powell you would know she is cunning and kind of brilliant. Sounds to me like she has quite the strategy. They have to dismiss and let her continue to spread the truth or they have to prove that it is totally believable everything she has said and then prove that it’s not. Then we get to see all the programming and everything they are hiding under the guise of it being protected technology.
This is literally the explanation of the Larry Flynt case.
I actually don’t know anything about the Larry Flynt case, I’ll check it out!
Ignore posts from newfags. Shills to the max.
I don't get it.
You were being trolled.
Read the comments if you didn't realize this, or know how they do it.
SOP to file motions to dismiss or anything else you can think of to get the case thrown out like the SC and every other court did with all the election suits. It's called mounting a vigorous multi-faceted defense.
The I was just joking defense!
Reverse psychology? Now Dominion has to argue that a reasonable person would conclude they are statements of fact.
Nice try, Team Shill-Dumbass.
Sidney Powell was not joking, doesn't say she was joking, and intends to prove in a court of law that she was not joking.
She is simply not liable for defamation here.
Do you guys focus group this weak shit before you roll out? Good grief.
She must have another plan up her sleeve....
She doesn't need to.
Despite you fully biting on this shill action that was just dumped here, there is nothing wrong with Sidney Powell's plan or her information.
This is just the usual lying left shamelessly and falsely spinning Powell's justified request to reject the specious and desperate defamation suit from Dominion.
Did that make you feel superior? I sure hope so. I know some of you seem to desperately need a boost at others' expenses. Im not going to go on the defensive and tell you why I said that, I would just like to point out that the personal dig you made there was not useful. I would like to think we're on the same side and that the "vets" would help teach those newer to this process. I would like to think that. Moving on...
Oh my goodness. What is this now?
You had evidently fallen for these shill tactics, and instead of saying “Hey thanks. You’re right. They got me, those lying shills. I resolve to be a little sharper the next time.”, you try to crybully me like a Leftist.
No, I don’t feel “superior”, nor, at the same time, do I remotely deserve your scorn. That’s simply misplaced, misattributed emotion.
And I’m no “vet” here. I paid Q no mind until after Jan 20. I’ve learned a lot from other people, and still do. But one of the things I can teach is discernment; if something sounds to good to be true, it probably is. If something sounds like concern trolling... it’s not unlikely that it is. But next time, consider looking into it for yourself, and saving the next person who might not have caught on... and everybody else, too. I’m not a lawyer, but it took me all of 2 minutes of reading to scan that doc and see that the SJW twitterer and the OP shill here were full of it.
You could have easily done the same.
If you didn’t, and hey, we all make mistakes, the decent response was patently not to try to make me feel bad. Yeesh.
Or she is full of shit?
She wants the defamation suit dismissed as 'ridiculous', because it's NOT defamation, it's a FACT she can and will prove - and 'no reasonable person' would be so stupid to, unless they had the receipts.
For me, She's baiting them.
It's called a feint.