So go ahead Andrew Cuomo and sleepy Joe, give us one more reason to wrap a rope around your neck to permit your feet to swing to and fro in the gentle breeze.
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That is not the only violation of the Nuremberg code these vaccines and vaccine companies have broken. Prosecution for crimes against humanity are in many of their futures. However, yes, vaccine passports are a violation. No corporation can force you to get vaxxed, or discriminate against you if you haven't. No country can, no state can, no airline can, no one can.
They can SAY they will, but when it comes down to it, if they actually do they will be in violation of this international law and subject to criminal prosecution for crimes against humanity.
Basically if they actually discriminate for not having the vax (and not just talk about it) then either they are completely screwed, or we have already lost the war.
THIS is the dragnet / trap for the enemy to get caught in the 12/21/17 EO.
Confiscation of assets of those involved in SERIOUS HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.
Oooooooo me likey
From the Nuremberg code in OP’s link:
Based. KEK
The 14th amendment forbids the states the power to do so...
If some unelected group of doctors declares themselves to be the new slave owner class, that everyone is their property and is subject to their orders, and politicians and police line up with guns to try and make it a reality, then every one of these conspirators is a criminal felon.
Inventing new laws and constraints apropos nothing and using deadly force to uphold these views is organised crime. The common cold doesn't make it otherwise, nor does the flu, any disease, or any ailment. Its not different in any substantive way to the criminals and murderers who ran CHAZ.
The only thing a 'vaccine passport' proves, is that the issuer and backer is an enemy.
The only issue we're having is those corrupt labs and politicians have simulated experimentations for the "vaccine". And it has been (officially, but we all know their statements are worthless) declared "safe for use".
They just made it so their treatment wouldn't be considered "an experiment" anymore but rather some FDA / EMA (thanks Europe for being cunts too) approved treatment.
That's why we can't bring it to court yet. We need to expose the corruption first and show the world how deep the lies go.
For as long as the majority of the population believes in our corrupt governments and agencies, they're just gonna have faith in the fact that these people are here to protect us.
Stupid sheeple.
It sounds good, but now it's on home soil and there is nowhere left on this planet to run to. So unless alien's are gonna swoop down for Nuremberg 2.0, we are the last stand.
Yes. Exactly. The media doesn’t want people to know the correct, historically accurate definition.
While I agree with your sentiment, it’s not entirely accurate. It’s only considered experimental up to the point of approval for use. If they were forcing us to take these vaccines while in development in order to return to normal (the carrot), that’s coercion.
What you’re looking at here is a massive violation of rights and civil Liberty.
They were released under emergency use authorization, they have not been approved by the FDA. They have not gone through proper clinical trials. Animal testing in years prior resulted in death of test subjects and for this reason vaccines for corona virus was shelved. They do not know the future adverse side effects that will result when people are infected with viruses in the future. There are lots of doctors predicting a calamity. So, yes, this is human experimentation on a world wide scale.
Moreover, we have at least one instance of Dr. Fauci (the widely accepted “face” of the vaccine campaign) admitting that the healthy adult population using the vaccine at large is a trial to help determine safety and efficacy before approval for children.
We also have multiple media reports discussing and treating the current “real world” results on efficacy as trial results (“it’s even more effective than first thought!” they say) AND we have constant admission from both media and health officials that we don’t know how long immunity lasts, what the level of transmissibility is after vaccination, or even whether you need to continue wearing a mask for that matter.
By all reasonable standards, this is a medical trial - an experiment.
You hit it right on the head. Anyone who hasn't should watch the video in the link below contains a ($h1t) ton of information that you won't find on any of the MSM platforms, but everyone should know about these vaccines.
Have to go further up the line....What about all the vaccines that HAVE been approved by the FDA? None of them are fit for anything either. When the FDA approves THIS injection --not a vax--then what?
I find it disturbing that you "conspiracy theorists" think our government would do something immoral ... just because things like
exist does not mean they would still do stuff like this... to black people...
This is illegal to require someone to get a drug to travel in the US. It's experimental and only being allowed under EUA Emergency use authorization which means neither government nor private organizations can mandate it.
So the Nuremberg code in addition to the Bill of Rights - the freedom to peacefully assemble - is our “ticket to freedom.”
Yep. I don't consent, so [they] can pound sand.
Please also consider the work of Amazing Polly, who is trying to spread the word that lockdowns are torture:
What about a normal passport? :) Not very different.
Normal passport does not require you inject toxic poisons in to your body. Big difference.
Can we use a stick and play piñata? I bet I could get a couple of good whacks in.