I kept hearing how Russia was a threat but i actually kept seeing that China and Iran seem to be getting cozy in their "death to America" ideals. Seems like a bigger threat.
Putin has always been for Russia the same way Trump was for America, and I can respect that. It is the way a leader should be, mindful to promote the security, peace, and prosperity of his own people. Biden is for neither country. He is for the Chinese Communist Party, which is actively trying to destroy us. Just like the Democrats did during Trump's first term, Biden and his co-conspirators are once again trying to pick a fight with Russia because DEMOCRATS ARE WARMONGERS. Their paymasters make money from war, and they need wars and crises to stay in power because their policies are so stupid and harmful that no sensible person would vote them in. Their party could not exist without the fear they constantly drum into everybody through their propaganda machine, the MSM. (Please note that there were no new wars during Trump's first term as president.) Putin is pretty smart, and it's safe to assume he knows what's going on. He did the right thing booting Soroses, Rothschilds, and NWO organizations out of his country, and the U.S. would do well to consider the same thing. (And rico the hell out of them for conspiracy to commit treason and fraud.) When Trump returns you will see relations between the U.S. and Russia improve overnight. Russia is not our enemy. Our enemies are right here in the States.
President Putin told senior advisors that George Soros is using his vast network of agitators to target America’s most sensitive points and cause turmoil.
“Make no mistake, his endgame is revolution through civil war. In America he is using exactly the same tactics he uses everywhere. ”
“George Soros is a well-known pyromaniac with matches in his back pocket pouring petrol onto a bonfire.”
Putin also had a message for Americans. They must reject George Soros and his dangerous influence or else they run the risk of losing the country to globalist interests.
“He does not own the world and he does not have the right to do whatever he wants. The people must come together and reject this dragon. We have no room for his divisive politics in Russia, and I think you will all agree we are much the better for that. With all due respect, America must reject George Soros’s vision.”
Back in the day before I was awake I thought if we went to war with China, North Korea, or any commie state Russia would go against us. But now I know Russia is on our side and they just want to be left alone to do their thing and I was just being controlled by the cabal MSM. Its basically China/Iran v the world at this point. There are other heavy cabal inundated countries, but not as powerful as China/Iran.
Just think how long we've been pitched the "fear the Russians" line...it's been a constant "threat" since at least the Russian Revolution, on through the 20's and 30's, and into the post-WWII era with the Cold War. It was only when Saddam starting popping up in the news that the narrative shifted from Russia to the Islamic Middle East, where we've now seen that narrative forced down our throats since the 90's, and on into 2021. Meanwhile, China has rarely been mentioned outside of conservative circles regarding the threat they pose to the US and everyone else in the world. Russia could and should be our greatest ally. Remember when Japan became an imperialistic nation that wanted to invade nearby countries in the early 20th century? Russia was the response then, and could very well serve as the first line of defense against an imperialistic Asian nation today.
How did he do it? Were the Russian gangs/oligarchs actually NWO? How was he able to do it by himself but we need both Trump and a military who has been planning this rescue for decades?
The NWO bought off most of the KGB and bureaucracies with the exception of the few. Putin was one of the few and he was joined by the "few." One of the specialties of the NWO is money laundering; the russian banks were used as the destination for all illicit monies around the world. Working from a backroom in St Petersburg, Putin, as deputy mayor, began issuing visas for the few to take the "trash" (illicit money) out of the country. In other words, Putin was allowing the few to rob the russian banks and take the money offshore, which I assume made it into the Trump Tower project; hence, why Trump knows so much about the NWO and Russia. Then he successfully began his shakedown of the Oligarchs, who were nothing more then NWO's stooges. And then he stop all russian adoptions to the United States and England I believe. Regardless, he hit them where it hurts the most. The problem with the United States is that the roots of the NWO are just so much deeper in the USA (100+ years) than what they were in Russia (10+ years).
If I ever got a chance, I'd see Putin and ask to shake his hand and congratulate him for his actions to curb the NWO bullshit.
I kept hearing how Russia was a threat but i actually kept seeing that China and Iran seem to be getting cozy in their "death to America" ideals. Seems like a bigger threat.
Putin has always been for Russia the same way Trump was for America, and I can respect that. It is the way a leader should be, mindful to promote the security, peace, and prosperity of his own people. Biden is for neither country. He is for the Chinese Communist Party, which is actively trying to destroy us. Just like the Democrats did during Trump's first term, Biden and his co-conspirators are once again trying to pick a fight with Russia because DEMOCRATS ARE WARMONGERS. Their paymasters make money from war, and they need wars and crises to stay in power because their policies are so stupid and harmful that no sensible person would vote them in. Their party could not exist without the fear they constantly drum into everybody through their propaganda machine, the MSM. (Please note that there were no new wars during Trump's first term as president.) Putin is pretty smart, and it's safe to assume he knows what's going on. He did the right thing booting Soroses, Rothschilds, and NWO organizations out of his country, and the U.S. would do well to consider the same thing. (And rico the hell out of them for conspiracy to commit treason and fraud.) When Trump returns you will see relations between the U.S. and Russia improve overnight. Russia is not our enemy. Our enemies are right here in the States.
I don't know if he can be completely trusted. He is an ex KGB agent after all. He has also made statements praising the Soviet Union.
President Putin told senior advisors that George Soros is using his vast network of agitators to target America’s most sensitive points and cause turmoil.
“Make no mistake, his endgame is revolution through civil war. In America he is using exactly the same tactics he uses everywhere. ”
“George Soros is a well-known pyromaniac with matches in his back pocket pouring petrol onto a bonfire.”
Putin also had a message for Americans. They must reject George Soros and his dangerous influence or else they run the risk of losing the country to globalist interests.
“He does not own the world and he does not have the right to do whatever he wants. The people must come together and reject this dragon. We have no room for his divisive politics in Russia, and I think you will all agree we are much the better for that. With all due respect, America must reject George Soros’s vision.” https://repubpost.com/2019/09/28/putin-slams-dangerous-soros-for-driving-america-towards-civil-war/
‘The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend. “ At this point I would entertain any help from Putin to help us rid this country of the evil of GS.
Interesting choice of words “.... reject this dragon”. Is this a Russian saying or something else?
That's not a saying that I've heard of. Usually a dragon is a reference to China.
Correct. I'd buy that man a shot of vodka or ten if I ever get the chance.
Back in the day before I was awake I thought if we went to war with China, North Korea, or any commie state Russia would go against us. But now I know Russia is on our side and they just want to be left alone to do their thing and I was just being controlled by the cabal MSM. Its basically China/Iran v the world at this point. There are other heavy cabal inundated countries, but not as powerful as China/Iran.
Just think how long we've been pitched the "fear the Russians" line...it's been a constant "threat" since at least the Russian Revolution, on through the 20's and 30's, and into the post-WWII era with the Cold War. It was only when Saddam starting popping up in the news that the narrative shifted from Russia to the Islamic Middle East, where we've now seen that narrative forced down our throats since the 90's, and on into 2021. Meanwhile, China has rarely been mentioned outside of conservative circles regarding the threat they pose to the US and everyone else in the world. Russia could and should be our greatest ally. Remember when Japan became an imperialistic nation that wanted to invade nearby countries in the early 20th century? Russia was the response then, and could very well serve as the first line of defense against an imperialistic Asian nation today.
If China and Iran are anything like N.Korea, we may have behind the scenes help if both these countries are captive.
Sounds like a storyline from the WWF. I like it, think it should be implemented. Fight to the death.
Some of my favourite Putin clips I've found
Where Is The Money!? - Putin Calls Out Bureaucrats After Female Scientist Complains About Her Salary https://youtu.be/al-R3rT_Hfs
Putin Calls Billionaire Oligarchs "Cockroaches" For Closing Factory Live On Camera https://youtu.be/3GsDLrUieJg
Not on my watch! Putin scolds security for pushing veteran during V-Day parade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBeFk-Zb0ys
Putin Leads Corruption Clean-Up, Hundreds of Dagestani Officials Arrested https://youtu.be/bv7oK7rVVKY
Putin Filling stadiums just like Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rR95ru9dB8
Thst's my Vlad. Mr. Cool. I have been a fan for quite some time.
How did he do it? Were the Russian gangs/oligarchs actually NWO? How was he able to do it by himself but we need both Trump and a military who has been planning this rescue for decades?
Funny you should ask:
The NWO bought off most of the KGB and bureaucracies with the exception of the few. Putin was one of the few and he was joined by the "few." One of the specialties of the NWO is money laundering; the russian banks were used as the destination for all illicit monies around the world. Working from a backroom in St Petersburg, Putin, as deputy mayor, began issuing visas for the few to take the "trash" (illicit money) out of the country. In other words, Putin was allowing the few to rob the russian banks and take the money offshore, which I assume made it into the Trump Tower project; hence, why Trump knows so much about the NWO and Russia. Then he successfully began his shakedown of the Oligarchs, who were nothing more then NWO's stooges. And then he stop all russian adoptions to the United States and England I believe. Regardless, he hit them where it hurts the most. The problem with the United States is that the roots of the NWO are just so much deeper in the USA (100+ years) than what they were in Russia (10+ years).
We must be incredibly wary of shills on all sides. Don't blindly trust the enemy of our enemy.
You're suggesting that people support Putin over the U.S. and our NATO allies?
I don't think so.
I remember when a long time ago, Putin banned other countries from adopting Russian children. Now I understand why.
Russia should be treated like a competitor.....respect their willingness to fight....shake their hand....and walk away. Dont't be dumbasses.
THERES NO WHORES HERE!!!!!!! <goes back to singing americas favorite song, WAP> /fuckingeyeroll