Kansas just became the 18th state to not have a foolish mask mandate.
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Watch in the coming days for the covid cases to "mysteriously" go down. There's a direct correlation to masks & diagnosis numbers lowering, as we all know. Here in Texas of course we don't have one anymore but some places still require them. But since I wasn't wearing them when they were mandated I'm damn sure not wearing them now. I literally just say no.
I do the same. They look so foolish when they argue, they don’t win with me and I go about my day.
We were already at something like 35 a day for the whole state! It’s been absolutely ridiculous from the beginning, I seriously hope the bulk of my county commissioners get voted out. There are only 2 worth keeping because they stood up for liberty. They decided we still have to wear them even though the legislature revoked the mandate, left it up to the counties.
Proud Kansan here. As per the usual, our good ol' boys representing us had to put the smackdown on Panic Kelly. Wonder how long it'll be before they get Dominion'd
I’m in one of the controlling counties that reaffirmed to keep the mandate. I could care less and still won’t wear it. Went into Target today, free faced and a worker there thanked my husband, daughter and I for being brave. Surprise surprise...he is an anon. Shout out to Target guy who is on here! Went to our next store, Hyvee- bare faced again and as we were checking out, another independent freedom loving American stopped us to say thank you for being brave. She also follows Q, and we both agree God Wins! Nurse practitioner who is shocked and appalled at her co workers belief in the virus hysteria. She said the information sheet they have for the vaccine had 4 out of the 5 “facts” listed were lies. My husband says I should just wear a Q so we can find each other but maskless works well too. Maybe a 17 pin
It’s really fun, feels like you’re streaking through the store.
This mask garbage only stops when people stop wearing them.
Nice work!
Which county are you in?
5 dollars says Johnson
Yup...moved here from AZ (Maricopa county) because it was getting too blue and crowded and expensive. Of course I picked one of the few counties in the state that are just like Maricopa- well probably not quite as bad. I didn’t even know there was a democrat governor till covid hit and she shut down the state.
Our legislative has been exceptionally good at keeping Panic Kelly in check. And I'm pretty sure the only way she got elected was because her opponent didn't actually run a campaign, he just said "I support Trump" and sat back waiting for all the votes to come rolling in. Of course that was pre-Dominion so I guess you can't be too sure anymore.
JoCo- I think it’s 4 county commissioners that have made the decision for the entire county. I know my commissioner voted against it but I can’t stand most of them.
Damn it. I’m in joco as well. So they are not lifting the mandate?
No! They reaffirmed their decision the day or day after the legislature struck it down. Don’t care for me, I go maskless everywhere anyway. Also school board meeting on Tuesday, a parent in my school district has requested a hearing to get rid of masks. Hope lots of parents will go. I wanted to take my whole family (6 kids), but they are doing it at 10 am. Probably to prevent more people from making it to the meeting. My son has an appt at 9:15 so I can’t go. Not sure what I can do
Don’t fool yourself. Laura Kelley tried to extend it but got rejected!! I’m based here in Pompao land. Trust Kansas.
Nice job Jayhawks!
Lawrence is, no doubt, still retarded.
The masks, vaccines, identifications = communism
Suck it, Comrade Kelly.
She's gotta go!
Hopefully my boi Derek Schmidt'll mop the floor with her
Try to go somewhere in Kansas that is populated without a mask. There’s still city and county mask mandates. Also stores have their own mask mandates.
Went to Target yesterday in Overland Park free faced and got a thank you and fist bump from Target employee who knows the truth. Then went to a Hyvee and got a thank you from another free faced woman who also knows God Wins. The legislature left covid policy exclusively to the school boards and requires the board to listen to parents concerns about any mitigation within 7 days of a complaint. If the outcome is unsatisfactory, they can pursue civil litigation. Good things happening.
that's great!
And that's how it's going to continue to be; they'll fall back on the "we're a private company so we can do what we want" runaround they so desperately try to keep other private companies from doing. Except now the normies/karens can't fall back on the "tHeRe'S a StAtE mAnDaTe" excuse.
Then they don’t need my money. Target, Walmart, Hyvee, QT, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, no one says anything. Employees don’t want to wear them either! Most people walking around have them around their noses. One employee had it down to his lip and when we chatted with him pulled it down under his mouth, another employee walked up and joked with us. The bulk of the population is OVER IT. I think we are at the precipice, I feel something coming. I still believe there is a tipping point, I have to have faith and I think the vaccine on the kids may be it. One mom at the school has put up with everything but she sad the “vax” is the hill she will die on.
Yep. I've long said that the time to push the mask wearing was in the spring when everyone was panicking the most. Not in the fall when a lot of people had already realized the whole thing was BS. Even since then I've noticed a sharp decline in the amount of people wearing masks, and 90% of the people that wear them are just don't want other people thinking less of them.
Forced vaccinations is gonna be a BFD for a lot of people (second only to gun confiscations), but I imagine the gubmint will just sit back and wait for hospitals, medical facilities, and other private businesses to require them first on the grounds of "muh mandatory flu shot", and then get the ball rolling from there. Personally I've just been spending a crap-ton of money this year on guns, ammunition, and armor on the off chance we have to do this the hard way.
Laura Kelly really wanted people to be muzzled. Fuck her commie ass.
Governor Blackface here in Virginia will definitely drag this shit out.
You think you have it bad lol. Fucking Jay Inslee is literally Bill Gates bitch. His daughter in law works for their foundation.
I should count my blessings lol
Only 32 to go keker. Let's get to work Anons!!! Happy Easter!!!
17th would have been priceless.
I think something is in the works. All these do nothing, coward, rino governors FINALLY lifting unconstitutional mask mandates for a phony virus a year after "flattening the curve" doesnt impress me at all.
Exactly! They should never have had them in the first place. Did SD and Florida ever have mask mandates? I can’t remember. I’m thankful that some states still have the illusion of being “free”, but overall, I trust zero politicians no matter which side of the aisle they’re on. The longer they’ve been in office the more skeptical of them I become. I see so many people reference the the dems, leftists, liberals, etc. as being evil and they are, but they don’t try to hide it. In reality, it’s our side we should wake up and pay attention too. The dems don’t lie about who they are and keep us guessing, we know exactly who they are and what they stand for. The republicans are just “wolves in sheep’s clothing” and I despise their grand standing and posturing. They’re cowards when it actually matters. Whew! I didn’t mean to type so much but I guess I needed to get that off my chest. ??♀️?
SD didn't mandated anything.
The legislatures are forcing them
and here I am getting harassed in stores to pull up my chin warmer.
Alabama’s mask mandate ends May 9th, not that I’ve been wearing one myself, which most places don’t say anything to you for not wearing one. Wonder how many businesses & doctors offices will still expect people to wear one? Some people have been trying to pressure Ivey to extend the mask mandate indefinitely, dumb asses!
So you're saying...
Before Kansas it was HOW many states???
Do Ohio next pretty please.
Keep them coming! Come on,other states, just say NO.
We are getting there
State mask mandates have no meaning.
Yes they do. It gives businesses the justification to enforce this shit. Without the mandates many more business with feel pressure to drop them. I realize it not a ‘legal’ thing but it has real world consequences
Missouri never had a mask mandate but the majority of cities and counties all had mask mandates and still do.
I'm Jelly