Walt Disney was GAY! Explains a lot about Disney...
New book Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again says not only was Walt fond of trying on his mother's make-up, clothes and high heels when he was a child (RED FLAG #1), he also could never get an erection for women (RED FLAG #2).
Though married for 41 years, Walt kept an apartment in L.A. where he would meet with male hustlers (RED FLAG #3) including Ralph Ferguson, who alleges Walt paid him $100 for a night of sex, and also that Walt was popular among the rentboys as a "good mark."
Walt allegedly fell in love with child actor Bobby Driscoll (pictured above), the young star of 1946's Song of the South and the voice of Peter Pan in the 1953 animated film. Disney would give the young boy "wet sloppy kisses" (RED FLAG #EWWWW!).
"Ralph Ferguson, who alleges Walt paid him $100 for a night of sex,"
He might have been a needy fag, but nobody pays the near-equivalent of 3 troy ounces of gold ($105 circa 1950s, or $5,400 today) for butt-sex nightly.
Fabulists and fakirs attempting to profit by embellishing the unsavory reputations of others by adding in a little fan-fiction of their own often get themselves hung on historical details like inflation.
I know a guy that is in his mid 50's, extremely introverted and has a phobia of sound equipment that would love the role. He identifies as having those qualifications so he should be eligible right?
What really bothers me about this is 12 to 14 aren't old enough or mentally stable enough to be Trans. I have a very good friend who is trans. She had a ton of mental health issues before. Went to counseling did the whole shabang before actually getting the surgery. In Ontario that's what they do. She went through 3 years transitioning. Now let me tell you one thing I will always love her for who she is regardless because I know her as a human being first. Now fast forward 6 years and she regrets every bit of it. Why? Because her mental health was the issue and people so busy trying to push an agency coaxed her into it. Now my friend is over 55 years old and literally hates herself. Calls herself an abomination. THIS IS A 55 YEAR OLD ADULT. I can't even imagine trying to make a child make such a decision like that. As an adult you can make any decisions you want as long as its not hurting someone else. But this friend of mine literally becomes enraged at the thought of people trying to make kids make a decision like that. Places like Disney literally sensationalizing shit like this makes it a trend. So whats left of these beat up broken mentally tortured human beings after all these " trendsetters " are bored?! I can't even think of whats going to happen to these people. As Republicans who are against it. As am I. I guess my real question is will these people be accepted or just buried hidden or left to die so to speak or will they be also accepted with open arms when they become awake? Sorry for the long comment ?
Why are they looking for only female actresses? Doesn't that go against the entire narrative? Why couldn't a boy 'authentically' portray a transgender girl?
Inviting food to the buffet?
Walt Disney was GAY! Explains a lot about Disney...
New book Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again says not only was Walt fond of trying on his mother's make-up, clothes and high heels when he was a child (RED FLAG #1), he also could never get an erection for women (RED FLAG #2).
Though married for 41 years, Walt kept an apartment in L.A. where he would meet with male hustlers (RED FLAG #3) including Ralph Ferguson, who alleges Walt paid him $100 for a night of sex, and also that Walt was popular among the rentboys as a "good mark."
Walt allegedly fell in love with child actor Bobby Driscoll (pictured above), the young star of 1946's Song of the South and the voice of Peter Pan in the 1953 animated film. Disney would give the young boy "wet sloppy kisses" (RED FLAG #EWWWW!).
Driscoll says he was "dropped like garbage when I was no longer a cute little kid and I didn't appeal to [Walt] anymore." https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/49780673.html
"Ralph Ferguson, who alleges Walt paid him $100 for a night of sex,"
He might have been a needy fag, but nobody pays the near-equivalent of 3 troy ounces of gold ($105 circa 1950s, or $5,400 today) for butt-sex nightly.
Fabulists and fakirs attempting to profit by embellishing the unsavory reputations of others by adding in a little fan-fiction of their own often get themselves hung on historical details like inflation.
I know a guy that is in his mid 50's, extremely introverted and has a phobia of sound equipment that would love the role. He identifies as having those qualifications so he should be eligible right?
We should all apply en mass and fuck with them
"Searching for a female to play a male playing a female." Um, OK...
What really bothers me about this is 12 to 14 aren't old enough or mentally stable enough to be Trans. I have a very good friend who is trans. She had a ton of mental health issues before. Went to counseling did the whole shabang before actually getting the surgery. In Ontario that's what they do. She went through 3 years transitioning. Now let me tell you one thing I will always love her for who she is regardless because I know her as a human being first. Now fast forward 6 years and she regrets every bit of it. Why? Because her mental health was the issue and people so busy trying to push an agency coaxed her into it. Now my friend is over 55 years old and literally hates herself. Calls herself an abomination. THIS IS A 55 YEAR OLD ADULT. I can't even imagine trying to make a child make such a decision like that. As an adult you can make any decisions you want as long as its not hurting someone else. But this friend of mine literally becomes enraged at the thought of people trying to make kids make a decision like that. Places like Disney literally sensationalizing shit like this makes it a trend. So whats left of these beat up broken mentally tortured human beings after all these " trendsetters " are bored?! I can't even think of whats going to happen to these people. As Republicans who are against it. As am I. I guess my real question is will these people be accepted or just buried hidden or left to die so to speak or will they be also accepted with open arms when they become awake? Sorry for the long comment ?
I knew this would happen eventually, it still sucks when it comes around though.
Sounds like more Disney garbage that I will not give a cent to.
Walt Disney is heavily implied to be a satanist pedo, nazi and many more. Don’t watch Disney!
Watch this be a Chan op and now Disney is stuck making a movie that they know will tank
"her legal guardian". Hmm, thought there was no such thing as gender.
Ever see wreck it ralph? specifically the second one? that one is a huge grooming movie.
i seen 1st one never noticed anything, what specifically?
Small child basically in love with a grown adult. The second one really pushes this idea and its disturbing.
"Look at my junk, isn't it neat?
Soon gonna chop off that big flap of meat."
I'll bet Baphomet could play that role.
Why are they looking for only female actresses? Doesn't that go against the entire narrative? Why couldn't a boy 'authentically' portray a transgender girl?
And what about those who identify as such?
Homophobic bigots.
Saving money in advance
Pixar USED to make such phenomenal movies. Now they are truly forgettable as a Redbox rental
The last 3 are just boring. The feelings one was just depressing, The Mexican death one was just boring, Soul had no soul. Just waste of time