This needs to be boosted. He mentions having heard the screams. Is this a real life encounter in Hollywood, or did he hear that purported Podesta video with possible Podesta menacingly singing the Caillou song at a victim boy?
Either way, it's incredible that this is actually being boosted into the mainstream.
May God give rest and comfort to all of these victims.
Caillou is a Canadian/snowflake cartoon that millions of children are familiar with. so maybe he sang the annoying theme song to the boy? I didn't watch much of the clip...
Found this on youtube and interestingly the comments have been turned off. Makes you wonder why? I bet people were talking about Podesta there.
This was incredible but I can only pray he also wakes up to the horrors and lies 9f catholicism. I would have defended it to my dying breath and yet God awakened me to his truth and mercy.
Though my life is much more tested and I'm more a target for the enemy, I'm also protected by the promises. Catholicism teaches more about pain and sacrifice, guilt and martyrs aka fear.
I'm prepared that if we are witness to a global persecution of Christians where my faith will stand but I don't think that means it in the way Catholics do. I wonder why God hasn't woken him up to that part yet.
In my dive into the spiritual war, however, Catholicism seems to still have power in the battle. For instance, priests and certain bishops have authority over demons in exorcisms. Holy water, blessed medals, candles, oils, salts, all hold power over demons. The Church has been infiltrated by evil, no doubt. Just as this great country has also been infiltrated. But it’s foundation is still sacred in the spiritual battle. And the teachings still offer protection in the war. Not all the Church is evil. Look no further than Archbishop Vigano, the dude should be Pope.
But that's exactly it. Your mentioning of holy oils, medals holding the power and only certain authorized priests can perform exorcism. These are the subtle lies mixed with truth.
Jesus did give us authority to trample serpents and scorpions. To exorcism demons (but remembering some take fasting to come out) but that's for all of us.
To me, the Catholic church has near crippled what we can do on earth in calling down heaven's army here and now. We do fight against the spiritual realm not flesh and blood but scripture never made sense as a Catholic, it's come alive now in God's instructions and provisions for my life and the same is for every Christian that is saved.
Revelation hasn't happened yet. That's a big part of Catholic teaching. When you take that one foundation out their pillars all start to fall. Scripture then becomes living and for here and now.
I understand if Catholics are offended, I was once exactly there myself. While my son was praying us out, I was trying to pray him back in! I even had an encounter as a hospice nurse caring for a deacon that randomly said to be the keys to Peter are a lie, he told me to look at Jerome. I thought weird and still took me near 2 years after that to discover and uncover the truth. What I found shocked me and I can never unsee or go back.
Regardless as I used to tell my son in tense discussions what unites us exceeds what divides us. God knows our heart and at the right time...he's never late.
Something really bad happen in front of me when I was 4 and peace from The Lord fell over me and I heard His voice, Praise be to The Father, amidst the craziness, I heard His voice.
Completely agree. And I hope others wake up to the evils. I do believe wholeheartedly that is the reference in revelation for come out of her my children and the blood of the saints is on her drunk with saint's blood. When I discovered "we" are the saints...not the ones the catholics canonized, yeah just so much of the lies to perpetuate their unholy agenda. It's sickening.
It’s not a subtle lie. There are several documented exorcisms that could only be performed by priests AFTER other Christian denominations had tried to perform them to no avail. Laity, Protestants, Lutherans, etc can not perform exorcisms, only Catholic clergy. There’s a hierarchical structure in the spirit realm and although the demons detest anything holy and of God, they still abide by his rules and structure he has in place, because he is still the creator. Only an ordained Catholic priest can. Demons will simply not be cast out by laity. They will not listen. But, interestingly, our holy mother also has complete power over them. Whenever God allows her to intercede and appear in a possession, the demons flee. This is why Catholics ask in prayer for her to protect us. She is the ultimate kryptonite to demons in the spiritual war because she is a human completely free from sin, and Gods mother.
As I said, I used to believe all of that too. I was a cradle catholic and would defend the catholic church to the point of anger against the protestant view.
Until God showed me the truth and the scales fell off. There's a reason Jesus condemned the leaders of the day the Pharisees. All rules and rituals. The veil was torn we have total access to God the father and the son. Not thru man, Jesus knew man was corrupt. Look no further than your current pope.
Once I dug into transubstantiation when that actually took place. The crusades stuff that I thought was too complicated and I needed to have it deciphered from only Catholic sources, then I learned the truth. I understand you have your firmly held beliefs and that's okay. You will not change your perspective or me to you. I get it fully I was there.
I disagree that priests must perform exorcisms. I have seen laity do it but in Jesus's name. We are nothing without him, he is the vine we are the branches we must stay in him. Not an easy task. I have seen healings, lives changed, addictions crushed, miracles all in Jesus's name.
It's relationship he wants not religion. I experience peace now that does surpass all understanding when my focus is him. Take my eyes off like Peter in the boat and you go under.
I thought so to. From the mention of adrenochrome, to the ships used to transport the children, to children being rescued from DUMBS, to Hollywood not being able to produce this kind of movie b/c of how many well known people are involved. I caught the sense that he was not only speaking because of his experience in Hollywood, but also from everything he’s seen and learned from working w/ Tim and Tim has just as much first hand knowledge as anyone. He’s the one rescuing these kids! It was all very affirmative to me and I pray God protects all of these people involved in this movie and rescuing these kids. I know they all have big targets on their backs. Jim knows it too and I loved how he talked about not being afraid b/c of God being with him and that we shouldn’t be afraid either. ❤️
that's so awesome, thanks for sharing! And didn't know he was in a Monte Cristo movie too, that's one of the best stories of crushing the elite. Makes me respect Mr. Caviezel even more.
That movie is awesome! I remember when it came out in the theatre. My sister and I went to go see it and we loved it so much we went and saw it again before it came out on video.
I'm sensing a distancing between GAW and the FREEDOM and Health Conference as no mention f it in WinsAnon list and no stickies by the Mods. It kinda looks like it is in purpose. Makes me go hmmm.
That was awesome. This is the largest validation we have ever had. Because this topic is so horrible, I often doubted it myself - who want to believe it? But WE HAVE TO! We owe it those children, to get to the truth and expose this evil. We all must be brave. This is our time.
This needs to be boosted. He mentions having heard the screams. Is this a real life encounter in Hollywood, or did he hear that purported Podesta video with possible Podesta menacingly singing the Caillou song at a victim boy?
Either way, it's incredible that this is actually being boosted into the mainstream.
May God give rest and comfort to all of these victims.
How long before he gets the red necktie on the door knob?
i heard that podesta video, whether it's him or not whatever the hell is happening in that video chills me to the bone
Yes I still hear that whining hyena sounding Podesta screaming at the little boy (WHATS MY NAME)- poor child.
Wait, that was the rhyming, mocking video? I know of the character, but not the show itself, so that's actually new info for me.
That's new info for me too. Admittedly I couldn't stomach listening to much of that clip but I'd never heard this mentioned before
I think he’s talking about the fatherhood video?
Caillou is a Canadian/snowflake cartoon that millions of children are familiar with. so maybe he sang the annoying theme song to the boy? I didn't watch much of the clip...
Caillou is a whiney pussy whose mother looks like a man and whose father acts like a girl. Gross.
Found this on youtube and interestingly the comments have been turned off. Makes you wonder why? I bet people were talking about Podesta there.
Does anyone have a copy of that video? Im having a hard time trying to find it.
"There will be no mercy for them" You are right, Jim. They will pay, I believe in Trump.
Believe in God. If Trump does accomplish good deeds it is through the grace of God.
AMEN, fren
AMEN to that.
Many people in attendance had not heard of it before when they polled. More people going home to research and get involved to save the children.
Didn't he play Jesus?
"It's gonna be Biblical."
Here’s a video of Jim being interviewed about his experiences while making that film. Interesting stuff.
This was incredible but I can only pray he also wakes up to the horrors and lies 9f catholicism. I would have defended it to my dying breath and yet God awakened me to his truth and mercy.
Though my life is much more tested and I'm more a target for the enemy, I'm also protected by the promises. Catholicism teaches more about pain and sacrifice, guilt and martyrs aka fear.
I'm prepared that if we are witness to a global persecution of Christians where my faith will stand but I don't think that means it in the way Catholics do. I wonder why God hasn't woken him up to that part yet.
In my dive into the spiritual war, however, Catholicism seems to still have power in the battle. For instance, priests and certain bishops have authority over demons in exorcisms. Holy water, blessed medals, candles, oils, salts, all hold power over demons. The Church has been infiltrated by evil, no doubt. Just as this great country has also been infiltrated. But it’s foundation is still sacred in the spiritual battle. And the teachings still offer protection in the war. Not all the Church is evil. Look no further than Archbishop Vigano, the dude should be Pope.
But that's exactly it. Your mentioning of holy oils, medals holding the power and only certain authorized priests can perform exorcism. These are the subtle lies mixed with truth.
Jesus did give us authority to trample serpents and scorpions. To exorcism demons (but remembering some take fasting to come out) but that's for all of us.
To me, the Catholic church has near crippled what we can do on earth in calling down heaven's army here and now. We do fight against the spiritual realm not flesh and blood but scripture never made sense as a Catholic, it's come alive now in God's instructions and provisions for my life and the same is for every Christian that is saved.
Revelation hasn't happened yet. That's a big part of Catholic teaching. When you take that one foundation out their pillars all start to fall. Scripture then becomes living and for here and now.
I understand if Catholics are offended, I was once exactly there myself. While my son was praying us out, I was trying to pray him back in! I even had an encounter as a hospice nurse caring for a deacon that randomly said to be the keys to Peter are a lie, he told me to look at Jerome. I thought weird and still took me near 2 years after that to discover and uncover the truth. What I found shocked me and I can never unsee or go back.
Regardless as I used to tell my son in tense discussions what unites us exceeds what divides us. God knows our heart and at the right time...he's never late.
Something really bad happen in front of me when I was 4 and peace from The Lord fell over me and I heard His voice, Praise be to The Father, amidst the craziness, I heard His voice.
Completely agree. And I hope others wake up to the evils. I do believe wholeheartedly that is the reference in revelation for come out of her my children and the blood of the saints is on her drunk with saint's blood. When I discovered "we" are the saints...not the ones the catholics canonized, yeah just so much of the lies to perpetuate their unholy agenda. It's sickening.
It’s not a subtle lie. There are several documented exorcisms that could only be performed by priests AFTER other Christian denominations had tried to perform them to no avail. Laity, Protestants, Lutherans, etc can not perform exorcisms, only Catholic clergy. There’s a hierarchical structure in the spirit realm and although the demons detest anything holy and of God, they still abide by his rules and structure he has in place, because he is still the creator. Only an ordained Catholic priest can. Demons will simply not be cast out by laity. They will not listen. But, interestingly, our holy mother also has complete power over them. Whenever God allows her to intercede and appear in a possession, the demons flee. This is why Catholics ask in prayer for her to protect us. She is the ultimate kryptonite to demons in the spiritual war because she is a human completely free from sin, and Gods mother.
As I said, I used to believe all of that too. I was a cradle catholic and would defend the catholic church to the point of anger against the protestant view.
Until God showed me the truth and the scales fell off. There's a reason Jesus condemned the leaders of the day the Pharisees. All rules and rituals. The veil was torn we have total access to God the father and the son. Not thru man, Jesus knew man was corrupt. Look no further than your current pope.
Once I dug into transubstantiation when that actually took place. The crusades stuff that I thought was too complicated and I needed to have it deciphered from only Catholic sources, then I learned the truth. I understand you have your firmly held beliefs and that's okay. You will not change your perspective or me to you. I get it fully I was there.
I disagree that priests must perform exorcisms. I have seen laity do it but in Jesus's name. We are nothing without him, he is the vine we are the branches we must stay in him. Not an easy task. I have seen healings, lives changed, addictions crushed, miracles all in Jesus's name.
It's relationship he wants not religion. I experience peace now that does surpass all understanding when my focus is him. Take my eyes off like Peter in the boat and you go under.
Carlo Maria Viganò sure packs a punch with the letters and messages he's sent.
You don't need to worry about Jim. He is a faithful follower of Christ and is with the Holy Church Christ founded.
"Catholicism teaches more about pain and sacrifice, guilt and martyrs aka fear."
Ah....the is how Christ redeemed the world. Pick up your own cross and follow him daily as he commanded and stop worrying about Jim.
Yeah the NWO Freemasonic deep church went after the seat of Peter because it's the false church.
lol room temperature IQ in here.
Condemn not. Father forgive him/her. He knows nothing of what he speaks about.
Huge boost to credibility right here.
I thought so to. From the mention of adrenochrome, to the ships used to transport the children, to children being rescued from DUMBS, to Hollywood not being able to produce this kind of movie b/c of how many well known people are involved. I caught the sense that he was not only speaking because of his experience in Hollywood, but also from everything he’s seen and learned from working w/ Tim and Tim has just as much first hand knowledge as anyone. He’s the one rescuing these kids! It was all very affirmative to me and I pray God protects all of these people involved in this movie and rescuing these kids. I know they all have big targets on their backs. Jim knows it too and I loved how he talked about not being afraid b/c of God being with him and that we shouldn’t be afraid either. ❤️
Here's the full recording if you missed it. Sorry for YT but it's a backup non-monetized channel.
God help us.
The Sound of Freedom movie. Not released yet.
When does it release?
He says 4th quarter.
Anyone else noticed the evergreen style cargo ship come up in the preview for a split second?
He mentioned the ships. Not in this short version but in the longer clips in the comments here.
Ooo I will have to watch that. Thanks for letting me know.
They screened the movie at the Conference yesterday.
Jim and Tim Ballard at the Conference
that's so awesome, thanks for sharing! And didn't know he was in a Monte Cristo movie too, that's one of the best stories of crushing the elite. Makes me respect Mr. Caviezel even more.
That is one of my favorite movies.
That movie is awesome! I remember when it came out in the theatre. My sister and I went to go see it and we loved it so much we went and saw it again before it came out on video.
Yeah, he's one of the truly good ones.
I'm sensing a distancing between GAW and the FREEDOM and Health Conference as no mention f it in WinsAnon list and no stickies by the Mods. It kinda looks like it is in purpose. Makes me go hmmm.
Why would they want to distance themselves from the conference? I thought they stickied Gen Flynn’s speech but maybe I’m mistaken. ??♀️
It's puzzling, but conspicuous.
I wondered about the no stickies...
One of my favorite movies is Count of Monte Cristo 2002 with Jim Caviezel as Dantes. It’s really good, if you can find it.
“God will give me justice.”
That was awesome. This is the largest validation we have ever had. Because this topic is so horrible, I often doubted it myself - who want to believe it? But WE HAVE TO! We owe it those children, to get to the truth and expose this evil. We all must be brave. This is our time.
This is getting quite a bit of exposure, albeit conspiracy theory and Qanon angle, narratives all the same. A win IMO.
Many more...
The Lord picked Donald Trump. And it is the Lord and Donald Trump who will lead us out of this darkness.
Why don't you trust Tim Ballard? And what do you mean by Jim's general history?
General Flynn also spoke at this conference.
I watched this it is awesome! Let's get the word out.
Shared on my DickFace-book page. Let's see how many people I can wake up.
The ONLY way to get any traction is to post stuff in Comments on the opposition's posts and pages.
I did too but pretty sure it's suppressed.
When he cried and he got that ovation, I cried. Fuck I want these people to hang and I want to help.
Me too, fren. Me too!!!!
3 hours and not one like or comment on DickFace-book. Wake up people
Spread this too: Tim Ballard - Senate Judiciary Committee March 6th 2019
4th Quarter?!?!? That feels like a lifetime away.
These are the time of red pills needed. It's simple. It's direct.
What film is he talking about?
Wow, I just ended up in Twitter hell. No wonder people are so upset, it’s all pissy pant liberals. They are literally the minority.
Transcript of what he says on this page, scroll down:
do yourself a favor and watch the "mouthy buddha" channel on bitchute