BREAKING: Arkansas Passes Law Banning Transgender Therapy And Surgery On Children
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shouldn't even have to pass a law like this, sad sad world we live in ... it just should be common sense that most seem to not have
Child abuse is already illegal.
Thank God finally some common sense... that BS is child abuse in plain sight.
Leftists LOVE to re-define words. They don't consider causing severe mental illness and deforming developing bodies and injecting them with masses of opposite gender hormones to be "child abuse."
Awesome. Now do the other 49 States and our territories.
Love my state!
Praise God!
It blows my mind that an Actual Law has to be passed for this...! What kind of fucking world are we living in at the moment...
Save the children, spare the children...hallelujah!
that reminds me, i need to order some more made in usa soap from Arkansas
I wonder which states are in the works to follow. Good job being first Arkansas!
My neighbors kid is a transgender girl to boy. He's 9 years old and runs around in a dress all day long. His wife told my wife they were doing the pill treatment soon. What is the world coming to?
“He”? Or do you mean boy to girl? Guess it doesn’t matter...
A biological female, it's confusing.
Yeah. We shouldn’t HAVE TO even think about it?!! All the youth who have to grow up with this freakishness really pisses me off.
It's what I have thought for a long time. We will all need to move to the states we can live in as Americans with freedom and a love for our country and it's constitution. Let the demonrats all move to the states with their beautiful cities half burned down.