Rainbows were commonplace on everything related to kids; always on their toys, one of the first things they learn to draw to help understand the colour spectrum. They've been strongly featured in both children's films and books, as well as usually found on some charities' logos.
The hijacking of the rainbow on behalf of the progressives has probably been done subliminally to psyop kids towards it.
Biblically, God made rainbows after the great flood as a sign of his covenant with Noah that he shall never again flood the world to cleanse it of human corruption as he had done.
Yes, I've been beating this drum for a while. It is the perversion of Christian symbolism.
Growing up, I had this rainbow decoration on my wall. I really liked it. One of my older sisters took it when my mom died, and then returned it to me a few months later. She quipped "I guess it can be a pride rainbow" (don't know why she said that... I'm not gay). I immediately retorted "This isn't a gay pride rainbow, this symbolizes the covenant made between God and Noah that He would not flood the Earth again."
Another perverted Christian symbol is the morning star, or pentagram, now widely associated with witchcraft, satanism, etc. I had a college roommate who was afraid of even discussing that symbol because he thought it was pure evil, until I explained to him that it adorned one of his religious buildings.
This is why I bought a rainbow maga hat.
Connecting the sexual perverse to children.
Pedos was always the long game.
Completely agree. I remember when I was a kid I loved drawing rainbows, or having rainbow things, it was all so pretty, and being a girl I loved pretty things. But then around the mid 00s I started to notice my mom and dad visibly upset whenever I wanted rainbow things or colored rainbows on things, and later I found out why. It was during this time that gay acceptance and gay agenda pushing was really taking over. Canada legalized gay marriages in 2005, Ellen Degenerate had the most popular show on TV, the whole Michael Jackson debacle, gay characters prominent in TV shows and movies, even kids shows.
Then in 2006 one of my friends mentioned to me that the rainbow was now a symbol for being gay. Back then amongst 12 year olds it was still funny to call someone "gay" as an insult, and nobody got offended but you wouldn't want to be called one. I pretty much had some idea of what gay meant and I didn't want to be associated with it or be labeled as one so I quickly abandoned all my pretty rainbow things. It pisses me off so much that they would overtake something so pretty to have it symbolize their anal cancer and hemorrhoids.
I had a similar experience in 1999 when I said that I liked the Rainbow Badge from Celedon City in Pokémon Blue, because I also liked Erika, the gym leader. My sister came over to me and told me to be careful with rainbows because it was associated with gays. It's like you can't even enjoy a rainbow now, and I have to be careful when buying clothing, toys, and accessories for my kids due to the perversion of the rainbow.
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13 NLT
It's the hijacked children LGBTQ's , that are being attracted back to the origin of their issues by the rainbow.
It's how the EVIL gets them to reproduce themselves. Abusing new children.
The EVIL ones using them AND the rest of us, all think they
are and/or want to be our GOD's
Girls organization of Free Masonry is called "RAINBOWS" where some of the same psychological (Evil) tools are used to control the girls.
Yup. They just keep lying.
Agree strongly.
I understood that the use of a rainbow flag came from the old expression for being gay..... ‘friends of Dorothy’ (wizard of oz) and the song ‘somewhere over the rainbow’.....
The Wizard of Oz is a children's movie made back when gay meant happy. Butt-pride ruined the world.
Friend of Dorothy referred to the writer and wit Dorothy Parker. Gay men who wanted to know who else was gay would look inside the library copies of Parker's books. Any male patron who had signed out the book was likely gay.
Because it's Gods symbol for the covenant he made with mankind never to flood the earth again.
Next up. FIRE.
Snow white = pure white light
7 dwarfs = rainbow, fractures pieces of the whole
When we 'go as one' we activate the 'beam of light' by the grace of God, per Q
It's possibly the most nefarious thing they could have done. In the Bible it's known as God's promise to Noah that the Earth will never be destroyed in a great flood again. They robbed the symbol from children by removing one color from it: making it 6 rather than 7, and they now only associate it with butts and pride. Pure evil. I wish there was a way to sue these people so they could never use the symbol again somehow. Kind of like how the World Wildlife Fund sued WWF -Vince McMahon, and they can't use that symbol ever again.
They also stole the swastika from Humanity- probably ruined it forever; much like the rainbow.
Ultimate goal of lgbtq has always been fucking kids
Hogwash. The rainbow flag is meant to symbolize the fact that gay men and lesbians come from all races and nations, all colors and creeds, and from all ages across history.
The vast majority of girls who are sexually abused are abused by heterosexual men. Lots of boys are also sexually abused by men who are married to women and who have children of their own. Pointing fingers at gay people doesn't absolve heterosexuals of child abuse.
You’re not totally wrong. Kid abusers whether gay or “straight” are disgusting animals that need to be put down.
However Dems have politicized the gay stuff and ruined the rainbow. Like anything else they touch, they completely ruin it.
What group used a rainbow flag as its symbol before them? Christians don't own the rainbow either.
They should have come up with their own symbol instead of molesting a holy one; much akin to the Nazis and "their" swastika. They've ruined it forever probably.
Say what you want about transgenders -- at least their flag is original.
The Bible does not tell you to worship a rainbow colored piece of fabric.
Rainbows are now made of fabric. And only humans can see them.
One came before the other, guy.
Ok, you tell yourself that if it makes you feel less guilty... lgbtq can’t keep their fucking hands off children, if you can’t see that, you are sick too.
There are millions of gay men and lesbians who lead responsible adult lives and who just want to be left alone. Tarring an entire group of people over the actions of some is unjust. How much guilt do you feel as a heterosexual over abortion?
Dumb argument. Why don’t you leave people alone then to live their lives without constant attack and propaganda? Why don’t lgbtq stop sexually grooming children about gay sex? It’s the lgbtq and left who obsess about killing children. If homos were just fucking eachother, they wouldn’t be constantly screaming about “muh reproductive rights.”
Homosexuality will never be the majority, it will never be normal, and as long as your type always attacks and whines to people with traditional values, people will keep kids away from you. I don’t care what an adult does with ANOTHER ADULT but your little movement WONT LEAVE OTHER PEOPLE KIDS ALONE. Your strategy is causing people who never cared to despise it. It’s perverse, get over it. No one has to accept nor care about your lifestyle choice.