EHS TODAY "WEAR THE DAMN MASK" article was straight workplace doom. ANON comment gave me Hope!!! More people are being awaken by the day. (Link in comments)

It's annual "Poke Holes in Your Mask" day.
Get out a paper hole punch... and punch dozens of holes in your paper mask... then wear it like that for all to see. Let there be more holes than mask.
Since it's 21st century witchcraft, you can say "trust the science, this makes it more effective."
As always, The Simpsons are relevant
Love this idea!
Hey that's really brilliant. I saw one .ask that was little more than nylon sock.
I wear a piece of cheese cloth when forced to wear one at the gym. It's essentially holes woven together. No one says a thing.
Since Wisconsin’s Supreme Court struck down the governor’s illegal power grab (rolling medical emergency orders), I’ve noticed more stores suggesting rather than mandating masks—and more people are not wearing them. They walk up to the store’s entrance, mask in hand, see either the suggestion sign or no sign, and walk in without putting the mask on. Many inside are still wearing, but more are not than a week ago when the SC made its ruling.
Not in my part of Michigan. I have seen cops escort a unmasked dude out of a Kroger.
Meijer, Home Depot and a local Ace are the only stores that I go to now. Seen a few non masked, no one was making it an issue. Maybe times are starting to change
I say far away from Menards. They went full on Hitler after Michigan's AG slapped their wrist for allowing customers to buy stuff Big Stretch didn't want us to have.
Menards in Illinois went maskhole before we even had a mandate.
"Prudent actions [are] being discarded for what is literally 21st century witchcraft."
He says it like he believes it is true, but I doubt he understands how exactly true it is. Nor does he likely get that its not just 21st century witchcraft, its the same witchcraft, and the same spells they have been casting for centuries, if not millennia.
But hey, it's a start.
I think I’ll write a counter article called “JUST KISS MY DAMN ASS!!”
Totally agree Fren!
Being in EHS, I deal with OSHA a few times a year (normally preventative actions and training). The OSHA inspectors I deal with truly care and work with businesses as much as possible. But then they tell you that they have to issue fines because the higher ups require them too. Its an evil system of red tape and money grabbing. OSHA was not designed to be a revenue stream. Our big government has changed OSHA to what it is now.
Yep like the FDA and others their original nobel purpose has long since been perverted.
"Damn" mask is right. God gave us our own immune system.
Keep in mind, “wear the damn mask” was started by a RHINO Larry Hogan. He’s the most liberal (R) governor I’ve ever seen. Sad that I voted for him twice, only because the alternative was even worse.
Maryland is so cucked.
I'm in Northeast Alabama, and have not worn a mask since it all started. I had "Covid 19" in March of 2020 just as it was all starting up. It was no worse than the Flu, at least for me. (55 y/o). My sis (an R/N), hooked me up with a Z-Pack, and Bob's my uncle.
I've not had a single "Karen" incident.
We have a natural distrust for Government down in the former Confederacy, and just don't really give a Fuck...
Our statewide mandate ends tomorrow, but our stupid mayor extended it for another 30 days. Ugh. Still not going to wear it. I am the only person to go without one. I don't mind it a bit.
SO MANY brainwashed sheeple . . . .
I won my company,and I say "Don't wear the stupid mask! Think for yourself."
I do not hire brainwashed minions of the globo-left.
Hey Hogan. How about you go fuck yourself you commie pigfaced death monger.
Poss on ALL of them. They can suck my dirty toilet paper.