Dark Secrets Behind The Pope’s Audience Hall?
The Pope’s Audience Hall is a building designed to look exactly like a reptile. In essence, the Pope speaks to his audience from the head of a reptile. Why?
Published on November 17, 2017
By Joe Martino
When I first realized the true magnitude of what the Pope’s Audience Hall design reveals, I was shocked. Despite 10 years of research into the elite, occult, Illuminati, consciousness, and more, this stuck out as something I just HAD to write about.
Have you heard of the Pope’s Audience Hall? Also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it seats 6,300 and contains a bronze statue called La Resurrezione, designed by Pericle Fazzini, within.
This all sounds pretty straightforward so far, but let’s dive into what makes this building so strange. We’ll start with the less weird, and get progressively weirder as we go.
Building Method and Design
The building was designed with reinforced concrete by well-known architect Pier Luigi Nervi. Nervi is known for simple yet practical designs that are strong and made to last.
The simple curvature of the building might seem unassuming from the outside, but this is part one of what we will begin to explore about this building, and I promise you, by the time we get to the end, you will see what I’m getting at.
Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. Note the overall shape — wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top.
As you can already begin to see in the image above, there are two windows on either side of the building that resemble eyes. They are made of stained glass and sit about halfway through the building’s length on either side.
In the centre of the eye shape, you begin to see a slit that could resemble a reptile eye.
Scales and Fangs
Have a look again at the image above — what do you notice down the centre? There stands what looks to be a statue in the middle and then on either side, two sharp, pointed fangs. The building’s roof and sides also resemble scales.
Here are two more images to give you a sense of the scales.
Now let’s pull it together a bit more so we can really see what we are looking at. In the image below, really pay attention to the whole building and stage layout next to the image of a snake. The eyes, the shape, the scales, the fangs, the look and feel of the reptile… it’s all there.
The La Resurrezione Statue
In the middle of the stage sits a statue of Christ rising from an atomic apocalypse. It was designed by Pericle Fazzini and put in place by 1977. Have a look at it below. Do you notice anything about Jesus’ head?
Left side
It’s difficult to see from the front, but when you view the statue from the sides, where patrons would sit, it becomes strikingly clear from both sides that the head of Jesus is meant to look like that of a snake.
Think about it for a moment: If just one side of the statue gave the impression of a snake’s head, we could brush this off as coincidence, but when it looks this way from all angles, and the entire building resembles a snake as well, it becomes much more difficult to ignore. One must begin to realize that this was purposefully designed to appear this way. The thought and planning that went into this would have to have been immense. Why does it depict what it does? It’s disturbing.
The Vatican is built over the Temple of Cybele
First of all, yes this is completely Q related.
So I was digging on the Pope and remembered hearing something about the Vatican being built on a necropolis (catacombs) so I looked it up! Actually it's much more than that. Check this out:
Centuries before the birth of Jesus the worship of Cybele had as a central theme of the son and mother. Unlike Christianity the mother was the dominant one and Cybele’s son was also her lover. And again unlike Christianity, the orgiastic rites of the goddess included self-flagellation and even self-castration. They also involved initiations where those admitted to the secret worship would be drenched in blood. A highlight of worship was the Taurobolium, baptism in the blood of a sacred bull. The priests were not Romans but were from Asia Minor where the Cybele stone originated. Romans despised the effeminate behavior of the long-haired, strangely costumed priests parading in their streets, although their own religion had much in common. The worship of Roman men, particularly in the military, had their own son-lover pair of Mithra and Atagartis. The rites shared the bloody initiation, but the male Mithra was a warrior god who slew a bull at birth. Like the worship of Cybele, a highlight of worship also included the Taurobolium, baptism in the blood of a sacred bull. Such Roman sites still exist, generally beneath churches. While Christianity revered the concept of Mother and Son, the practices of the newer religion were very different. The practices of the mother-goddess religion were soon forced underground—literally underground, as they would conduct their ecstatic ceremonies in the catacombs under the Vatican. The layers of catacombs that supported the structure above were used to conduct human sacrifice rituals and initiations. It wasn’t until Domitian AD 81–96 made human sacrifice a capital crime, that these tunnels were closed. Secret tunnels, however, allowed the forbidden ceremonies of Cybele, including child sacrifice, to continue. In the second century the tunnels were closed and Roman families that still engaged in such practices were banished to Libya. One family that was forced to abandon Rome for Libya was that of Gaius Fulvius Victor. His father fled Rome when the Gnostic Antonius Pius sought to execute any nobles belonging to the Cybele sect. Through political in-fighting Victor somehow became Pope and while he is guilty of numerous crimes, including murder, his worst offense was in re-instituting child sacrifice to the Vatican. It had been practiced on certain occasions, but Victor wanted a sacrifice at every Mass. The temple of Cybele stood on the Vatican until the Christians took over in the fourth century. Then the site evolved into the Basilica of St. Peter, which stands today. While the Catholic place would impose its own brand of mother and son images, the Vatican’s massive collection of pre-Christian goddesses populates the city. Statues and images of Artemis, Fortuna, Venus, Diana, and the Egyptian Sekmet are present, as is a huge obelisk. The obelisk in the center of the Vatican represents the center point of the Axis Mundi of the Catholic faith. It is surrounded by 16 windrose markers, a directional system created by the Etruscan people long before Rome. Author Cort Lindahl in Axis Mundipoints out that the markers refer to key places in the Christian faith, including: the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, to Axum in Ethiopia (which Graham Hancock believes holds the Ark of the Covenant) and to the Schloss Schonbrunn Palace of the Habsburgs. Worship of the goddess Cybele survived long after Rome. In The Cult of the Black Virgin, author Ian Begg says the Frankish Merovinginians worshiped her as Diana, and there were huge idols and monuments to her in France. He connects the modern survival of her to Mary Magdalene. Lyons in France was a center of her worship, and she survived in Paris (as Isis) until St. Genevieve took over her role.
Tell a normie: "The world has been infiltrated by a demon worshiping cult. Every institution has been corrupted. Don't believe me? Look up the Pope's Audience Hall images for yourself, tell me what you see."
See what exactly? Even if it WAS a snake, what does that prove?
It's not a snake. The person who took the picture made darn sure not to use a regular lens. This picture wouldn't be the spooky "snake" image everyone thinks it is if the photographer had not used a wide angle lens.
Really, you think the architect made the hall into such a shape that with a wide angle lens you can make it look like a snake? That's rich.
It proves that it’s disturbing that the leader of the largest Christian organization in the world is housed in a building that has the similitude of the serpent, the devil.
No, you're inside the head of the snake. Dont give me that fIShEyE shill excuse... I'm a photographer. That if you were standing inside that satanic hall, that's what you would see. There is very little distortion from the wide angle.
You don't seem to understand much about photography. There is no distortion as in manipulation. In fact there is no distortion of the image. It's simply a good wide angle photo. Distortion does NOT mean photoshop.
You're confusing basic things here. There is no distortion of the image at all.
Please go learn what focal lengths, apertures, and basic SLR camera functions before replying.
You clearly have zero clie wtf you're talking about, or being purposely dishonest and lying, shilling for the DS.
Why use a wide angle lens at all? You really think they built that whole building around the concept of getting a "snake" looking face when using a wide angled lens?
I agree AND this is what we Catholics get for adopting crappy 60s/70s architecture. Also I think the nickname for the Resurrection statue is “the birds nest”
Architecture and Art needs to return to tradition.
One more thing I love about Trump his love of classical architecture
I mean ... I wasn’t born when they decided to adopt crappy architecture, guitars, tambourines, and folk groups into the Catholic liturgy. Nor do I have any say in the focus on phones baloney ecumenism watering down the 2000 year tradition of the Latin mass down to almost nothing, nor did I accept $500B year over year to stay out of the public square and keep my mouth shut in abortion and now deny the sacraments because of Covid 19.... but yeah ... “we”
Yup. Catholics are aware of the Freemasonic infiltration. Is this news to you?
Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930's the Communist Party had 1100 members join the Catholic Priesthood. They became Bishops, Cardinals and Popes.
This is old news, and that FAGGOT is NOT a pope! He is the leader of the Marxist pseudo-Catholic church created by SATAN. I am CATHOLIC and I would knock his face off his skull if I had the chance!
yeah man I used to think lizard peopl idea was insane but legit I think now based on Fourth Watch Films videos that the vatican smuggled hitler into antartica and that there are pre deluvian tunnels conntecting to underground civilizations. VAtican has placed their structres on these sites historically to have a presence and have had access to the inside of the earth for hundreds of years extracting knowledge and stuff. Basically the nazis and the german reichstag bank ran away into the earth and are working with the UFOS who are actually just off breeds of fallen angels that live in the earth. look up Admiral Byrd and Hollow earth they were setting the stage for eventual UFO disclosure / fake event where they pretend to save us from the illuminati or some shit playing good cop bad cop. All a satanic deception.
I love the Catholic church. Outside of it, there is no salvation.
That clearly is not a snake. It is only a snake when you take a picture of it with a fish-eye lens.
Why do you twist up the truth to make a story that is pleasing to you?
Why do you hate the Catholic church?
The news told you lies about Donald Trump for 4 years and yet you somehow believe the news to tell you the truth of the Catholic faith? Are you insane? Freemasons are behind much of what is put on television. You know Freemasonry and Catholicism have been at war for hundreds of years, right? This is literally the type of shit-tier Reddit conspiracy Freemasonic propaganda I'd expect to see from a room-temperature ape.
Q posted the Vigano letters.
You know Vigano is a Catholic right? And he's openly calling out the infiltration of the Catholic faith?
Read the Alta Vendita. The Freemasons have planned to try and destroy the Catholic church.
The Catholic church rapes little boys and then shuffles its priests around to protect them from punishment. They are a major part of the Cabal and child trafficking. They are pure evil.
Up until Christ, being saved was restricted to the Jews and a strict method to atone for sins (sacrifice). When Christ died it was a game changer. He graciously included everyone and made it personal. This is very clear with the exchange on the cross between Jesus and the thief. It’s a personal walk now and you don’t need to have a catholic priest to pray to god for you. I don’t see any evidence of the thief being catholic and he indeed was saved by having a personal connection with the redeemer.
I do believe the Pope of yours expanded that little window of salvation a few years back and said others that aren’t Catholic can be saved. Gosh how nice of him!
The idea that Catholic dogma can change and that what was once true is no longer true is entirely and unequivocally false. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Sorry, no, the Catholic Church did not die for my death-deserving sins. Christ Jesus, the only Saviour, the Son of God, the Lord over all, did this for me.
You, dear brother, will never win the extra ecclesiam nula salas argument with novos and others this way and I think you know it. This is no place to roll out the Athenasian creed. Nope. Think WWG1WGA as in the human race. I struggled with this for many years until an Archmandrite explained that there is no salvation outside the church because Christ is the church and the catholicity of the church is universal. It is only God who knows who is a member of His church (the Body of Christ) and who is not (is outside).
As far as the claims of pederasty in the church, we all know it is true. Churches and schools are closing because they are bankrupt from reparations.
St Augustine said, " How many sheep there are without, how many wolves within."
We know there has been a communist infiltration of the church for many decades. We also know that following Vat II there was an influx of new age influence (satanic).
If you love the church, which is Christ, who is the truth, the light and the way, then you are sacredly bound to pray that all may become one.
Isn’t it disturbing. So obvious.
Intentionally obvious. Those that won’t believe, look at the exterior of the building too. Giant snake head.
Dark Secrets Behind The Pope’s Audience Hall? The Pope’s Audience Hall is a building designed to look exactly like a reptile. In essence, the Pope speaks to his audience from the head of a reptile. Why?
Published on November 17, 2017 By Joe Martino
When I first realized the true magnitude of what the Pope’s Audience Hall design reveals, I was shocked. Despite 10 years of research into the elite, occult, Illuminati, consciousness, and more, this stuck out as something I just HAD to write about.
Have you heard of the Pope’s Audience Hall? Also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it seats 6,300 and contains a bronze statue called La Resurrezione, designed by Pericle Fazzini, within. This all sounds pretty straightforward so far, but let’s dive into what makes this building so strange. We’ll start with the less weird, and get progressively weirder as we go. Building Method and Design The building was designed with reinforced concrete by well-known architect Pier Luigi Nervi. Nervi is known for simple yet practical designs that are strong and made to last.
The simple curvature of the building might seem unassuming from the outside, but this is part one of what we will begin to explore about this building, and I promise you, by the time we get to the end, you will see what I’m getting at. Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. Note the overall shape — wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top.
Windows As you can already begin to see in the image above, there are two windows on either side of the building that resemble eyes. They are made of stained glass and sit about halfway through the building’s length on either side. In the centre of the eye shape, you begin to see a slit that could resemble a reptile eye.
Scales and Fangs Have a look again at the image above — what do you notice down the centre? There stands what looks to be a statue in the middle and then on either side, two sharp, pointed fangs. The building’s roof and sides also resemble scales. Here are two more images to give you a sense of the scales.
Now let’s pull it together a bit more so we can really see what we are looking at. In the image below, really pay attention to the whole building and stage layout next to the image of a snake. The eyes, the shape, the scales, the fangs, the look and feel of the reptile… it’s all there.
The La Resurrezione Statue In the middle of the stage sits a statue of Christ rising from an atomic apocalypse. It was designed by Pericle Fazzini and put in place by 1977. Have a look at it below. Do you notice anything about Jesus’ head?
Left side It’s difficult to see from the front, but when you view the statue from the sides, where patrons would sit, it becomes strikingly clear from both sides that the head of Jesus is meant to look like that of a snake. Think about it for a moment: If just one side of the statue gave the impression of a snake’s head, we could brush this off as coincidence, but when it looks this way from all angles, and the entire building resembles a snake as well, it becomes much more difficult to ignore. One must begin to realize that this was purposefully designed to appear this way. The thought and planning that went into this would have to have been immense. Why does it depict what it does? It’s disturbing.
The Vatican is built over the Temple of Cybele First of all, yes this is completely Q related. So I was digging on the Pope and remembered hearing something about the Vatican being built on a necropolis (catacombs) so I looked it up! Actually it's much more than that. Check this out: Centuries before the birth of Jesus the worship of Cybele had as a central theme of the son and mother. Unlike Christianity the mother was the dominant one and Cybele’s son was also her lover. And again unlike Christianity, the orgiastic rites of the goddess included self-flagellation and even self-castration. They also involved initiations where those admitted to the secret worship would be drenched in blood. A highlight of worship was the Taurobolium, baptism in the blood of a sacred bull. The priests were not Romans but were from Asia Minor where the Cybele stone originated. Romans despised the effeminate behavior of the long-haired, strangely costumed priests parading in their streets, although their own religion had much in common. The worship of Roman men, particularly in the military, had their own son-lover pair of Mithra and Atagartis. The rites shared the bloody initiation, but the male Mithra was a warrior god who slew a bull at birth. Like the worship of Cybele, a highlight of worship also included the Taurobolium, baptism in the blood of a sacred bull. Such Roman sites still exist, generally beneath churches. While Christianity revered the concept of Mother and Son, the practices of the newer religion were very different. The practices of the mother-goddess religion were soon forced underground—literally underground, as they would conduct their ecstatic ceremonies in the catacombs under the Vatican. The layers of catacombs that supported the structure above were used to conduct human sacrifice rituals and initiations. It wasn’t until Domitian AD 81–96 made human sacrifice a capital crime, that these tunnels were closed. Secret tunnels, however, allowed the forbidden ceremonies of Cybele, including child sacrifice, to continue. In the second century the tunnels were closed and Roman families that still engaged in such practices were banished to Libya. One family that was forced to abandon Rome for Libya was that of Gaius Fulvius Victor. His father fled Rome when the Gnostic Antonius Pius sought to execute any nobles belonging to the Cybele sect. Through political in-fighting Victor somehow became Pope and while he is guilty of numerous crimes, including murder, his worst offense was in re-instituting child sacrifice to the Vatican. It had been practiced on certain occasions, but Victor wanted a sacrifice at every Mass. The temple of Cybele stood on the Vatican until the Christians took over in the fourth century. Then the site evolved into the Basilica of St. Peter, which stands today. While the Catholic place would impose its own brand of mother and son images, the Vatican’s massive collection of pre-Christian goddesses populates the city. Statues and images of Artemis, Fortuna, Venus, Diana, and the Egyptian Sekmet are present, as is a huge obelisk. The obelisk in the center of the Vatican represents the center point of the Axis Mundi of the Catholic faith. It is surrounded by 16 windrose markers, a directional system created by the Etruscan people long before Rome. Author Cort Lindahl in Axis Mundipoints out that the markers refer to key places in the Christian faith, including: the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, to Axum in Ethiopia (which Graham Hancock believes holds the Ark of the Covenant) and to the Schloss Schonbrunn Palace of the Habsburgs. Worship of the goddess Cybele survived long after Rome. In The Cult of the Black Virgin, author Ian Begg says the Frankish Merovinginians worshiped her as Diana, and there were huge idols and monuments to her in France. He connects the modern survival of her to Mary Magdalene. Lyons in France was a center of her worship, and she survived in Paris (as Isis) until St. Genevieve took over her role. https://atlantisrisingmagazine.com/article/goddess-in-the-vatican/
Tell a normie: "The world has been infiltrated by a demon worshiping cult. Every institution has been corrupted. Don't believe me? Look up the Pope's Audience Hall images for yourself, tell me what you see."
Without the distortion of the fish-eye lens, they will see a room.
Those who remove their sheep-eye lens will see.
See what exactly? Even if it WAS a snake, what does that prove?
It's not a snake. The person who took the picture made darn sure not to use a regular lens. This picture wouldn't be the spooky "snake" image everyone thinks it is if the photographer had not used a wide angle lens.
Really, you think the architect made the hall into such a shape that with a wide angle lens you can make it look like a snake? That's rich.
It proves that it’s disturbing that the leader of the largest Christian organization in the world is housed in a building that has the similitude of the serpent, the devil.
No, you're inside the head of the snake. Dont give me that fIShEyE shill excuse... I'm a photographer. That if you were standing inside that satanic hall, that's what you would see. There is very little distortion from the wide angle.
Why any distortion necessary unless youre trying to paint a narrative?
You don't seem to understand much about photography. There is no distortion as in manipulation. In fact there is no distortion of the image. It's simply a good wide angle photo. Distortion does NOT mean photoshop.
You said distortion from wide angle.
You're confusing basic things here. There is no distortion of the image at all. Please go learn what focal lengths, apertures, and basic SLR camera functions before replying. You clearly have zero clie wtf you're talking about, or being purposely dishonest and lying, shilling for the DS.
Why use a wide angle lens at all? You really think they built that whole building around the concept of getting a "snake" looking face when using a wide angled lens?
I agree AND this is what we Catholics get for adopting crappy 60s/70s architecture. Also I think the nickname for the Resurrection statue is “the birds nest”
Architecture and Art needs to return to tradition.
One more thing I love about Trump his love of classical architecture
Our cathefral had a rubik's cube ceiling.
Sounds puzzling
The people making these calls are Satanists cloaked as Catholics.
I mean ... I wasn’t born when they decided to adopt crappy architecture, guitars, tambourines, and folk groups into the Catholic liturgy. Nor do I have any say in the focus on phones baloney ecumenism watering down the 2000 year tradition of the Latin mass down to almost nothing, nor did I accept $500B year over year to stay out of the public square and keep my mouth shut in abortion and now deny the sacraments because of Covid 19.... but yeah ... “we”
Hong Kong Catholic Church Cardinal Zen slams Vatican
Yup. Catholics are aware of the Freemasonic infiltration. Is this news to you?
Like...we know.
That old Serpent, Satan.
Check out the mirror images of "The Resurrection of Christ", the large statue behind the throne. Easily searchable.
hail serpent hail satan. shit been hijacked for years. built in 1971!
I am a cradle Catholic and this disturbs me terribly. It is so obvious and disturbing. Has anyone at the Vatican offered an explanation? A description that offers the name of the designer
This was shown in an early Q post. Don't have time to look up which one.
This is old news, and that FAGGOT is NOT a pope! He is the leader of the Marxist pseudo-Catholic church created by SATAN. I am CATHOLIC and I would knock his face off his skull if I had the chance! Sedevacante!
Bill the Butcher from GONY was right about “the pope of Rome with his pointy hat!”
yeah man I used to think lizard peopl idea was insane but legit I think now based on Fourth Watch Films videos that the vatican smuggled hitler into antartica and that there are pre deluvian tunnels conntecting to underground civilizations. VAtican has placed their structres on these sites historically to have a presence and have had access to the inside of the earth for hundreds of years extracting knowledge and stuff. Basically the nazis and the german reichstag bank ran away into the earth and are working with the UFOS who are actually just off breeds of fallen angels that live in the earth. look up Admiral Byrd and Hollow earth they were setting the stage for eventual UFO disclosure / fake event where they pretend to save us from the illuminati or some shit playing good cop bad cop. All a satanic deception.
Link to fourth wall films? Sounds like my kind of jam.
Thanks fren :)
Now do the Synagogues and Masonic halls next.
Do your own research
I have. I know you won't do it because you're here to smear the Catholic church, nothing further.
https://omegacanada.win/p/12i3zCS2Tf/fires-at-3-different-masonic-lod/c/ Personally I sense there are many issues with high degree Masonhood... Three fires like this on the same day is weird coinky dink.
It only looks that way with a fish-eye lens. Did they build the hall knowing they'd take snap-shots with a fish-eye lens?
Freemasonic Anti-Catholic propaganda. Go figure.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see...
Really all these pictures of the hall are with a "fish eye lens"? https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+pope%27s+audience+hall&source=hp&ei=wYdgYJ-KGKfO0PEP6JCX8AQ&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYGCV0S_8RU2KDaq-U_qV8Iat-1DHGwXA&oq=popes+audience+hall+pictures&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46DgguELEDEMcBEKMCEJMCOgUIABCxAzoCCAA6AgguOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoICAAQsQMQgwE6CAguELEDEIMBOgUILhCxAzoICC4QxwEQrwE6BAguEAo6BAgAEAo6CgguEMcBEK8BEAo6CAgAEBYQChAeUO4UWKt7YK-hAWgAcAB4AYABjAOIAcUskgEJMC4xNS4xMC4zmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=gws-wiz
The ones with the bend? Yes. Those are all fish eye.
I love the Catholic church. Outside of it, there is no salvation.
That clearly is not a snake. It is only a snake when you take a picture of it with a fish-eye lens.
Why do you twist up the truth to make a story that is pleasing to you?
Why do you hate the Catholic church?
The news told you lies about Donald Trump for 4 years and yet you somehow believe the news to tell you the truth of the Catholic faith? Are you insane? Freemasons are behind much of what is put on television. You know Freemasonry and Catholicism have been at war for hundreds of years, right? This is literally the type of shit-tier Reddit conspiracy Freemasonic propaganda I'd expect to see from a room-temperature ape.
Q posted the Vigano letters.
You know Vigano is a Catholic right? And he's openly calling out the infiltration of the Catholic faith?
Read the Alta Vendita. The Freemasons have planned to try and destroy the Catholic church.
You're helping the NWO and their Freemason footsoldiers, you idiot.
Q is likely Catholic.
Cope harder.
The Catholic church rapes little boys and then shuffles its priests around to protect them from punishment. They are a major part of the Cabal and child trafficking. They are pure evil.
You're insane if you think the Catholic church isn't pure evil at this point.
What you are looking at is the infiltration of Freemasons that is outlined in the Alta Vendita - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHb0lUF_dLk
I know you've never heard of this because you're part of the unwashed masses of idiots who flow through here.
Tell me...where do you get your information on the Vatican? The Pope?
Umm. No? Why would I watch legacy media? Why are you defending child molesters!?
Go ahead. Tell us.
https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2021/03/15/pope-francis-calls-for-new-world-order-after-the-pandemic/ Try to get over your dogma blindness... Devote Catholics like Chirch Militant, The Remnant and Dr. Marshall Taylor can help you.
There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. How pompous and presumptuous. You know this as a 100% fact I presume?
It's Dogma.
If I disagree, I am not Catholic. No Catholic can disagree with Dogma, lest he no longer be Catholic.
There is NO salvation outside of the Catholic faith.
I pray you will come home.
By the way, fun fact, Martin Luther added the word ALONE to Romans 3:28 to come up with faith alone.
Up until Christ, being saved was restricted to the Jews and a strict method to atone for sins (sacrifice). When Christ died it was a game changer. He graciously included everyone and made it personal. This is very clear with the exchange on the cross between Jesus and the thief. It’s a personal walk now and you don’t need to have a catholic priest to pray to god for you. I don’t see any evidence of the thief being catholic and he indeed was saved by having a personal connection with the redeemer.
I do believe the Pope of yours expanded that little window of salvation a few years back and said others that aren’t Catholic can be saved. Gosh how nice of him!
The Pope is not allowed to change Dogma.
The idea that Catholic dogma can change and that what was once true is no longer true is entirely and unequivocally false. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Sorry, no, the Catholic Church did not die for my death-deserving sins. Christ Jesus, the only Saviour, the Son of God, the Lord over all, did this for me.
Did I say it did?
Catholic Dogma teaches this.
That same Savior established a church on Earth. Why do you ignore this part?
Jesus established a church on PETER (translated to rock).
I think your assumption that the Catholic Church represents Jesus bears second thought.
The Catholic Church was ESTABLISHED by Jesus Christ through Simon Bar Jonah. Jesus renamed him ROCK. Peter is the translation for rock.
The Catholic Church hunted my ancestors and burned them at the stake because we stopped baptizing our infants.
You, dear brother, will never win the extra ecclesiam nula salas argument with novos and others this way and I think you know it. This is no place to roll out the Athenasian creed. Nope. Think WWG1WGA as in the human race. I struggled with this for many years until an Archmandrite explained that there is no salvation outside the church because Christ is the church and the catholicity of the church is universal. It is only God who knows who is a member of His church (the Body of Christ) and who is not (is outside).
As far as the claims of pederasty in the church, we all know it is true. Churches and schools are closing because they are bankrupt from reparations.
St Augustine said, " How many sheep there are without, how many wolves within."
We know there has been a communist infiltration of the church for many decades. We also know that following Vat II there was an influx of new age influence (satanic).
If you love the church, which is Christ, who is the truth, the light and the way, then you are sacredly bound to pray that all may become one.